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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
32134 Enflo B.O., Hedberg C.M., Enflo B.O. Theory of Nonlinear Acoustics in Fluids 2002
32133 Bethe H.A., Morrison Ph. Elementary Nuclear Theory 2006
32132 The Scientific American book of projects for the amateur scientist 1960
32131 Popper K. Logic of Scientific Discovery 2002
32130 Janssen M., Renn J., Norton J. Genesis of General Relativity: Sources and Interpretations 2007
32129 Behrisch R. (Ed), Andersen H. Sputtering by Particle Bombardment I: Physics and Applications 1981
32128 Hooke R.L. Principles of Glacier Mechanics 2005
32127 Spielberg N., Anderson B.D. Seven Ideas That Shook the Universe 1995
32126 Sih G. (Ed) Multiscaling in Molecular and Continuum Mechanics: Interaction of Time and Size from Macro to Nano: Application to Biology, Physics, Material Science, Mechanics, Structural and Processing Engineering 2006
32124 Skyttner L. General Systems Theory: Problems, Perspectives and Practice 2006
32123 Simanek E. Inhomogeneous SuperConductors: Granular and Quantum Effects 1994
32122 Muckenhoupt M. Sigmund Freud: Explorer of the Unconscious 1997
32121 Ren Sh.Y. Electronic States in Crystals of Finite Size: Quantum Confinement of Bloch Waves 2005
32120 Bauchspies W.K., Restivo S., Croissant J.L. Science, Technology and Society: A Sociological Approach 2005
32119 Stableford B. Science Fact and Science Fiction: An Encyclopedia, Vol. 1 2006
32118 Ruffini R. (Ed.), Verbin Y. (Ed) Matter Particled-Patterns, Structure and Dynamics 2006
32117 Avetissian H.K. Relativistic Nonlinear Electrodynamics: Interaction of Charged Particles with Strong and Super Strong Laser Fields 2006
32116 Félix J. Elements of High Energy Physics 2004
32115 Woods A., Grant T. Reason in Revolt: Dialectical Philosophy and Modern Science, Vol. 1 2002
32114 Price H. (ed.), Corry R. (ed.) Causation, Physics, and the Constitution of Reality. Russell’s Republic Revisited 2007
32113 Cook D.B. Introduction to a Realistic Quantum Physics 2002
32112 Becchi C.M., D'Elia M. Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Modern Physics: Special Relativity, Quantum and Statistical Physics 2007
32111 Laws K.L., Swope M. Physics and the Art of Dance: Understanding Movement 2002
32110 Garrison W.L., Levinson D. Transportation Experience: Policy, Planning, and Deployment 2005
32109 Kelly C.C. (Ed) Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project: Insights into J. Robert Oppenheimer, Father of the Atomic Bomb 2005
32108 Francombe M. (Ed.), Vossen J. (Ed) Advances in Research and Development: Homojunction and Quantum-Well Infrared Detectors: Homojunction and Quantum-Well Infrared Detectors, Vol. 21 1995
32107 Jonasz M., Fournier G. Light Scattering by Particles in Water: Theoretical and Experimental Foundations 2007
32106 Negrotti M. Naturoids: On the Nature of the Artificial 2003
32105 Russell C.A. Michael Faraday: Physics and Faith 2001
32104 Kuramoto Y., Kitaoka Y. Dynamics of Heavy Electrons 2000
32103 McGrayne Sh.B. Nobel Prize Women in Science: Their Lives, Struggles, and Momentous Discoveries, Second Edition 2001
32102 Kulish V.V. Hierarchical Methods: Undulative Electrodynamical Systems, Vol. 2 2002
32101 Krotscheck E., Navarro J. Microscopic Approaches to Quantum Liquids in Confined Geometries 2002
32100 Christianson G.E. Isaac Newton: And the Scientific Revolution 1996
32099 Hsu L. Broader View of Relativity: General Implications of Lorentz and Poincare Invariance 2006
32098 History of Physics Newsletter (Vol 10-3 Fall 2007) 2007
32097 History of Physics Newsletter (Vol 10-2 Spring 2007) 2007
32096 History of Physics Newsletter (Vol 10-1 Fall 2006) 2006
32095 History of Physics Newsletter (Vol 10-1 Fall 2006) 2006
32094 History of Physics Newsletter (Vol 09-5 Fall 2005) 2005
32093 History of Physics Newsletter (Vol 09-4 Spring 2005) 2005
32092 History of Physics Newsletter (Vol 09-3 Fall 2004) 2004
32091 History of Physics Newsletter (Vol 09-2 Spring 2004) 2004
32090 History of Physics Newsletter (Vol 09-1 Fall 2003) 2003
32089 History of Physics Newsletter (Vol 08-6 February 2003) 2003
32088 History of Physics Newsletter (Vol 08-5 Fall 2002) 2002
32087 History of Physics Newsletter (Vol 08-4 Spring 2002) 2002
32086 History of Physics Newsletter (Vol 08-3 Fall 2001) 2001
32085 History of Physics Newsletter (Vol 08-2 February 2001) 2001
32084 History of Physics Newsletter (Vol 08-1 September 2000) 2000

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