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Hermanson G.T. — Bioconjugate Techniques |
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Biotinylation of enzymes 638
Biotinylation of liposomes 553
Biotinylation of PE 554
Biotinylation reagents 298
Biotinylation reagents, amine-reactive 373
Biotinylation reagents, basic design of 372
Biotinylation reagents, carbonyl-reactive 390
Biotinylation reagents, cleavable 292 382
Biotinylation reagents, genera] description and use 371
Biotinylation reagents, importance of spacer arm length 372
Biotinylation reagents, photoreactive 394 570
Biotinylation reagents, sulfhydryl-reactive 384
Biotinylation reagents, techniques of 590
Biotinylation, determining the level of 386 591
Biotinylation, use in avidin/strcptavidin interactions 570
Bis(2,3-cpoxypropyl)ether 221
Bis(sulfosuccinimidyl)suberate see “BS3”
Bis-aldchyde 118 214 218
Bis-alkylhalide 209
Bis-epoxides 220
Bis-hydrazides 121
Bis-maleimide 209
Bis-maleimidohexane see “BMH”
Bis-mercurial salts 208
Bis-thiosulfonates 209
Bis-[b-(4-azidosalicylamido)-ethyl]disulfide see “BASED”
Bismuth-212 365
Bisulfite 313 315 328 339 346 357 390
Bisulfite, reaction with cytosine 44
Bis[2-(succinimidyloxycar-bonyloxy)ethyl]sulfone see “BSOCOES”
Bis[2-(sulfosuccinimidooxy-carbonyloxy)ethyl]-sulfone see “sulfo-BSOCOES”
Bitetta 500
Bizzini 427
Bjom 504
Blass 217
Blattlcr 59 96
Bleomycin, coupling to oxidized dextran 527
Blobel 173
Blocking agents 125 145
Blocking agents to quench reactive sites 126
Blocking agents, reversible 126
Blood coagulation cascade 394
Blood group determinants 537
Blood-brain barrier 252
Blotting 379 373 384 594
Blotting, gold labeling in 593
Bloxham 209
BMH, general description and use 211
Boas 373
Bobbitt 31 114
Bocher 626
Bodanszky 571
BODIPY 493/503 C3 hy-drazide, general properties and use 348
BODIPY 530/550 1A, general description and use 351
BODIPY 530/550 C3 hy-drazide, general properties and use 346
BODIPY 530/550 C3, general properties and use 344
BODIPY 530/550 C3-SE, genera! properties and use 344
BODIPY FL C3 hydrazide, general properties and use 349
BODIPY FL C3-SE, general properties and use 342
BODIPY FL IA, general description and use 350
BODIPY fluorophorcs aldehyde- and ketone-reactive 346
BODIPY fluorophorcs aldehyde- and ketone-reactive, amine-reactive 342
BODIPY fluorophorcs aldehyde- and ketone-reactive, fluorescent quenching properties 342
BODIPY fluorophorcs aldehyde- and ketone-reactive, general properties and use 341
BODIPY fluorophorcs aldehyde- and ketone-reactive, sulfhydryl-reacrivc 350
Bog-Hansen 601
Bolkicke 626
Bolton 401 312
Bolton-Huntcr reagent 111 297 391 see
Bombesin receptors 201
Bonnard 372 377 584 597 602 604
Boorsma 472 384
Boranes, for reductive amination 186
Boron neutron capture therapy 495
Boron-10 365
Boronate, in argininc/glyoxal reactions 284
Bouizar 198
Bovine brain 274
Bovine serum albumin see “BSA”
Bower 209 211
Boyer 182 394
Boyle 323 325 328
Br-BODIPY 493/503, general description and use 353
Braatz 605
BRAB 492 572 575 637
Bragg 139 188 196 609
Brandon 208
Brandt 620
Braun 212
Brechbiel 367 368
Brew 12 205
Brewer 130 148
Briand 453
Bridged avidin-biotin system see “BRAB”
Bright 301 302
Brij-35 82
Brillhart 223
Brinkley 245 305
Brocklchurst 133
Brome mosaic virus 286
Bromelain 478
Bromination, of purines 48
Bromination, pyrimidines 46
Bromine 403 647
Bromine, reaction with pyrimidines 46
Bromoacetate 98
Bromoacetate for blocking sulfhydryls 131
Bromoacetate, 2-Bromoethylamine 107
