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Hermanson G.T. — Bioconjugate Techniques |
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Cationization 102
Cationized BSA see “cBSA”
Caufidd 194
cBSA 450
cBSA in the Mannich reaction 450
cBSA, conjugation to 17 -estradiol using the Mannich reaction 453
cBSA, conjugation with arginine vasopressin 425
cBSA, conjugation with IgG 425
cBSA, conjugation with phenol red using the Mannich reaction 451
cBSA, OVA conjugate 425
cBSA, pl of 423
cBSA, use as carrier 423
CD4 62 250
CDI 29 33 611
CDI in the formation of carbonates 142
CDI, activation of carboxylate groups 615
CDI, activation of hydroxyl groups 615
CDI, activation of mPEG with 616
CDI, activation of PEG with 615
CDI, as zero-length cross-linker 183
CDI, comparison with suc-cinimidyl carbonate coupling 615
CDI, general description and use 183
CDI, hydrolysis rate 615
CDI, reaction with carboxylates 153
CDI, reaction with hydroxyls 155
Cell death 298 394 399 503 552
Cell death, nonspecific 501 502 517
Cell sorting, using fluores-cently labeled antibodies 489
Cells, iodination of 409
Cells, malignant 494
Cells, periodate oxidation of 314
Cellulose 33 35
Cellulose, modification with acetic anhydride 91
Cellulose, reaction with acetic anhydride 146
Central nervous system 375
Centrifugal concentrator 508 509 510 511 664
Centrifugal flotation 565
Ceramide 536
Cerebrosides 539
Chamberlain 239
Chamow 250 618
Chang 209 211
Chantler 209 211
Chaotropes 152
Chaotropic agent 485
Chase 170
Chattopadhyay 258
Chazotte 324
Chehab 321 322
chelaring agents Beaucagc 53
Chelating compounds 486 390 392
Chelating polymers 366 370
Chelsky 193
Chemiluminescent probe 670
Chemoimmunoconj ugates, preparation using oxidized dextran 527
Chemotactic agent 495
Chemotherapeutic agent 494
Chemotherapeutic agent, encapsulation in lipo-somes 552
Chemotherapy 494
Chen 131 301
Cheng 304
Chetrit 396
Chickens 534
Childs 396
Chitin 34
Chitosan 34
Chloramine-T 259 301 305 307 310 391
Chloramine-T in the iodinarion of SHPP 414
Chloramine-T, general description and use 403
Chloramine-T, immobilized 405
Chloramine-T, iodination protocol 404
Chlorine 406
Chloroacetic acid 33
Chloroacetic acid, general description and use 100
Chloroacetic acid, modification of dextran with 158 624 625
Chloroauric acid 597
Chloroauric acid, reduction with sodium ascorbate 598
Chloroauric acid, reduction with sodium borohydride 597
Chloroauric acid, reduction with sodium citrate 597 598
Chloroauric acid, reduction with white phosphorus 598
Chloroform 409 531 544 546 550 558
Chlorophyll 362
Chloroplast coupling factor 310
Chlorotriazine 501
Cholesterol 528 531 537 538 541 547 550 552 555 559 565 566
Chonn 537
Chowdhry 274
Chu 72 109 144 154 169 170 649 651 653
Chymotrypsin 280
Cibacron Blue, immobilized, in the purification of immunotoxins 513
Cimino 46
cis-9-hexadeccnoic acid see “Palmitoleic acid”
cis-tetrahydro-2-oxothieno-[3,4-d]-imidazoline-4-valeric acid hydrazide see “Biotin-hydrazide”
Citiolone see “N-Acetyl homocysteinc thiolactone”
Citraconic acid 559
Citraconic anhydride, as a reversible blocking agent 127 128
Citraconic anhydride, general description and use 96
Citraconylamide 96
Clausen 304
Cleavable reagent systems 292
Cleland 85
Cleland's Reagent see “DTT DTE”
Clerc 595
CMC, general description and use 177
