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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
32235 D'Inverno R. Introducing Einstein's Relatvity 1998
32234 Kravens T.E. Physic of Solar System Plasmas 1997
32233 Lindsay R.B. Mechanical Radiation 1960
32232 Kenzel W., Reents G., Clajus M. Physics by Computer 1997
32231 Bai G.-R., Guo G.-C., Lim Y.-K. Problems and Solutions on Optics: Major American Univ. PhD Qualifying Questions and Solutions 1991
32230 Tung W.K. Group Theory in Physics: An Introduction to Symmetry Principles, Group Representations, and Special Functions 1985
32229 Forrester J.W. World Dynamics 1973
32228 Heath T.L. The Works of Archimedes 2002
32227 The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations n/a
32226 Siegel W. Fields 2005
32225 Darrow F.L. The 'Boys' Own Book of Great Inventions 1918
32224 Capria M.M. Physics before and after Einstein 2004
32223 Rogers K. On the Metaphysics of Experimental Physics 2005
32222 Hunt G., Mehta M. Nanotechnology. Risk Ethics and Law 2006
32221 Raab R.E., de Lange O.L. Multipole Theory in Electromagnetism: Classical, Quantum, and Symmetry Aspects, with Applications 2005
32220 Thomas J.A. Antigravity: The Dream Made Reality 1993
32219 Freidberg J.P. Read an Excerpt Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy 2007
32218 Clark R.E. (Ed), Reiter D. (Ed) Nuclear Fusion Research: Understanding Plasma-Surface Interactions 2005
32217 Parinov I.A. Microstructure and Properties of High-Temperature SuperConductors 2007
32216 Kroger M. Models for Polymeric and Anisotropic Liquids 2005
32215 Massimi M. Pauli's Exclusion Principle: The Origin and Validation of a Scientific 2005
32214 Lanzcos C. The Variational Principles of Mechanics 1986
32213 Yamanaka C.R., Li Zh.R. Industrials Applications of Electron Microscopy 2003
32212 McCracken G.M., Stott P.E. Fusion: The Energy of the Universe (Complementary Science Series) 2004
32211 Getzlaff M. Fundamentals of Magnetism 2007
32210 Mersmann A. Crystallization Technology Handbook 2001
32209 Kilian W. Electroweak Symmetry Breaking 2003
32208 Han M.Y. Story of Light: A Short Introduction to Quantum Theory of Quarks and Leptons 2004
32207 Aftalion A. Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates 2006
32206 Honig J.M. Thermodynamics: Principles Characterizing Physical and Chemical Processes 2007
32205 Benz A.O. Plasma Astrophysics ( Astrophysics And Space Science Library Series: Volume 279): Kinetic Processes in Solar and Stellar Coronae 2002
32203 Brongersma M.L. (Ed), Kik P.G. (Ed) Surface Plasmon Nanophotonics 2007
32202 Staikov G.T. (Ed) Electrocrystallization in Nanotechnology 2007
32201 Englert B.G. (Ed) Quantum Mechanics 2001
32200 Schweitzer M.E. (Ed), Laredo J.- D. (Ed) New Techniques in Interventional Musculoskeletal Radiology 2007
32199 Traldi P., Lavagnini I., Magno F. Quantitative Applications of Mass Spectrometry 2006
32198 Parker G. Making Beautiful Deep-Sky Images: Astrophotography with Affordable Equipment and Software 2007
32197 Jonasz M., Fournier J. Light Scattering by Particles in Water: Theoretical and Experimental Foundations 2007
32196 Solyom J. Fundamentals of the Physics of Solids: Volume 1: Structure and Dynamics 2007
32195 Honerkamp J. Statistical Physics 2004
32194 Eichler H.J., Eichler J. Laser: Bauformen, Strahlführung, Anwendungen 2003
32193 Corinaldesi E. Classical Mechanics for Physics Graduate Students 1999
32192 Bergna H.E., Roberts W.O. Colloidal Silica: Fundamentals and Applications 2005
32191 Brown L.M. (ed.), Feynman R.P. Selected Papers of Richard Feynman 2000
32190 Barrow J.D. New Theories of Everything 2007
32189 Labeyrie A., Lipson S.G., Nisenson P. Introduction to Optical Stellar Interferometry 2006
32188 Carron N.J. The Passage of Energetic Particles: Through Matter An Introduction to the Passage of Energetic Particles Through Matter 2006
32187 Kiefer C. Quantum Gravity 2007
32186 Ma S.K. Statistical Mechanics 1985
32185 Feng P.X. Quantum Mechanics in Nonlinear Systems 2005

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