Bromoacetate, Bromoacetyl, reactions of 147
Bromoacetate, general description and use 106
Bromoacetate, p-Bromoacetamidobenzyl-TETA 368
Bromomethyl 350 353
Bromophenol blue 81
Bronckers 602
Brooks 215
Brown 44 177
Browne 204
Browning 200
Brunner 255
Brunswick 100 158 620 623 624 628
BSA 57 103 305 322 326 336 601
BSA in the stabilization of antibody-gold sols 601
BSA, activation with sulfo-SMCC 441
BSA, conjugation with tyrosyl-lysine 432
BSA, conjugation with [Met5]-enkephalin using EDC 433
BSA, functional groups 423
BSA, maleimide-activated, determination of sulf-hydryl coupling capacity 443
BSA, PEG modification of 606
BSA, solubility in the presence of DMSO 426
BSA, stabilization of colloidal gold suspensions using 595
BSA, use as carrier 423
BSOCOES base cleavabiliry of 296
BSOCOES, general description and use 198
Bugawan 573
Bums 83
Bunnctt 15
Burrows 193
Burtnick 304
Butanol 507 667
Butler 94 96 129 379
Byrne 633
C-phycocyanin 588
C-terminal, pKa 7
C1q 387
Caamano 195
Cabacungan 31 142 186
CAD protein 207
Cadaverine, in 5-(biotin-amido)pentylamine 394
CAI 164 254
Calcitonin receptors 198
| Calcium 212 394
Calmodulin 196 274
Campbell 280 322
Cancer 298 365 388 517 552
Cancer, targeting with liposomes 528
Cancer, therapy of 496
Carbamate 156 158 184 202 611
Carbamate linkages 142
Carbenes 164 165
Carbenes, formed from photolysis of diazopyruvates 272
Carbobydrazide 121 122 123 125
Carbobydrazide of Lucifer Yellow CH 361
Carbobydrazide, general description and use 223
Carbobydrazide, modification of avidin or strcptavidin with 589
Carbobydrazide, modification of phosphates 124
Carbobydrazide, reaction with aldehydes 121
Carbodiimides 93 101 102 107 109 136 222 283 355 556 623
Carbodiimides, chemistry of 144
Carbodiimides, CMC 177
Carbodiimides, DCC 177
Carbodiimides, DIC, ISO EDC 170
Carbodiimides, for coupling hydrazides to carboxylates 123
Carbodiimides, in coupling ASBA to carboxylates 284
Carbodiimides, in formation of NHS esters 139
Carbodiimides, in liposome conjugation 41
Carbodiimides, in modification of phosphates with bis-hydrazides 124
Carbodiimides, modification of proteins with bis-hydrazide compounds using 589
Carbodiimides, quenching with 2-mercap-tocthanol 438
Carbodiimides, reaction of 154
Carbodiimides, reaction with AMCA 332
Carbodiimides, reaction with biocytin 375
Carbodiimides, reaction with biotin-hydrazide 390
Carbodiimides, reaction with carboxylate-PEG 614
Carbodiimides, reaction with cystamine 515
Carbodiimides, reaction with lipid derivatives 539
Carbodiimides, reaction with phosphate groups of nucleotides 52
Carbodiimides, reagents 169
Carbodiimides, use in hapten-carrier conjugation 429
Carbohydrates 110 114 223 313 314 339
Carbohydrates of antibody molecules 459
Carbohydrates of avidin 571
Carbohydrates on proteins 20
Carbohydrates, activation of hydroxyls 33
Carbohydrates, anhydrides 146
Carbohydrates, basic sugar components 27
Carbohydrates, conjugation using 251
Carbohydrates, conjugation using carbonyl- and sulfhydryl-reactive cross-linkers 249
Carbohydrates, conjugation using MPBH 250
Carbohydrates, conjugation using PDPH 252
Carbohydrates, coupling to carriers by reductive amination 454
Carbohydrates, coupling to carriers for immunogen preparation 39
Carbohydrates, coupling to carriers, using a diazonium reaction 446
Carbohydrates, cross-linking methods 37
Carbohydrates, detection using hydrazide compounds 121
Carbohydrates, detection using hydrazide-avidin 589
