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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
83381 Bowen D.K., Tanner B.K. High Resolution X-Ray Diffractometry And Topography 1998
83380 Kolundzija B., Djordjevic A. Electromagnetic Modeling of Composite Metallic and Dielectric Structures 2002
83379 Chilingar G.V., Teh Fu Yen Bitumens, asphalts, and tar sands, Volume 7 1978
83378 Rubin P. (ed.), Constine L.S. (ed.), Marks L.B. (ed.) Late effects of cancer treatment on normal tissues 2008
83377 Braun D., Cherdron H., Rehahn M. Polymer synthesis: theory and practice. Fundamentals, methods, experiments 2005
83376 Humar A., Payne W.D., Matas A.J. Atlas of organ transplantation 2006
83375 Gallant A.R. Nonlinear statistical models 1987
83374 Kumar P., Alameda J.C., Folk M. Hydroinformatics: data integrative approaches in computation, analysis, and modeling 2005
83373 Odian G. Principles of polymerization 2004
83372 Li J.J. Name reactions for homologations. Part 1 2009
83371 Nihoul J.C.J. (ed.) Marine Interfaces Ecohydrodynamics 1986
83370 Ravenscroft P., Brammer H., Richards K. Arsenic pollution. A global synthesis 2009
83369 Verbiest T., Clays K., Rodriguez V. Second-order nonlinear optical characterization techniques. An introduction 2009
83368 Wood C. (ed.), Jena D. (ed.) Polarization effects in semiconductors. From ab initio theory to device applications 2008
83367 Santolaya-Forgas J. (ed.), Lemery D. (ed.) Interventional ultrasound in obstetrics, gynaecology, and the breast 1998
83366 Heimann R.B. Plasma- spray coating 1996
83365 Dewulf J. (ed.), Langenhove H.V. (ed.) Renewables-based technology 2006
83364 Svoboda K.P., Svoboda T.G. Secretory structures of aromatic and medicinal plants: a review and atlas of micrographs 2000
83363 Holz F.G. (ed.), Spaide R.F. (ed.) Medical retina 2005
83362 Schoenmakers P.J. Optimization of Chromatographic Selectivity: A Guide to Method Development 1986
83361 Horie K. (ed.), Ushiki H. (ed.), Winnik F.M. (ed.) Molecular photonics: fundamentals and practical aspects 2000
83360 Yanuschkevich S.N. (ed.), Wang P.S.H. (ed.), Gavrilova M.L. (ed.) Image pattern recognition: synthesis and analysis in biometrics 2007
83359 Bower K.E. (ed.), Barbanel Y.A. (ed.), Shreter Y.G. (ed.) Polymers, phosphors, and voltaics for radioisotope microbatteries 2002
83358 Laughton M.A. (ed.) Renewable energy sources 2003
83357 Ariel Dinar A. (ed.), Albiac J. (ed.) Policy and strategic behaviour in water resource management 2009
83356 Hodgson N., Weber H. Laser resonators and beam propagation: fundamentals, advanced concepts and applications 2005
83355 Huang D., Nguang S.K. Robust control for uncertain networked control systems with random delays 2009
83354 Cramer M.M. Food plant sanitation: design, maintenance, and good manufacturing practices 2006
83353 Eicher T Cyclic compounds (Topics in current chemistry, volume 57) 1975
83352 Fallon A., Booth R.F.G., Bell L.D. Aplications of HPLC in biochemistry 1987
83351 Bansal R. Engineering electromagnetics: applications 2006
83350 Carr B.I. Hepatocellular cancer: diagnosis and treatment 2005
83349 Chaudhuri J., Al-Rubeai M. Bioreactors for tissue engineering: principles, design and operation 2005
83348 Chambers K.P. Caffeine and health research 2009
83347 Ryan J. Ballistic trauma: a practical guide 2005
83346 Resch M. High performance computing on vector systems 2007 2007
83345 Mukhopadhyay S.C., Gupta G.S. Autonomous Robots and Agents 2007
83344 National Research Council Educating children with autism 2001
83343 Chattaraj P.K. Chemical reactivity theory: a density functional view 2009
83342 Loehner R. Applied computational fluid dynamics techniques: an introduction based on finite element methods 2008
83341 Bell F.G. Geological Hazards: Their Assessment, Avoidance and Mitigation 1999
83340 Kett I. Engineered concrete: mix design and test methods 1999
83339 Kambin P. Arthroscopic and endoscopic spinal surgery: text and atlas 2005
83338 Goodman L., Ignasio R.S. Engineering project management: the IPQMS method and case histories 1999
83337 Reddy K.R., DeLaune R.D. Biogeochemistry of wetlands: science and applications 2008
83336 Fladung M., Ewald D. Tree transgenesis: recent developments 2006
83335 Guo H. Automotive Informatics and Communicative Systems: Principles in Vehicular Networks and Data Exchange 2009
83334 Eamus D. Ecohydrology: vegetation function, water and resource management 2006
83333 Zilouchian A., Jamshidi M. Intelligent control systems using soft computing methodologies 2001
83332 Blauert J. Communication acoustics 2005

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