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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
83030 Baeuerlein E. (ed.), Epple M. (ed.) Handbook of Biomineralization - Medical and Clinical Aspects 2007
83029 Best R. (ed.), de Valence G. (ed.) Design and construction: building in value 2002
83028 Luk K.M., Leung K.W. Dielectric resonator antennas 2002
83027 Bitton G. Encyclopedia of environmental microbiology 2002
83026 Froment G.F. (ed.), Waugh K.C. (ed.) Dynamics of surfaces and reaction kinetics in heterogeneous catalysis: proceedings of the international symposium, Antwerp, Belgium, September 15-17, 1997 (vol. 109) 1997
83025 Kondoz A.M. Digital speech: coding for low bit rate communication systems 2004
83024 Bozorgnia Y. (ed.), Bertero V.V. (ed.) Earthquake engineering: from engineering seismology to performance-based engineering 2004
83023 Kay R., Jacqueline A. Coastal planning and management 1999
83022 Lafiandra D. (ed.), Masci S. (ed.), D'Ovidio R. (ed.) The gluten proteins 2004
83021 Karris S.T. Circuit analysis I: with MATLAB applications 2003
83020 Bedrouni A., Mittu R., Boukhtouta A. Distributed intelligent systems: a coordination perspective 2009
83019 Serp P. (ed.), Figueiredo J.L. (ed.) Carbon materials for catalysis 2008
83018 Amelinckx S. (ed.), van Dyck D. (ed.), van Landuyt J. (ed.) Handbook of microscopy: applications in materials science, solid-state physics, and chemistry. Methods II 1996
83017 Ganoulis J. Engineering risk analysis of water pollution: probabilities and fuzzy sets 1994
83016 Hoogervorst J.A.P. Enterprise governance and enterprise engineering 2009
83015 Cummings L. Clinical Pragmatics 2009
83014 Botet R., Poszajczak M., Ploszajczak M. Universal fluctuations:world scientific lecture notes in physics. Volume 65 2002
83013 Aïtcin P.-C. Binders for durable and sustainable concrete 2007
83012 Sudo T. Electron micrographs of clay minerals 1981
83011 Sapsford R., Jupp V. Data collection and analysis 2006
83010 Noura H. Fault-tolerant control systems. Design and practical applications 2009
83009 Bordo V.G., Rubahn H.G. Optics and Spectroscopy at Surfaces and Interfaces 2005
83008 Godara L.C. Handbook of Antennas in Wireless Communications 2002
83007 Connolly T., Mark Stansfield M. (ed.), Boyle L. (ed.) Games-based learning advancements for multi-sensory human computer interfaces: techniques and effective practices 2009
83005 Mehlhorn H. Encyclopedia of parasitology 2008
83004 Ninan K.N. (ed.) Conserving and valuing ecosystem services and biodiversity: economic, institutional and social challenges 2009
83003 Wittmann V. (ed.), Danishefsky S.J. (ed.) Glycopeptides and glycoproteins: synthesis, structure, and application 2007
83002 Maiti C.K., Armstrong G. A. Applications of silicon-germanium heterostructure devices 2002
83001 Pace-Asciak C., Granstrom E. Prostaglandins and related substances 1983
83000 Zlatkis A. (ed.), Poole C.F. (ed.) Electron Capture: Theory and Practice in Chromatography 1988
82999 van de Waterbeemd H. Chemometric methods in molecular design 1995
82998 Schiff D. (ed.), Wen P.Y. (ed.) Cancer neurology in clinical practice 2002
82997 Kraus W.E., Keteyian S.J. Cardiac rehabilitation 2007
82996 Elali T.S. Discrete systems and digital signal processing with matlab 2004
82995 Copi I.M., Cohen C. Introduction to logic 1981
82994 Heinze J. (ed.), Eberhard Steckhan E. (ed.) Electrochemistry IV. Topics in current chemistry. Volume 4 1989
82993 Goebel D.M., Katz I. Fundamentals of electric propulsion: ion and Hall thrusters 2008
82992 Grosche T. Computational Intelligence in Integrated Airline Scheduling 2008
82991 Ãëóøàêîâ Ñ.Â., Ñóðÿäíûé À.Ñ., Õà÷èðîâ Ò.Ñ. Ïåðñîíàëüíûé êîìïüþòåð 2010
82990 Schmidt R.H., Rodrick G.E. Food safety handbook 2002
82989 Thomas C.H. (ed.), Mehta A. (ed.) Challenges in granular physics 2003
82988 Bristow C. S., Jol H.M. Ground penetrating radar in sediments 2003
82987 Tsuda T. (ed.) Electric field applications: in chromatography, industrial and chemical processes 1995
82986 Walsh R. Electromechanical design handbook 2000
82985 William A., Yarberry J. Computer telephony integration 2002
82984 Boss M.J., Day D.W. Biological risk engineering handbook: infection control and decontamination 2002
82983 Shah V. Handbook of plastics testing and failure analysis 2007
82982 Rafii-Tabar H. Computational Physics of Carbon Nanotubes 2007
82981 Forstner U. Contaminated sediments. Lecture notes in Earth sciences 21 1989
82980 Jackson S.D., Hargreaves I.S.I., Lennon D. Catalysis in application: proceedings of the International Symposium on Applied Catalysis to be held at the University of Glasgow on 16-18 July 2003 2003

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