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Hermanson G.T. — Bioconjugate Techniques |
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Iodoacetyl of NPIA 248
Iodoacetyl of SIAB 239 517
Iodoacetyl of SIAC 247
Iodoacetyl of SIAX 245
Iodoacetyl of tetramethylrhodamine-5-(and 6)-iodoacetamide 326
Iodoacetyl, derivatives of fluorescein 307
Iodoacetyl, dextran-modified 628
Iodoacetyl, light instability of 240
Iodoacetyl, modified PE 568
Iodoacetyl, use in immunotoxin conjugation 516
Iodoacetyl-LC-biotin, general description and use 388
Iodoacetyl-LC-biotin, protein modification protocol 389
Ion-exchange chromatography 666
Iron 368 580 634
Iron complexes 370
Irvin 498
Isaacs 328
Ishi 386
Ishikawa 235 236 478 519 566
Isocyanates, chemistry of 138
Isocyanates, derived from acetyl azide group 355
Isocyanates, reactions of 158
Isoelectric focusing 103
Isoleucine 5
Isomaltose 525
Isomaltose as repeating unit of dextran 620
Isopropanol 556
Isothiocyanate 31
Isothiocyanate of DTTA 369
Isothiocyanate of FITC 303 304 585
Isothiocyanate of PDLTC 666
Isothiocyanate of TRITC 317
Isothiocyanate, chemistry of 138
Isotopes 298
Isourea 138 154
Ito 153
Iwai 243
Iyer 53
Izzo 375
J chain 457
Jablonski 665
Jackson 593
Jaffe 295
Jagannath 575
Janes 577
Jansons 559
Jay 173
Jayabaskaran 88
Jeanloz 34
Jeffamine 101 110 618 645
Jeffrey 31
Jellum 69 86
Jemmerson 599
Jennings 173
Jentoft 36
Jeon 394
Ji 144 203 214 217 255 256 260 266
Jobbagy 138 303 304
Johansson 607
Johnson 149 633
Johnston 208
Joiris 365 370
Jones 80 126 322 331
Joshi 193
Jue 58
Jung 194 266
Kagedal 486
Kakkad 194 196
Kalsbeek 484
Kan 321 322
Kandel 427
Kang 270
Kaplan 121 205
Kappa chains 457
Kareva 212
Kasina 365
Kassis 331
Kato 633
Katz 412
Kawamura 489
Kawamura, Jr. 298 302
Kawaoi 115 472
Kay 208 631
Keana 163 254
Kearney 243
Keen 486 505
Keighley 400
Keller 46 395 641 647 666
Kellogg 320 322
Kenny 59
Kent 204
Keresztes-Nagy 91
Ketene amide intermediate 165
Ketene amide intermediate of diazopyruvate photolysis 272
Ketoamine 141
Ketoketenimine 182
Ketones, chemistry of 141
Ketones, coupling by reductive animation 185
Ketones, reaction of 159
Ketones, reaction with hydrazides 223
Ketose 27
Keyhole limpet hemocyanin see “KLH”
Keyhole limpets 422
Khalfan 332
Khan 395
Khanna 305
Khorana 649
Kiehm 144 203 255
Kim 193 533 632
Kimura 601
King 59 134 151 375
Kinsella 96 129
Kiraly 138 303
Kirley 83
Kirschner 322
Kitagawa 239
Kiyama 666
Klamerth 215
Klapper 96 128
Kleppe 133
KLH 426 435 436 444
KLH, conjugation with tyrosyllysine using EDC 433
KLH, functional groups of 423
KLH, precipitation of 433
KLH, solubility of 422
KLH, solubility of, in the presence of DMSO 423
KLH, use as a carrier 422
Klibanov 607
Klotz 70 91 96 128
Knauf 606
Knoller 194 196
Knowles 165 215
Knutson 301
Kobayashi 621
Kohn 221 227
Konigsberg 79 209 210
Konishi 285
Konno 308 310
Kopecek 605
Korn 453 532
Kornblatt 212
Kornfield 20 36
Koshland 144 154 169 172 173 177
Kotite 173
Kovacic 209 211
Kozulic 222
Kraehenbuhl 117
Kricka 49 641
Krieg 263
Kronick 362
| Kull 196
Kumar 641 654
Kung 552
Kurstak 474
Kurzchalia 379
Kuwata 88
Kwong 215
l,3-Difluoro-4,6-dinitrobenzene see “DFDNB”
l,5-Difluoro-2,3-dinitrobenzene see “DFDNB”
l-(p-Azidosalicylamido)-4-(iodoacetamido) butane see “ASIB”
LAB 492 572 575 578
Labbe 208
Labeled avidin-biotin system see “LAB”
Laburthe 193
Lacey 395
Lactate dehydrogenase 208 286
Lactoperoxidase in the iodination of proteins 410
Lactoperoxidase, immobilized 410
Lactose 35
Lactose synthetase 205
Lactose, designed into cross-linker 501
Lactose, modification with cystamine 501
Lactose, plant toxin binding of 497
Lactosylceramide 541 548
Laemmli 80
Lake 212
Lakowicz 302
Lambda chains 457
Lambert 59 233 499 500 504 509 516 519
Landau 594
Lane 420 457 490
Lange 131
Langer 640 656
Langone 412
