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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
32992 Restall G. Logic: An Introduction 2005
32991 Yao H., Knessl Ch. On the Shortest Queue Version of the Erlang Loss Model 2008
32990 Jo T.Ch., Choi W. OnStabilizing the Strongly Nonlinear InternalWave Model 2008
32989 O'Regan D., Je Ch.Y., Yu-Qing Ch. Topological Degree Theory and Applications 2006
32988 Arkhipov B. Numerical Modeling of Pollutant Dispersion and Oil Spreading by the Stochastic Discrete Particles Method 2007
32987 Multigrid Methods 2003
32986 Alexiades V. Mathematical Modeling of Melting and Freezing Processes 1992
32985 Lee H. Topics in Inequalities – Theorems and Techniques 2007
32984 Schroeder M.R. Schroeder, Self Similarity: Chaos, Fractals, Power Laws 1991
32983 FLeming R.J., Jamison J.E. Isometrics on Banach Spaces, Vol. 1 2002
32982 Junnila H., Yun Z., Tomoyasu K. Hereditarily normal extensions 2003
32981 Xu X.Q., Liu Y.M. Regular relations and strictly completely regular ordered spaces 2003
32980 Devlin K.J., Lorden G. The Numbers Behind NUMB3RS: Solving Crime with Mathematics 2007
32979 Souza P.N. Berkeley Problems in Mathematics 2004
32978 Seber G.A. A Matrix Handbook for Statisticians 2007
32977 Govaerts J. (Ed), Msezane A.Z. (Ed), Hounkonno M.N. (Ed) Contemporary Problems in Mathematical Physics 2006
32976 Goryunov V.I., Lyashko O.V. Dynamical Systems VI: Singularity Theory I, Vol. 6 1993
32975 Gasinski L., Papageorgiou N.S. Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 9 2005
32974 Antimirov M.Y., Kolshikin A.A., Vaillancourt R. Complex Variables 1998
32973 Munkres J.R. Topology: A First Course 1975
32972 Macrobert T.M. Functions of a Complex Variable 1954
32971 Walser H., Pedersen J. 99 Points of Intersection: Examples, Pictures, Proofs 2006
32970 Synge J.L. Relativity: The Special Theory 1956
32969 Dynkin E.B. The Theory of Markov Processes 1961
32968 Pier J.-P. Mathematical Analysis during the 20th Century 2001
32967 Newman J.R. (ed.) The World of Mathematics, Volume 4 2000
32966 Newman J.R. (ed.) The World of Mathematics, Volume 3 2000
32965 Trefethen L.N., Bau D. Numerical Linear Algebra 2002
32964 Kanschat G. Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Viscous Incompressible Flow 2004
32963 Kaplansky I. Commutative Rings 1974
32962 Steeb W.- H. Problems and Solutions in Introductory and Advanced Matrix Calculus 2006
32961 Glowinski R. Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Variational Problems 2008
32960 Rockingham G.R. Deducibility and Decidability 1990
32959 Lemmermeyer F. Reciprocity Laws: From Euler to Eisenstein 2000
32958 Schuette K., Crossley J.N. Proof Theory 1977
32957 Takeuti G. Proof Theory 1987
32956 Prawitz D. Natural Deduction: A Proof-Theoretical Study 2006
32955 Polya G., Szego G. Problems and Theorems in Analysis: Integral Calculus. Theory of Functions 2004
32954 Clark M. Paradoxes from A to Z 2002
32953 Aubin J.- P., Wilson S. Optima and Equilibria: An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis 1998
32952 Schwartz R.E., Griffiths Ph.A. Spherical CR Geometry and Dehn Surgery 2007
32951 Olds C.D., Davidoff G. Geometry of Numbers 2001
32950 Kuzin I., Pohozaev S.I. Entire Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations 1997
32949 Kress R., Gehring F.W. Numerical Analysis 1998
32948 Kneale M. Development of Logic 1985
32947 Knapp A.W. Elliptic Curves (MN-40) 1992
32946 Kleene S.C. Mathematical Logic 2002
32945 Krantz S.S., Parks H.R. Implicit Function Theorem: History, Theory, and Applications 2002
32944 Hijab O. Introduction to Calculus and Classical Analysis (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) 1997
32943 Korner T.W. Exercises in Fourier Analysis 1993

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