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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
32535 Hoffman B. Strange Story of the Quantum 1979
32534 Geldermann J. Challenges for Industrial Production 2006
32533 Herlina Gas transfer at the air-water interface in a turbulent flow environment 2005
32532 Rentz O. Current developments of green IPPs: experiences, challenges, and strategies 2005
32531 Carmer C.F. Shallow turbulent wake flows 2007
32530 Weitbrecht V. Influence of Dead-Water-Zones on the Dispersive Mass Transport of Rivers 2007
32529 Negretti M.E. Hydrodynamic instabilities and entrainment in two-layer stratified flows down a slope 2007
32528 Schleyer M. Discrete Time Analysis of Batch Processes in Material Flow Systems 2007
32527 Beyerer J. (ed.) Future Security 2007
32526 Geldermann J., Treitz M., Rentz O. Integrated Process Design for the Inter-Company Plant Layout Planning of Dynamic Mass Flow Networks 2007
32525 Rudolph S. Relational Exploration 2007
32524 Fermi E. Nuclear Physics 1974
32523 Dienes G.J., Vineyard G.H. Radiation Effects in Solids 1957
32522 Debye P. The Interference Of Electrons 2007
32521 Debye P. The Dipole Moment and Chemical Structure 1951
32520 Debye P. Polar Molecules 1929
32519 Steinhauser M.O. Computational Multiscale Modeling of Fluids and Solids: Theory and Applications 2008
32518 Compton A.H., Allison S.K. X-Rays in Theory and Experiment 1935
32517 Clark G.L. Applied X-rays 1927
32516 Cebeci T., Platzer M., Chen H. Analysis of Low-Speed Unsteady Airfoil Flows 2005
32515 Castelfranchi C. Recent advances in Atomic Physics Volume II Quantum Theory 1932
32514 Baker B.B., Copson E.T. The Mathematical Theory of Huygence' Principle 1950
32513 Allen H.S. Electrons and Waves 1932
32512 Aigrain P.R. Electronic Processes in Solids 1960
32511 Weber A. Heat Kernel Estimates and L^p-Spectral Theory of Locally Symmetric Spaces 2007
32510 Schmidt A. Search for H → b¯b in Association with a t¯t Pair in Proton-Proton Collisions at squre root of s =14 TeV 2007
32509 Treitz M. Production Process Design Using Multi-Criteria Analysis 2006
32508 Seifert S. Group decision and negotiation 2006
32507 Tucker R.W., Calmet J., Seiler W.M. Global integrability of field theories 2006
32506 Prieur M. Functional Elements and Engineering Template-based Product Development Process 2006
32505 Garcia-Villalba Navaridas M. Large eddy simulation of turbulent swirling jets 2006
32504 Castelfranchi G. Recent Advances in Atomic Physics 2007
32503 Sarkar S., Pfeifer J. (Ed) Philosophy of Science: An Encyclopedia 2005
32502 Goudon Th. (Ed), Coulombel J.- F. (Ed), Calgaro C. (Ed) Analysis and Simulation of Fluid Dynamics 2007
32501 Negele J.W., Vogt E.W. Advances in Nuclear Physics, Vol. 26 2001
32500 Negele J.W. (Ed), Vogt E.W. (Ed) Advances in Nuclear Physics, Vol. 25 2000
32499 Spurk J.H., Aksel N. Fluid Mechanics 2008
32498 Mason G.W., Griffen D.T., Merrill J. Physical Science Concepts 1989
32497 Kawai Sh. (Ed) Handbook of Optical Interconnects 2005
32496 Boudreau R.A. Passive Micro-Optical Alignment Methods 2005
32495 Milonni P.W. Fast Light, Slow Light and Left Handed Light (Series in Optics and Optoelectronics) 2004
32494 Oertel H. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications 2001
32493 Journal of Applied Mechanics (vol.74-75) 2008
32492 Banerjee H., Chakrabarti B.K. Progress in Brain Research, vol. 168 2008
32491 Cartwright N. Nature's Capacities and Their Measurement n/a
32490 Gillies D. Philosophy of Science in the Twentieth Century: An Introduction 1993
32489 Pauli W. Niels Bohr and the development of physics 1955
32488 Elachi Ch., Van Zyl J. Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing 2006
32487 McGraw-Hill McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology 2004
32486 Cole P.H. (Ed), Ranasinghe D.C. (Ed) Networked Rfid Systems and Lightweight Cryptography: Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting 2007

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