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Hermanson G.T. — Bioconjugate Techniques |
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Antigen-MHC complex 420
Antigenic determinants 499 552
Antigenic specificity 456
Antigenicity, of liposomal vesicles 549
Antigens 428
Antigens, attachment to liposomes 528
Antigens, detection of using fluorescently labeled antibodies 489
Antimisiaris 550
Antineoplastic 620
Antioxidants 410
Antiparallel 54
Aorta 196
APDP, general description and use 277
APDP, iodination of 416
Apkarian 620
Aplysia gonad lectin 601
Apple 102 424 550
Arabinose 27
Arginine 6
Arginine vasopressin, conjugation with cBSA 425
Arginine, pKa 7
Arginine, reaction of guanidinyl group with glyoxals 284
Arginine, reaction with APG 285
Arginine, reaction with glyoxal compounds 160
Argon laser 325 330
Argon-krypton mixed laser 325 330
Armstrong 375
Arsenate 632
Aryl amine 143
Aryl azides 254 276 375
Aryl azides, effect of hydroxyl groups on the ring 254
Aryl azides, effect of nitro groups on the ring 254
Aryl azides, general properties 214
Aryl azides, halogenated 163
Aryl azides, in biotinylation reagents 394
Aryl azides, iodinatable 415
Aryl azides, of ABH 282
Aryl azides, of ABNP 288
Aryl azides, of ANB-NOS 263
Aryl azides, of APDP 277
Aryl azides, of APG 285
Aryl azides, of ASBA 284
Aryl azides, of ASIB 276
Aryl azides, of HSAB 260
Aryl azides, of NHS-ASA 255
Aryl azides, of photobiotin 395
Aryl azides, of SADP 265
Aryl azides, of SAED (AMCA derivative) 268
Aryl azides, of SAND 263
Aryl azides, of SANPAH 261
Aryl azides, of SASD 257
Aryl azides, of sulfo-SAMCA (AMCA derivative) 272
Aryl azides, of sulfo-SAPB 267
Aryl azides, of sulfo-SBED 289
Aryl azides, perfluorinated 254 255
Aryl azides, reaction of 163
Aryl azides, reaction with sulfhydryls 254
Aryl azides, ring expansion of 254
Aryl halides 212 213
Aryl halides, chemistry of 143
Aryl halides, reactions of 149
Arylamines 31 111
Arylamines, formation by reaction with diflurobenzene derivatives 212
Arylating agents, reactions of 149
ASBA, general description and use 284
ASBA, iodination of 416
Ascorbic acid 19 29 142 630
Ascorbic acid for reductive amination 186
Ashwell 36 108 115
Asialofetuin, immobilized 501 522
ASIB, general description and use 276
Asparagine 6 36
Aspartic acid 6
Aspartic acid pKa 7
Aspergillus niger 634
Aspergillus Restrictus 497
Astatine 403
Atassi 96 129 614
Atha 313
Atkinson 196
ATP 19 51
ATPase 206 208 310 313 324
Atrial natriuretic factor 196
Autofluorescence 332
Avian sarcoma virus 208
Avidin 254 287 298 371 378 382 384 386 388 390 492 661
Avidin as bridging molecule 492 638
Avidin as egg-white protein 373
Avidin, activation with bis-hydrazides 222
Avidin, activation with sulfo-SMCC 576
Avidin, affinity constant with biotin 570
Avidin, binding to ABNP cross-links 288
Avidin, binding to biotinylated PE in liposomes 554
Avidin, binding to biotinylated phospholipids 554
Avidin, binding to sulfo-SBED cross-links 289
Avidin, biotin binding site 372
Avidin, comparison to streptavidin 571
Avidin, complex with biotinylated enzyme 493
Avidin, conjugation of 570
Avidin, conjugation of, reductive amination 580
Avidin, conjugation of, to ferritin using glutaraldehyde 583
Avidin, conjugation of, to HRP using reductive animation 581