Carbohydrates, detection with hydrazide compounds 32
Carbohydrates, detection with lectin-gold probes 601
Carbohydrates, functional groups 28
Carbohydrates, glycoprotein attachment points 36
Carbohydrates, gold-labeled 596
Carbohydrates, hydrogen bonding 36
Carbohydrates, hydroxyl group nuclco-philicity 33
Carbohydrates, isocyanates 159
Carbohydrates, labeling with biotin-hydrazide 390
Carbohydrates, labeling with Cascade Blue hydrazide 357
Carbohydrates, labeling with Lucifer Yellow CH 361
Carbohydrates, labeling with Texas Red hydrazide 330
Carbohydrates, modification anhydrides 91
Carbohydrates, modification b-(p-aminophenyl)-ethylamine 31
Carbohydrates, modification chloroacetic acid 34
Carbohydrates, modification diamines 107
Carbohydrates, modification epoxides 33
Carbohydrates, modification through amino-sugars 34
Carbohydrates, modification through phospho-sugars 34
Carbohydrates, modification with AMBH 71
Carbohydrates, oxidases 157
Carbohydrates, oxidation by sodium periodate 29
Carbohydrates, oxidation with oxidases 116
Carbohydrates, oxidation with periodate 475
Carbohydrates, oxidation with sodium periodate 114
Carbohydrates, periodate 157
Carbohydrates, reaction with ABH 282
Carbohydrates, reducing ends 31
Carbohydrates, structure 34
Carbohydrates, structure, functionality and 27
Carbohydrates, thiolation of 371
Carbohydrates, using PDPH 371
Carbohydrates, within antibody molecules 458
Carbon dioxide 153 183
Carbonates 184
Carbonates, chemistry of 142
Carbonic acid, dicster derivative of 142
Carbonic dihydrazide see “carbohydrazide”
Carbonyl addition mechanism 8
Carbonyl, reaction with 250
Carbonyl, reaction with MPBH 249
Carbonyl, reaction with PDPH 252
Carbonylating agent 153 155 183
Carboxylates in the formation of anhydrides 145
Carboxylates, activation with CDI 183
Carboxylates, blocking of 136
Carboxylates, coupling to hydrazides 222
Carboxylates, formation of 90
Carboxylates, formation of NHS esters from 139
Carboxylates, formation using cyclic anhydrides 90
Carboxylates, formation using succinic anhydride 91
Carboxylates, modification with bis-hydrazides 121 123
Carboxylates, modification with diamines 101
Carboxylates, reaction of 7 152
Carboxylates, reaction with ASBA 284
Carboxylates, reaction with carbodiimides 144 154
Carboxylates, reaction with CDI 153
Carboxylates, reaction with diazo compounds 153
Carboxylates, reaction with EDC 170
Carboxymethylcysteinyl derivative 98 147
Cardoza 310
Carhoxylation 373
Carhoxymcthylhomocysteine 99 147
Carlsson 64 140 191 231 504 565
Carpenter 105
Carraway 172 176 338
Carriers 112 212 224
Carriers of low immunogenidty 421
Carriers, BSA 423
Carriers, cBSA 423
Carriers, colloidal gold 429
Carriers, definition of 420
Carriers, dextran 620
Carriers, KLH 422
Carriers, MAP 428
Carriers, nonrelevant 426
Carriers, OVA 426
Carriers, proteins 422
Carriers, synthetic 428
Carriers, thyroglobulin 426
Carriers, types 421
Caruthers 93
Casanova 274
Cascade Blue acctyl azide, general description and use 354
Cascade Blue cadaverine, general description and use 355
Cascade Blue ethylenedi-amine, general description and use 355
Cascade Blue fluorophores, amine-reactive derivatives 354
Cascade Blue fluorophores, general description and use 354
Cascade Blue hydrazide, general description and use 357
Cascade Blue hydrazide, use with Lucifer Yellow CH 361
Casein, amine-blocked 126
Casein, succinylated 92
Castaneda 666
Castor beans 497
Cater 215
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