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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
32685 Ershov Y.L. Handbook of Recursive Mathematics, Volume 1 1998
32684 Jeffrey A. Handbook of Mathematical Formulas & Integrals 2003
32683 Chartrand G., Lesniak L. Graphs and Digraphs 1996
32682 Cox D.R. Principles of Statistical Inference 2006
32681 Pap E. Handbook of Measure Theory, Vol. 1 2002
32680 van Benthem J. Handbook of Logic and Language 1997
32679 Cohen H., Frey G. Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography 2005
32678 Dillen F.J. (ed.), Verstraelen L.C.A. Handbook of Differential Geometry, Vol. 1 2000
32677 Schechter E. Handbook of Analysis and Its Foundations 1996
32676 Kuhnau R. Handbook of Complex Analysis: Geometric Function Theory, Vol. 1 2002
32675 Grimmett G., Welsh D. Probability: An Introduction 1986
32674 Gilmore R. Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and Some of Their Applications 1974
32673 Gorenstein D. Finite Groups 1980
32672 McConnell S. Get Ready! for Standardized Tests: Math Grade 1 2001
32671 Neumann P.M., Blackburn S.R., Venkataraman G. Enumeration of Finite Groups 2007
32670 Cremona L. Elements of Project Geometry 1893
32669 Kapranov M., Kolyada S., Manin Y. Geometry and Dynamics of Groups and Spaces: In Memory of Alexander Reznikov, Vol. 265 2008
32668 Leung K.T., Chen D.L.-C. Elementary Set Theory 1992
32667 Dlab V. Indecomposable Representations of Graphs and Algebras 1976
32666 Hinkelmann K., Kempthorne O. Design and Analysis of Experiments, Vol. 2 2005
32665 Robinson D.J. An Introduction to Abstract Algebra 2003
32664 De Risi V. Geometry and Monadology: Leibniz's Analysis Situs and Philosophy of Space 2007
32663 Davis J.F., Milgram R.J. A Survey of Spherical Space Form Problem 1986
32662 Conway J.H. Atlas of Finite Groups 1985
32661 Odintsov S.P. Constructive Negations and Paraconsistency 2008
32660 Pajitnov A.V. Circle-Valued Morse Theory 2006
32659 Weyl H. Algebraic Theory of Numbers 1940
32658 Hildebrand F.B. Advanced Calculus for Applications 1962
32657 Ross S. A First Course in Probability 1998
32656 Adolphson A., Baldassarri F. Geometric Aspects of Dwork Theory 2004
32655 Garbow B.S., Boyle J.M. Matrix Eigensystem Routines - EISPACK Guide Extension 1977
32654 Gagen T.M., Hitchin N.J. (Ed) Topics in Finite Groups 2008
32653 Pym D.J., Ritter E. Reductive Logic and Proof-Search: Proof Theory, Semantics, and Control 2004
32652 Amann H. (Ed) Functional Analysis and Evolution Equations: The Gunter Lumer Volume 2008
32651 Peetre A., Kufner A. (Ed) Function Spaces, Interpolation Theory and Related Topics. Proceedings of the International Conference in Honour of Jaak Peetre on His 65th Birthday, Lund, Sweden August 17-22, 2000 2002
32650 Tartar L. From Hyperbolic Systems to Kinetic Theory: A Personalized Quest (Lecture Notes of the Unione Matematica Italiana) 2008
32649 Fauvet F., Mitschi C. From Combinatorics to Dynamical Systems: Journees de Calcul Formel, Strasbourg, March 22-23, 2002 2004
32648 Mazur B., Artin M. Etale Homotopy 1969
32647 Martin W.N. (Ed), Spears W. (Ed) Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 6 (Foga-6), Vol. 6 2001
32646 Fossum R.M., Griffith P.A., Reiten I. Trivial Extensions of Abelian Categories: Homological Algebra of Trivial Extensions of Abelian Categories with Applications to Ring Theory 1975
32645 Ho Ch.Y. Finite Groups 2003: Proceedings of the Gainesville Conference on Finite Groups, March 6-12, 2003 2004
32644 Giaquinto M. Visual Thinking in Mathematics 2007
32643 Chipot M. (Ed) Handbook of Differential Equations: Stationary Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 4 2007
32642 Gallagher A.N. (Ed), Kaufman J.C. (Ed) Gender Differences in Mathematics: An Integrative Psychological Approach 2004
32641 Boaler J. Experiencing School Mathematics: Traditional and Reform Approaches to Teaching and Their Impact on Student Learning 2002
32640 Clement Ph. (Ed), Lumer G. (Ed) Evolution Equations, Control Theory, and Biomathematics 1993
32639 Neubrander F. (Ed), Ferreyra G.S. (Ed) Evolution Equations, Vol. 168 1994
32638 Ize J., Vignoli A. Equivariant Degree Theory (De Gruyter Series in Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, #8) 2003
32637 Alberti P.M., Uhlmann A. Stochasticity and Partial Order 1982
32636 Demaine E.D., O'Rourke J. Geometric Folding Algorithms: Linkages, Origami, Polyhedra 2007

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