Avidin, conjugation of, to liposomes 553
Avidin, conjugation of, using glutaraldehyde 583
Avidin, conjugation of, with enzymes using SMCC 576
Avidin, conjugation of, with ferritin using reductive amination 580
Avidin, conjugation of, with HRP using reductive amination 582
Avidin, conjugation of, with phycobiliproteins 363
Avidin, conjugation of, with phycoerythrin 588
Avidin, denaturation of 571
Avidin, double labeling systems using 585
Avidin, effect of periodate 294
Avidin, enzyme conjugate of 375 395 572 575
Avidin, fluorescent labeling of 574 584
Avidin, general description and use 570
Avidin, gold labeling of 602
Avidin, gold-labeled 574 596
Avidin, HABA binding characteristics 591
Avidin, hydrazide-activated 222 574 637
Avidin, immobilized 291 380 382 387 394
Avidin, interaction with biotin 373 488 570
Avidin, interaction with biotinylated antibodies 488 492
Avidin, interaction with biotinylated liposomes 558
Avidin, interaction with iminobiotin 372 380
Avidin, labeling with gold 603
Avidin, maleimide-activated 578
Avidin, modification with adipic dihydrazide 121 589
Avidin, modification with AMCA-NHS 587
Avidin, modification with FITC 585
Avidin, modification with Lissamine rhodamine sulfonyl chloride 586
Avidin, nonspecific binding properties 571
Avidin, optimal fluorescein labeling level 586
Avidin, optimal molar ratio to enzyme in conjugates 582
Avidin, phycoerythrin conjugation of 585
Avidin, preparation of conjugates 575
Avidin, purification using immobilized iminobiotin 381
Avidin, radiolabeled 574
Avidin, structure and properties 570
Avidin, thiolation of, using 2-iminothiolane 588
Avidin, thiolation of, using SATA 62 579
Avidin, toxin conjugate 495 574
Avidin, use as a bridge in immunoassays 572
Avidin, use in assay systems 572
Avidin-biotin assay 394
Avidin-biotin complex (ABC) 372 493
Avidin-biotin system 492 570
Avidin-enzyme conjugate 492
Avigad 31 108 116
Avrameas 22 187 220 453 470
Axon 322
| Azide 632
Aziridines in polyethylenimine 106
Aziridines, reactions of 148
Azlactone, formation from DCC reaction 180
AZT 93
B cell 208 620
B chain 499 502
B chain, blocking binding site of 501 517
B chain, blocking of by lactose cross-linker 501
B chain, cleavage from A chain 499
B chain, nonspecific binding 521 524
B chain, of diphtheria toxin 497
B chain, of plant toxins 497
B chain, of ricin, function of 497
B chain, removal of binding potential by affinity chromatogra-phy 501
B-PE see “PE biotinylated”
Bacha 75
Bachhawat 607 620
Bacillus stearothermopbilus 207
Backgrounds 490
bacteria 420 525
Baenziger 262 266
Baird 208
Bakkus 586
Balbinder 177
Ball 304
Ballmer-Hofer 260 262
Balls 128
Bangham 532
Bangs 243
Baranowska-Kortylcwicz 331
Barany 178
Barbieri 498
Barbour 473
Barley yellow dwarf virus 396
Bartel 422
Bartling 154 183 615
Basala 513
Base labile 198
Base pairing 40 384 639 647 663
BASED, general description and use 214
BASED, iodination of 416
Baskin 193 200 208
Batzri 532
Baues 31
Bayer 108 115 116 117 121 123 222 373 385 393 571 572 580 583 586 589 637
Bayne 208
Bayse 410
BCA protein assay 464 367
BCA protein assay reagent, assay of polyaldehyde dextran using 622
BCAs see “Bifunctional”
Beauchamp 155 184 616 617
Belew 486
Bendayan 599
Benesch 69 215
Benhamou 601
Benzaldehyde 32
benzene 608
Benzidine 224 349
