Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Light W.A., Cheney E.W. — Approximation Theory in Tensor Product Spaces |
Предметный указатель |
-norm 22
-norm 6
-norm 3
Algebraic tensor product 2
Algorithm, alternating 48
Algorithm, Diliberto — Straus 60 62
Algorithm, von Golitschek 67
Approximation property 17
Associate norm 4
atom 121
Auerbach lemma 131
Averaging functional 60
Best approximation 35
Biorthonormal 46
Bochner, integrable function 117
Bochner, integral 113
Boolean sum 25 126
Central proximity map 56
Chebyshev subspace 35 36 49
Commuting with G 103
Completed tensor product 9
Convexity, modulus of 49
Crossnorm 3 4
Crossnorm, associate 4
Crossnorm, greatest 6 7
Crossnorm, reasonable 4
Crossnorm, uniform 8
Diliberto — Straus algorithm 60 62
Dyad 3
equivalent expressions 1
Expressions 1
Four-point rule 104
Golomb’s theory 56
Greatest crossnorm 6
Haar subspace 36
Inclination 54
Injective norm 35
Invariant subspace under a group 103
James’ theorem 80
Kuratowski — Ryll — Nardzewski theorem 133
Least of reasonable norms 3
Measurable selection theorem 133
Measurable set 113
| Michael’s theorem 132
Minimal projection 91
Modulus of convexity 49
Nonatomic 121
Nonexpansive 51 61
Norm 3
Norm, 4
Norm, 27
Norm, 22
Norm, 6
Norm, 3
Norm, p-nuclear 27
Null set 113
Orthogonal projection 59
P-nuclear norm 27
Path 69
Projection constant 91
Projections, minimal 91 103
Projections, orthogonal 25
Property B 97
Proximinal 35
Proximity map 35 48
Reasonable norm 4
Schatten, R. 138
Section of a function 11 60
Selection theorem, Kuratowski — Ryll — Nardzewski 133
Selection theorem, Michael’s 133 37
Simple function 11 113
Sitting — Duck theorem 44 134
Smooth point 48
Smooth space 48
Smooth subspace 54
Strongly measurable 113
Tensor product 1
Tensor product of Hilbert spaces 20
Tensor product of operators 19
Tensor product, algebraic 2
Tensor product, completed 9
Uniform crossnorm 8
Uniformly convex 50
von Golitschek algorithm 67
Von Neuman algorithm 48 60
Weakly measurable 38
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