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Thompson J.E. — Trigonometry for the Practical Man |
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Analytical trigonometry, examples of 168
angles 1
Angles, cotangent of the sum and difference of two 157
Angles, functions 28
Angles, functions of acute 46
Angles, functions of any 91
Angles, functions of double 158
Angles, functions of half 159
Angles, measure and units of 6
Angles, measurement of 65
Angles, sine and cosine of the difference of two 153
Angles, sine and cosine of the sum of two 151
Angles, tangent of the sum and difference of two 156
Astronomy, problems in 72
Circle, properties of 13
Cosine law 101
Functions of triple angles 162
Functions, acute angle 46
Functions, angle 28
Functions, any angle 91
Functions, calculation of, for angles of right triangles 34
Functions, double angle 158
Functions, half angle 159
Functions, how to read for obtuse angle 96
Functions, relations among 32
Functions, relations among, for one angle 148
| Functions, signs and values of in each quadrant 92
Functions, sums and differences of 161
Functions, values of for acute angles for and 45
Functions, values of for acute angles for and 41
Functions, values of for acute angles for and 40
Functions, values of for acute angles for 39
Functions, values of for acute angles, circular representation of 43
Parallax of a heavenly body 139
Parallax, annual and star distances 142
Ratios, right triangle 28
Right Triangles, area of 62
Right Triangles, calculation of functions of angles of 34
Right Triangles, ratios of 28
Right Triangles, relations among the functions of 32
Right Triangles, solution of 55
Segment Law 103
Sine law 99
Surveying, problems in 130
Tables, important constants for angle conversions 183
Tables, logarithms 184
Tables, trigonometric functions 186
Tangent Law 102
Triangles 17
Triangles, area of 105
Triangles, oblique, solution of 109 121
Trigonometric functions, tables of 186
Trigonometric tables, how to use 47 48
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