Benzidine, diazotized 225
Benzidine, diazotized, use in preparing hapten-carrier conjugates 448
Benzoic acid 260 263 522
Benzophenone 254 255 276 279
Benzophenone of benzophcnone-4-malcimide 281
Benzophenone of benzophenone-4-iodo-acetamide 279
Benzophenone, photoactivation mechanism 279
Benzophenone, reactions of 164
Benzophenone-4-iodoacetamide 279 280
Benzophenone-4-iodoacetamide, general description and use 279
Benzophenone-4-maleimide, general description and use 280
Benzyl halides 147
Benzyl halides, reactions of 226
Berg 212
Berger 606 607
Bergmann 166
Bergstrom 607 617
Bernstein 620 621
Beth 173
Bethell 155 184
Beutncr 304
Bewley 78
Bidnchoninic acid 622 see
Biermann 36
Bifunctional chelating agents (BCAs) 365
Bifunctional chelating agents (BCAs), DOTA, NOTA, and TETA 367
Bifunctional chelating agents (BCAs), DTPA 365
Bifunctional chelating agents (BCAs), DTTA 368
Bifunctional chelating agents (BCAs), general description and use 365
Bigelow 310
Bilayer membranes 528 533 537 540 558
Bilayer membranes, effect of cholesterol 537
Bilayer membranes, stabilizing in presence of organic solvent 547
Bilin prosthetic groups 362 588
Biliproteins 362
Biliproteins, conjugation with avidin or streptavidin 588
Bimbaumer 59
Binder 595
Binkley 35
Biocompatibility 605
Biocompatibility, effect of PEG modification 606
Biocytin 392
Biocytin hydrazide, general description and use 392
Biocytin hydrazide, glycoprotein labeling protocol 393
Biocytin in constructing trifunc-tional cross-linkers 287
Biocytin in p-aminobenzoyl biocytin 398
Biocytin of sulfo-SBED 289
Biocytin, as fundamental unit of sulfo-SBED 375
Biocytin, general description and use 375
Biocytin, hydrazide derivative 637
Biocytin, reaction with biotinidasc 375
Biocytin, use in trifunctional cross-linking reagents 375
Biotin 75 254 371 356 592 637 661
Biotin of ABNP 288
Biotin, analog of 372
Biotin, general description and use 373 570
Biotin, importance of valeric acid side chain 373
Biotin, interaction with avidin 570
Biotin, interaction with streptavidin 571
Biotin, lysine derivative of 375
Biotin, modification of biomolecules with 591
Biotin, modification of dextran with 620
Biotin, modification of phycobiliproteins with 363
Biotin, NHS ester derivative of 375
Biotin, protein cofactor 19
Biotin, reactive derivatives of 372
Biotin, use in assay systems 572
Biotin-11-dUTP 656
Biotin-binding sites 492
Biotin-BMCC 660
Biotin-BMCC, general description and use 384
Biotin-BMCC, modification of -galactosidase with 638
Biotin-BMCC, modification of sulfhydryl-DNA probes 660
Biotin-BMCC, protein modification protocol 386
Biotin-dATP 656
Biotin-dCTP 656
Biotin-dUTP 656
Biotin-HPDP, general description and use 386
Biotin-HPDP, protein modification protocol 388
Biotin-hydrazide 32 662
Biotin-hydrazide, comparison to NHS-LC-biotin 379
Biotin-hydrazide, coupling to cytosine groups 661
Biotin-hydrazide, cytosine modification with 646
Biotin-hydrazide, general description and use 390
Biotin-hydrazide, glycoprotein labeling protocol 392
Biotin-LC-hydrazide, general description and use 391
Biotin-LC-hydrazide, glycoprotein labeling protocol 392
Biotinidase 375
Biotinylated antibody 488
Biotinylation of antibodies 476 388 392
Biotinylation of DNA 656
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