CMC, reaction with uracil 46
Cobra venom factor, conjugation using SIAB 517
Cobra venom factor, conjugation using SMCC 519
Cobra venom factor, oxidation with sodium periodate 525
Cobra venom phospholipase A2 263
Cocco 308 CoCl2 643
Coenzyme A 19
Coenzyme R see “Biotin”
Cofactors 19 373
Cofactors of glucose oxidase 634
Cohen 641
Cohn 423
Cole 98 105 107 147 497
Coleman 180
Collagen 221
Collier 427 397
Collioud 166
Colloidal gold, advantages of 596
Colloidal gold, antibody labeling of 600
Colloidal gold, as immunogen carrier 429
Colloidal gold, assay of gold/protein solstability 596
Colloidal gold, electrolyte-mediated coagulation 594
Colloidal gold, general properties and use 593
Colloidal gold, labeling with avidin or streptavidin 603
Colloidal gold, labeling with protein A 599
Colloidal gold, lectin labeling of 601
Colloidal gold, monitoring pH of 598
Colloidal gold, preparation of 597
Colloidal gold, preparation of mono-disperse suspensions 597
Colloidal gold, preparation of protein complexes of 594
Colloidal gold, properties and use 593
Colloidal gold, protein labeling guidelines 595
Colloidal gold, silver enhancement 593
Colman 133
Colombatti 498 504
Colon cancer 624
Colony-stimulating factor 193 196
Complementary sequence 40
Complimentarity-deter-mining regions 456
Con A 266
Condensation 169
Confocal microscopy 325
Conjugation, using multi-step protocols 24
Conjugation, using single-step protocols 23 187
Conjugation, using two-step protocols 188
Conn 201
| Conrad 196 377
Cooper 209
Coordination complex 365 367 386
copper 422
Copper-67 365
Corynebacterium diphtheriae 497
Cosmetics, liposome encapsulation 528
Coulter 458
Coumarin 270 302 338
Coumarin, aldehyde- and ketone-reactive derivatives 339
Coumarin, carboxylate-reactive 153
Coumarin, energy transfer to fluorescein 332
Coumarin, general description and use 331
Coumarin, group within SAED 269
Coumarin, labeling of avidin with 587
Coumarin, sulfhydryl-reactive derivatives 335
Coupling factor 1 208
Covalent chromatography 208
Cover 208
Cox 367 368
Cramer 600
Crestfield 98 147
Crissman 302
Crook 429 596
Cross-bridge 229
Cross-bridge of ABH 282
Cross-bridge of ANB-NOS 263
Cross-bridge of APDP 279
Cross-bridge of APG 285
Cross-bridge of ASBA 284
Cross-bridge of ASIB 276
Cross-bridge of biotinylarion reagents 372
Cross-bridge of GMBS 243
Cross-bridge of HSAB 260
Cross-bridge of MBS 238 522
Cross-bridge of NPIA 248
Cross-bridge of SADP 266
Cross-bridge of SAED 269
Cross-bridge of SANPAH 261
Cross-bridge of SIAB 240
Cross-bridge of SIAC 247
Cross-bridge of SIAX 245
Cross-bridge of SIAXX 246
Cross-bridge of SMPB 242
Cross-bridge of SMPT 232
Cross-bridge of sulfo-LC-SMPT 235
Cross-bridge of sulfo-NHS-LC-ASA 256
Cross-bridge of sulfo-SAMCA 272
Cross-bridge of sulfo-SBED 291
Cross-bridge, deavable 229 292
Cross-bridge, diol-cleavable 294
Cross-bridge, disulfide-containing 293
Cross-bridge, immunogenicity of 441
Cross-bridge, SAND 264
Cross-bridge, used in immunotoxin conjugates 499
Cross-linkers, arginine-reactive and pho-roreacrive 284
Cross-linkers, base-cleavable 296
Cross-linkers, carbonyl-reactive and photoreacrive 282
Cross-linkers, carbonyl-reactive andsulfhydryl-reactive 248
Cross-linkers, carboxylate-reactive and photoreactive 283
Cross-linkers, cell permeant and impermeant 190
Cross-linkers, cleavable 292
