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Thompson J.E. — Arithmetic for the Practical Man |
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Addition 7
Addition of binary numbers 228
Addition, approximations 23
Addition, decimal 17
angles 131
Angles, measurement of 133
answers to exercises 239
Approximate results 21
Binary arithmetic 215
Binary numbers, addition of 228
Binary numbers, converting denary numbers into 219
Binary numbers, converting into denary numbers 226
Binary numbers, division of 232
Binary numbers, multiplication of 231
Binary numbers, subtraction of 230
Binary system 217
Binary system, table 218
Compound interest 209
Compound Interest, calculation of, by geometrical progression 210
Compound Interest, calculation of, by logarithms 211
Compound Interest, calculation of, by simple percentage 209
Converting, binary numbers into denary numbers 226
Converting, denary numbers into binary numbers 219
Counting by eights 216
Counting by fours 217
Counting by tens 215
Counting by twos 217
Decimals 16
Decimals, addition and subtraction of 17
Decimals, division of 18
Decimals, last figure of 23
Decimals, multiplication of 18
Denary numbers, converting binary numbers into 226
Denary numbers, converting into binary numbers 219
Denary system 215
Denominate numbers, addition of 120
Denominate numbers, compound, reduction of 118
Denominate numbers, conversion of between systems 123
Denominate numbers, division of 122
Denominate numbers, multiplication of 122
Denominate numbers, subtraction of 120
Division 11
Division of binary numbers 232
Division, approximations in 24
Divisors, definition of 31
Divisors, definition of, greatest common 35
Exponents 54
Exponents, use of, in calculation 65
Factors, definition of 31
Factors, tables for explanation for 34
Factors, tests for 32
Figures, significant 22
Fractions, addition of 45
Fractions, cancellation of 48
Fractions, common denominators of 44
Fractions, conversion of, into decimals 50
Fractions, definitions of 41
Fractions, division of 49
Fractions, general principles of 42
Fractions, multiplication of 46
Fractions, reduction of 42
Fractions, subtraction of 45
Fractions, values of 42
graphs 185
Graphs, curves and curve plotting 191
Graphs, forms of 186
Graphs, problem solution by 198
Greatest common divisor 35
Greatest common divisor, use of, in solving problems 38
Interest 207
Interest, compound 209
Latitude 136
Least common multiple 36
Least common multiple, use of, in solving problems 38
Logarithms 66
Logarithms, calculating powers with 78
| Logarithms, common 68
Logarithms, division with 77
Logarithms, extracting roots with 79
Logarithms, how to find 71
Logarithms, multiplication with 75
Logarithms, tables of 71
longitude 136
Measures (English), capacity 110
Measures (English), dimension 110
Measures (English), weight 111
Measures (Metric), capacity 115
Measures (Metric), dimension 114
Measures (Metric), weight 115
Measures, conversion of 116
Multiples, definition of 31
Multiplication 10
Multiplication of binary numbers 231
Multiplication, approximations in 24
Numbers, concrete and abstract 6
numbers, decimal 16
Numbers, large and small 5
Numbers, letters used for 6
Octal system 216
Percentage, discount 206
Percentage, fractions expressed as 204
Percentage, interest 207
Percentage, meaning of 203
Percentage, profit and loss 205
Percentage, ratios expressed as 204
Plane figures, circle 162
Plane figures, parallelogram 156
Plane figures, properties of 153
Plane figures, rectangle and square 154
Plane figures, trapezoid 162
Plane figures, triangles 157
Plane figures, triangles, right 159
Powers 54
Powers, higher 56
Progression, arithmetical 94
Progression, geometrical 96
Proportion, direct and inverse 87
Proportion, fundamental rule of 85
Proportion, meaning of 84
Proportion, solution of 85
Proportion, solution of problems by 89
Proportional, mean 86
Ratio, meaning of 84
Roots 57
Roots, cube 61
Roots, higher 62
Roots, indexes 57
Roots, square 58
Series, meaning of 93
Signs 4
Slide rule 81
Solids, cone 176
Solids, cylinder 174
Solids, prisms 171
Solids, properties of 168
Solids, pyramids 172
Solids, rectangular 169
Solids, regular 173
Solids, sphere 179
Subtraction 8
Subtraction of binary numbers 230
Subtraction, approximations 23
Subtraction, decimal 17
Tables, compound interest 264
Tables, logarithms 262
Tables, multiplication and division 246
Tables, prime numbers, multiples, and factors 247
Tables, squares, cubes, and roots 250
Temperature measures, conversion of 131
Time, international 144
Time, measure of 126
Time, national standard 147
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