Lanier 355
Lanteigne 366
Lanthanide 368
Lapidot 556
LaRochelle 377
Larsson 178
Latex particles 552
Lavender oil 331
LC-SPDP 65 231 232
LC-SPDP for immunotoxin preparation 504
LC-SPDP in the conjugation of phycobiliproteins 364
LC-SPDP, activation of liposomes 547
LC-SPDP, activation of PE 544
LDL 390
Leary 379 656 661
Lecithin 531 (see also “Phosphatidyl choline”
Lectins 262 266 548
Lectins, binding to liposomes 548
Lectins, gold labeling of 601
Lectins, gold-labeled 596
Lectins, hydrazide-activated 637
Lectins, plant toxins 497
Lee 196 207 313 361 377 394 403 407 428 608
Leffak 208
Lehrer 386
Lennarz 36
Lerner 239
Leserman 549 553
Lethias 599
Leucine 5
Leukemia virus 208
Levison 83
Lewis 263
Li 78 367 400
LiCl 643
Liener 131 478
Light chains 457
Light microscopy 593
Lindley 106
Lipid A 550
Lipid bilayers 427
Lipids 529
Lipids, activation and derivarization 540
Lipids, detergent-assisted solubilization of 532
Lipids, functional derivatives of 539
Lipids, functional groups of 539
Lipids, gold-labeled 596
Lipids, mechanical dispersion of 532
Lipids, periodate oxidation of glycolipids 541
Lipids, protection from oxidation 531
Lipids, solvent-mediated dispersion of 532
Lipids, sphingosine derivatives 536
Lipids, types of 534
Lipopolysaccharides 36 258
Lipoproteins 19 207
Lipoproteins, gold-labeled 596
Liposome immunosorbent assay (LISA) 553
Liposomes 243
Liposomes, activation with SPDP 547
Liposomes, adjuvant effect of 549
Liposomes, antibody conjugates with 494
Liposomes, attachment of haptens to surface 550
Liposomes, biotinylated 553 554
Liposomes, chemical constituents of 533
Liposomes, cholesterol incorporation 537
Liposomes, conjugation to antigens or haptens 549
Liposomes, conjugation to avidin 553
Liposomes, conjugation to peptide haptens 552
Liposomes, conjugation to proteins 541 556
Liposomes, conjugation to proteins using glutaraldehyde 561
Liposomes, conjugation to proteins using iodoacetyl groups 568
Liposomes, conjugation to proteins using SMCC 567
Liposomes, conjugation to proteins using SMPB 565
Liposomes, conjugation to proteins, using the avidin-biotin interaction 558
Liposomes, conjugation to using lectins 548
Liposomes, conjugation to, antibodies using NHS-palmitate 556
Liposomes, conjugation to, with antibodies 552
Liposomes, cryoprotectants used to stabilize 533
Liposomes, detergent-assisted solubilization of 532
Liposomes, encapsulation with hapten molecules 550
Liposomes, filled with cytotoxic agents 494
Liposomes, freeze-fracture effects 533
Liposomes, functional derivatives 539
Liposomes, half-life in vivo 537
Liposomes, immunogen conjugates 537
Liposomes, lipid components 531
Liposomes, lyophilization of 533 540 542
Liposomes, mechanical dispersion methods 531
Liposomes, membrane fluidity and permeability 538
Liposomes, morphology 528
Liposomes, periodate oxidation of 541
Liposomes, preparation of 531
Liposomes, preparation of, conjugates and derivatives 528
Liposomes, protection from oxidation 531
Liposomes, reductive amination conjugation 562
Liposomes, size fractionation of 533
Liposomes, solvent-mediated dispersion of 532
Liposomes, sphingolipid-containing 537
Liposomes, use as carrier 421 427
Liposomes, use in immunoassays 553
Liquid crystal state 538
Lissamine rhodamine B 317 330
Lissamine rhodamine B sulfonyl chloride 324 586
Lissamine rhodamine B sulfonyl chloride, general description and use 322
Lissamine rhodamine B sulfonyl chloride, labeling of avidin with 586
Lissamine rhodamine B sulfonyl hydrazine, general description and use 328
Lissamine rhodamine B, comparison to Texas Red 325
Liu 144 203 239 365
Liver dysfunction 394
Lloyd 573
Loken 362
Lomant 139 140 188 191 192 609
Lomant’s reagent see “DSP”
Lonnerdal 486
Lord 494
Lotan 115 121
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