Cross-linkers, cleavable, APDP 277
Cross-linkers, cleavable, cleavage using-DTT 79
Cross-linkers, cleavable, disulfide-cleavable 293
Cross-linkers, cleavable, dithionite-deavable 295
Cross-linkers, cleavable, hydroxylamine-cleavable 295
Cross-linkers, cleavable, in immunotoxin conjugate design 499
Cross-linkers, cleavable, periodate-cleavable 294
Cross-linkers, cleavable, SADP 265
Cross-linkers, cleavable, SAED 269
Cross-linkers, cleavable, SAND 264
Cross-linkers, cleavable, sulfo-SBED 291
Cross-linkers, heterobifunctional 228
Cross-linkers, homobifunctional 187
Cross-linkers, immunogenicity of 441
Cross-linkers, iodinatable 311 312 415
Cross-linkers, sulfhydryl-reactive determination of activity with SAMSA-fluorescein 311
Cross-linkers, sulfhydryl-reactive photoreactive, and 275
Cross-linkers, trifunctional 287
Cross-linkers, zero-length 144 154 169 181 185 525
Cross-linking chemistry 137
Cross-linking, multi-step protocols 228
Cross-linking, reagents 167
Cross-linking, site-directed 228
Cross-linking, strategies with proteins 22
Cross-linking, using homobifunctional reagents 23
Cross-linking, using single-step protocols 187
Cross-linking, using two-step protocols 188
Cryoprotectants 533 605
CSF-1 195
Cuatrecasas 93 139 140 172 191 209 346 571 609
Cubie 574
Cumber 65 397 501 504 517 522
CVF 497
Cyanide 632
Cyanobacteria 362
Cyanogen bromide 33
Cyanuric chloride 33 see
Cyclic AMP 52
Cyclohexane 567 576
Cystamine 652 653 660 663
Cystamine in the preparation of immunotoxins 514
Cystamine, coupling to lactose 501
Cystamine, modification of DNA with 651
Cystamine, modification of oligonucleotides 76
Cystamine, reaction with proteins 75
Cystamine, reduction of 501
Cystamine, use for thiolation 72
Cysteine 6 85 91 95 98 104 107 240 327 310 342 380
Cysteine, added during peptide synthesis 441
Cysteine, ammoethylated 105
Cysteine, biotinylation of 384
Cysteine, blocking of 129
Cysteine, blocking with iodoacetamide 131
Cysteine, detection using Ellinan's reagent 89
Cysteine, modification with 2-bromoethylamine 106
Cysteine, peptide haptens containing 439
Cysteine, pKa 9
Cysteine, reaction 12
Cysteine, reaction with anhydrides 146
Cysteine, reaction with haloacetyl compounds 147
Cysteine, reaction with maleimide-activated BSA 443
Cysteine, reaction with sodium tetrathionate 131
Cysteine, site-directed coupling through 22
Cystine 9 56 68 86 107
Cystine, reduction using DTT 76 77
Cytochemical staining 358 484
Cytochemical staining, using avidin-biotin interactions 574
Cytochrome 559 196
Cytochrome c 630
Cytochrome c reductase 196
Cytochrome oxidase 212
Cytochrome P-450 193 200 208
Cytochrome P-450 reductase 208
Cytokeratin 196
Cytosine 31 313 346
Cytosine, activation with bromine compounds 647
Cytosine, biotin derivative of 656
Cytosine, hydrazide derivative of 313
Cytosine, hydrogen bonding 53
Cytosine, labeling with Cascade Blue hydrazide 357
Cytosine, labeling with fluorescein probes 315
Cytosine, labeling with Lissainine rhodamine B sulfonyl hydrazine 328
Cytosine, labeling with Lucifer Yellow CH 361
Cytosine, mercuration of 46
Cytosine, modification with AMCA-hydrazide 339
Cytosine, modification with biotin-hydrazide 390 661
Cytosine, reaction with bisulfite 44 645
Cytosine, structure and reactivity 42
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