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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
32335 Featherstone R. Rigid Body Dynamics Algorithms 2007
32334 Ianelli J. Characteristics Finite Element Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics 2006
32333 Domb C.M., Green M. Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena: Series Expansion for Lattice Models, Vol. 3 1974
32332 Cowan B. Topics In Statistical Mechanics 2005
32331 Bunch B.H. The History of Science and Technology: A Browser's Guide to the Great Discoveries, Inventions, and the People Who Made Them from the Dawn of Time to Today 2004
32330 Bruus H. Theoretical Microfluidics 2007
32329 Magnitskii N.A., Sidorov S.V. New Methods for Chaotic Dynamics 2006
32328 Rahvar S. Mathematical Physics - Proceedings Of The XI Regional Conference 2005
32327 Blackmore D.L., Krause E., Tung C. Vortex Dominated Flows: A Volume Celebrating Lu Ting's 80th Birthday 2005
32326 Boffi S., Covello A., Di Toro M. Theoretical Nuclear Physics in Italy: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Problems in Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Cortona, Italy 6 - 9 October 2004 2005
32325 Aerts D. Worldviews, Science and Us: Redemarcating Knowledge and Its Social and Ethical Implications 2005
32324 Samimy M., Breuer K., Leal G. Gallery of Fluid Motion 2004
32323 Meschede D. Optics, Light and Lasers: The Practical Approach to Modern Aspects of Photonics and Laser Physics 2004
32322 Politis V. Aristotle on Metaphysics 2004
32321 Lerner I.V., Altshuler B. Fundamental Problems of Mesoscopic Physics Interactions and Decoherence 2004
32320 Ollagnier J.M. Ergodic Theory and Statistical Mechanics 1985
32319 Oughstun K.E. Electromagnetic and Optical Pulse Propagation 1: Spectral Representations in Temporally Dispersive Media 2006
32318 Dressel M., Grüner G. Electrodynamics of Solids: Optical Properties of Electrons in Matter 2002
32317 Lewins J., Becker M. Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 25 1997
32316 Llor A. Statistical Hydrodynamic Models for Developed Mixing Instability Flows 2005
32315 Liebmann R. Statistical Mechanics of Periodic Frustrated Ising Systems 1986
32314 Born M. Atomic Physics 1937
32313 Ëóïàíîâ Î.Á. Àñèìïòîòè÷åñêèå îöåíêè ñëîæíîñòè óïðàâëÿþùèõ ñèñòåì 1984
32312 Lévy J. From Galileo to Lorentz... And Beyond 2003
32311 Otway H. 1001 Gruesome Facts 2007
32310 Greiner W. Theoretische Physik 2. Mechanik Teil 2. Ein Lehr- und Übungsbuch 2003
32309 Guimaraes A.P. Magnetism and Magnetic Resonance in Solids 1998
32308 Lakowicz J.R., Geddes Ch.D. (Ed) Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy 2006
32307 Fukai Y. The Metal-Hydrogen System 2005
32306 Pedrotti L.M. Introduction to Optics 2005
32305 Wolf E. (Ed), Benisty H., Brosseau C. Progress in Optics, Vol. 49 2006
32304 Wilczek F. (Ed) Fantastic Realities: 49 Mind Journeys and a Trip to Stockholm 2006
32303 Warfield J.N. Introduction to Systems Science 2006
32302 Novak M. (Ed) Complexus MUNDI: Emergent Patterns in Nature 2006
32301 Negele J.W., Vogt E.W. (Ed) Advances in Nuclear Physics, Vol. 27 2003
32300 Thomas G.H. Geometry, Language and Strategy 2006
32299 Ventura G., Risegari L. The Art of Cryogenics: Low-Temperature Experimental Techniques 2007
32298 Fliebach T., Walliser H. Arbeitsbuch Zur Theoretischen Physik: Repetitorium Und Ubungsbuch 2004
32297 Fliebach T. Quantenmechanik: Lehrbuch Zur Theoretischen Physik III 2005
32296 Etzkowitz H., Kemelgor C., Uzzi B. Athena Unbound: The Advancement of Women in Science and Technology 2004
32295 Sharma K.K. Optics: Principles and Applications 2006
32294 Covello A. (ed.) Key Topics in Nuclear Structure: Proceedings of the 8th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics Paestum, Italy 23 - 27 May 2004 2005
32293 Martelucci S. (ed.), Santarsiero M. (ed.) Free and Guided Optical Beams: Proceedings of the International School of Quantum Electronicserice Slcily, Italy 20 - 27 November 2002 2004
32292 Jin Y.-Q. Wave Propagation: Scattering and Emission in Complex Media, Shanghai, China, 1-4 June 2003 2005
32291 Nasu K. Photoinduced Phase Transitions 2004
32290 Seyranian A.P., Maylibaev A.A. Multiparameter Stability Theory with Mechanical Applications 2004
32289 de Gennes P.-G. Simple Views on Condensed Matter 2003
32288 Chirac J.D., Furetta C. Handbook of Thermoluminescence 2003
32287 La Rana G., Signorini C., Shimoura S. Recent Achievements and Perspectives in Nuclear Physics: Proceedings of the 5th Italy-Japan Symposium Naples, Italy 3-7 November 2004 2005
32286 Cano-Casanova S., Lopez-Gomez J., Corral-Mora C. Spectral Theory and Nonlinear Analysis with Applications to Spatial Ecology: Madrid, Spain 14 - 15 June 2004 2005

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