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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
83835 Chaib-draa B. (Editor), Müller J.P. (Editor) Multiagent based Supply Chain Management 2006
83834 Bennett A.F. Inverse Modeling of the Ocean and Atmosphere 2002
83833 Schlote T., Gelisken F. Pocket Atlas of Ophthalmology 2006
83832 Kuehni R.G. Color Space and Its Divisions: Color Order from Antiquity to the Present 2003
83831 Lai E. Practical Digital Signal Processing 2004
83830 Hamblen J.O., Hall T.S., Furman M.D. Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems 2005
83829 Aktas B., Tagirov L., Mikailov F. Magnetic Nanostructures 2007
83828 Chatterjee S., Hadi A.S. Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Regression 1988
83827 Penn J.S. Retinal and Choroidal Angiogenesiss 2008
83826 Rabus D.G. Integrated Ring Resonators: The Compendium 2007
83825 Penrose R., Rindler W. Spinors and space-time. Spinor and twistor methods in space-time geometry 1988
83824 Beddoes J., Bibby M. Principles of Metal Manufacturing Processes 1999
83823 van der Eycken E., Kappe C.O., Almqvist F. Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Heterocycles 2006
83822 Pedro J.C., Carvalho N.B. Intermodulation Distortion in Microwave and Wireless Circuits 2003
83821 Bazzan A.L.C., Klugl F. (Editor) Multi-Agent Systems for Traffic and Transportation Engineering 2009
83820 Mazur V.A. (Editor), Rzoska S.J. (Editor) Soft Matter under Exogenic Impacts 2007
83819 Gibbons J.F. (Editor) Semiconductors and Semimetals, Vol. 17: CW Beam Processing of Silicon and Other Semiconductors 1985
83818 Rangaiah G.P. Multi-objective Optimization: Techniques and Applications in Chemical Engineering 2009
83817 Ketelaar V.B.H. Satellite Radar Interferometry: Subsidence Monitoring Techniques 2009
83816 Avgoustinov N. Modelling in Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics: Towards Autonomous Intelligent Software Models 2007
83815 Mardia K.V. Directional statistics 2000
83814 Brookes A,J,, Meijs M. Cladding of buildings 2008
83813 Ritchie G.J. Transistor circuit techniques. Discrete and integrated 2003
83812 Unhelkar B. Handbook of research in mobile business. Technical, methodological and social perspectives 2008
83811 Ettre L.S., Hinshaw J.V. Chapters in the evolution of chromatography 2008
83810 Singley J.E. Corrosion Prevention and Control in Water Treatment and Supply Systems (Pollution Technology Review) 1985
83809 Belitz H.-D., Grosch W., Schieberle P. Food chemistry 2009
83808 Lalli C., Parsons T.R. Biological oceanography: an introduction 1997
83807 Perruquetti W., Barbot J.-P. Chaos in automatic control 2005
83806 Schweiger A Electron nuclear double resonance of transition metal complexes with organic ligands 1982
83805 Brinker C.J., Cao G. Annual review of nano research Volume 2 2006
83804 Harding C., Johnson D.A., Janes R. Elements of the p Block 2002
83803 Henke K.R. Arsenic: environmental chemistry, health threats and waste treatment 2009
83802 Ward T.R. Bio-inspired catalysts 2009
83801 Rao J.R., Sunar B. Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2005: 7th International Workshop, Edinburgh, UK, August 29 - September 1, 2005, Proceedings .(Computer Science / Security and Cryptology) 2005
83800 Hobbs P.C.D. Building Electro-Optical Systems: Making It all Work 2000
83799 Kino G.S., Corle T.R. Confocal Scanning Optical Microscopy and Related Imaging Systems 1996
83798 Boule M., Zilic Z. Generating Hardware Assertion Checkers: For Hardware Verification, Emulation, Post-Fabrication Debugging and On-Line Monitoring 2008
83797 Bansal R.K. (ed.) Phosphorous heterocycles I: topics in heterocyclic chemistry 2009
83796 Presutti E. Scaling limits in statistical mechanics and microstructures in continuum mechanics 2009
83795 Hildmann H., Sudhoff H. Middle ear surgery 2006
83794 Arnold K.E. (ed.) Petroleum engineering handbook. Volume 3: facilities and construction engineering 2007
83793 Brown B.H., Smallwood R.H., Barber D.C. Medical physics and biomedical engineering 1999
83792 Agarwal S., Agarwal A., Agarwal A. Phacoemulsification 2004
83791 Êàêóðèí Í. Å., Âàöåòèñ È. È. Ãðàæäàíñêàÿ âîéíà. 1918-1921 2002
83790 Wright T. Fluid machinery. Performance, analysis, and design 1999
83789 Bobok E. Fluid mechanics for petroleum engineers 1993
83788 Jandera P., Churacek J. Gradient elution in column liquid chromatography 1985
83787 Sandberg G. (ed.), Ohayon R. (ed.) Computational aspects of structural acoustics and vibration 2008
83786 Best M.G. Igneous and metamorphic petrology 2003

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