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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
83331 Deyl Z. Electrophoresis: a survey of techniques and applications. Part b: Applications 1982
83330 Briggs W.R., Spudich J.L. Photobiology of Photosensory Receptors 2003
83329 Dignum V. Handbook of research on multi-agent systems: semantics and dynamics of organizational models 2009
83328 Gillespie S.H., Pearson R.D. Principles and practice of clinical parasitology 2001
83327 Zugenmaier P. Crystalline cellulose and cellulose derivatives: characterization and structures 2008
83326 Chen W.-F., Lui E.M. Earthquake engineering for structural design 2005
83325 Das A. Field theory: a path integral approach 2006
83324 Lee I. Handbook of research on telecommunications planning and management for business 2009
83323 Singh G., Rabbani S.A. Bone metastasis: experimental and clinical therapeutics 2005
83322 Eberspaecher J. GSM: architecture, protocols and services 2009
83321 Alegi G. Windsock Mini Datafile 17 - Italian National Markings 2001
83320 Ross T. Fuzzy logic with engineering applications 2004
83319 Robberts T.C. Food plant engineering systems 2002
83318 Marcus D.A. Chronic pain: a primary care guide to practical management 2005
83317 Gonenc I.E., Wolflin J.P. Assessment of the Fate and Effects of Toxic Agents on Water Resources (NATO Security through Science Series C: Environmental Security) 2007
83316 Farahani R.Z., Hekmatfar M. Facility location concepts, models, algorithms and case studies 2009
83315 Kreis T. Handbook of holographic interferometry: optical and digital methods 2005
83314 Garti N. Delivery and controlled release of bioactives in foods and nutraceuticals 2008
83313 Kowalik J.S., Gorski J., Sachenko A. Cyberspace security and defense: research issues. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Cyberspace Security and Defense, NATO Advanced Research Workshop 2005
83312 Hoyle W., Lancaster M. Clean technology for the manufacture of speciality chemicals 2001
83311 Galloway N.R., Amoaku W.M.K., Galloway P.H. Common Eye Diseases and their Management 2005
83310 Cooper J. (Editor), Cass T. (Editor) Biosensors: A Practical Approach 2004
83309 Schulz M. Control Theory in Physics and Other Fields of Science: Concepts, Tools, and Applications 2006
83308 Bodomo A.B. Computer-Mediated Communication for Linguistics and Literacy: Technology and Natural Language Education 2009
83307 Hanson J.R. Functional Group Chemistry 2001
83306 Krawczyk A. (Editor) Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical And Electronic Engineering: Proceedings of Isef'05 2006
83305 Reis J.C. Environmental Control in Petroleum Engineering 1996
83304 Damiani E., Dipanda A., Yetongnon K. Signal Processing for Image Enhancement and Multimedia Processing 2007
83303 Adachi S. Properties of semiconductor alloys. Group-IV, III-V and II-VI semiconductors 2009
83302 Rao S.S. Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice 1996
83301 Shan Wang Handbook of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration 2000
83300 Barcz K. Su-27 2006
83299 Bisantz A.M., Burns C.M. Applications of Cognitive Work Analysis 2008
83298 Masatoshi Murase Dynamics of Cellular Motility 1992
83297 Ben-Daya M. (Editor), Duffuaa S.O. (Editor), Raouf A. (Editor) Handbook of maintenance management and engineering 2009
83296 McGowan J.G., Rogers A.L., Manwell J.F. Wind energy explained. Theory, design and application 2002
83295 Narayan R. (Editor) Biomedical Materials 2008
83294 Kecman V. State-space models of lumped and distributed systems. Lecture notes in control and Information sciences 112 1988
83293 Harlow J.H. Electric Power Transformer Engineering 2003
83292 Wu W. (ed.), Yu H.S. (ed.) Modern trends in geomechanics 2006
83291 Simons R.N. Coplanar Waveguide Circuits Components & Systems 2001
83290 Heritage G.L. (ed.), Large A.R.G. (ed.) Laser scanning for the environmental sciences 2009
83289 Gupta G. (Author, Editor) Diffusion Processes in Advanced Technological Materials 2006
83288 Heredia N., Wesley I., Garcia S. Microbiologically safe foods 2009
83287 Elvin M. Financial Risk Taking: An Introduction to the Psychology of Trading and Behavioral Finance 2004
83286 Davenport B. Horizontal and vertical drilling 1992
83285 Boccotti P. Wave Mechanics for Ocean Engineering 2000
83284 Rosenbaum D., Dresser M. Clinical Research Coordinator Handbook: GCP Tools and Techniques 2001
83283 Johansen G.A., Jackson P. Radioisotope gauges for industrial process measurements 2004
83282 Kent D.M. (Editor) Applied Wetlands Science and Technology 2000

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