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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
33194 Balakrishnan N. Advances on Methodological and Applied Aspects of Probability and Statistics, Vol. 1 2002
33193 Jonsson Ch., Favre C. Valuative Tree 2004
33192 Milman V.D. (Ed), Schechtman G. (Ed) Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis: Israel Seminar 2002-2003 2004
33191 Brown M.L. Heegner Modules and Elliptic Curves 2004
33190 Dohmen K. Improved Bonferroni Inequalities Via Abstract Tubes 2003
33189 Metzger J., Steinbach O. Stability Estimates for Hybrid Coupled Domain Decomposition Methods 2003
33188 Runde V. Lectures on Amenability (Lecture Notes in Mathematics Series #1774) 2002
33187 Xiao J. Holomorphic Q Classes 2001
33186 Hida T. (Ed) Stochastic Analysis: Classical and Quantum: Perspectives of White Noise Theory 2005
33185 Aiena P. Fredholm and Local Spectral Theory, with Applications to Multipliers 2004
33184 Arnold B.C., Castillo E. Conditional Specification of Statistical Models 1999
33183 Stimson, S.Kuksin, Jean-Christophe Yoccoz (Editor), S., Kuksin R.J., Yoccoz J.Ch. (Ed) Dynamical Systems and Small Divisors: Lectures Given at the Cime Summer School, Held in Cetraro 2002
33182 Doktorov E.V., Leble S.B. A Dressing Method in Mathematical Physics 2007
33181 Desaulniers G. (Ed) Column Generation 2005
33180 Dagum E.B., Cholette P.A. Benchmarking, Temporal Distribution, and Reconciliation Methods for Time Series 2006
33179 Fienberg S., Holland P.W., Bishop Y.M. Discrete Multivariate Analysis 2007
33178 Baddeley A. Case Studies in Spatial Point Process Modeling 2005
33177 Alpern S.N., Prasad V.S. Typical Dynamics of Volume-Preserving Homeomorphisms 2001
33176 Bertoin J. Random Fragmentation and Coagulation Processes 2006
33175 Pollock S., Rothkopf M., Barnett A. Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science. Vol.06. Operations Research and The Public Sector 1994
33174 Coffman E.G. Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science. Vol.03. Computing 1992
33173 Leondes C.T. Fuzzy Theory Systems: Techniques and Applications 1999
33172 O'Raifeartaigh L. Group Structure of Gauge Theories 1986
33171 Lang S. Differential Manifolds 1988
33170 Jacobson N. Lectures in Abstract Algebra, Vol. 3 1980
33169 Jacobson N. Lectures in Abstract Algebra, Vol. 1 1997
33168 Barlow R. Statistics: A Guide and Reference to the Use of Statistical Methods in the Physical Sciences 1989
33167 Jacobson N. Lectures in Abstract Algebra, Vol. 2 1984
33166 Riesz F., Sz.-Nagy B. Functional Analysis 1956
33165 Simson D., Skowronski A. Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras: Representation-Infinite Tilted Algebras, Vol. 3 2007
33164 Simson D., Skowro A. Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras: Volume 2: Tubes and Concealed Algebras of Euclidean Type 2007
33163 Bowman K.O., Shenton L.R. Continued Fractions in Statistical Applications 1989
33162 Campbell S.L. Singular Systems of Differential Equations, Vol. 2 1982
33161 Amabili M. Nonlinear Vibrations and Stability of Shells and Plates 2008
33160 Kronheimer P., Mrowka T. Monopoles and Three-Manifolds 2007
33159 Schilling R.L. Measures, Integrals and Martingales 2005
33158 Davies E.B. Linear Operators and their Spectra 2007
33157 Liao M. Levy Processes in Lie Groups 2004
33156 Bergmann M. Introduction to Many-Valued and Fuzzy Logic: Semantics, Algebras, and Derivation Systems 2007
33155 Geiges H. Introduction to Contact Topology 2007
33154 Duren P.L. Harmonic Mappings in the Plane 2004
33153 Harary F., Palmer E.M. Graphical Enumeration 1973
33152 Ball M.O., Magnanti T.L., Monma C.L. Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, Vol. 7. Netwrok Models 1995
33151 Barnhart C. Handbooks in Operations Research & Management Science: Transportation 14 2006
33150 Heyman D.P., Sobel M.J. Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science. Vol. 2. Stochastic Models 1990
33149 Garling D.J.H. Inequalities: A Journey into Linear Analysis 2007
33148 Mauldin R.D., Urbanski m. Graph Directed Markov Systems: Geometry and Dynamics of Limit Sets 2003
33147 Kammler D.W. First Course in Fourier Analysis 2007
33146 Agarwal R.P., O'Regan D., Grace S.D. Discrete Oscillation Theory 2005
33145 Wilson P.M.H. Curved Spaces: From Classical Geometries to Elementary Differential Geometry 2008

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