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82929 Goumans J.J.J.M., van der Sloot H.A., Aalbers T.G. Environmental aspects of construction with waste materials: proceeding[s] of the International Conference on Environmental Implications of Construction Materials and Technology Developments, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 1-3 June 1994 1994
82928 Miller H.J., Han J. Geographic data mining and knowledge discovery 2009
82927 Hans-Dieter Stoelting,Eberhard Kallenbach,Wolfgang Amrh Handbook of fractional-horsepower drives 2008
82926 Ball G.F.M. Vitamins in foods: analysis, bioavailability, and stability 2005
82925 DeAngelis A., Mansutti O. Proceedings of the the Third Workshop on Science with the New Generation of High Energy Gamma-Ray Experiments: Cividale del Fiuli, Italy, 30 May - 1 June 2005 2006
82924 Cooper A. Biophysical chemistry 2004
82923 Fernandes J. Inborn metabolic diseases: diagnosis and treatment 2006
82922 Singleton P. Bacteria in biology, biotechnology, and medicine 2004
82921 Pratt S.P. Business valuation discounts and premiums 2009
82919 Bartlett R.E. Public health engineering sewerage 2005
82918 Nigg E.A. Genome instability in cancer development 2005
82917 Bertram A. Elasticity and plasticity of large deformations 2005
82916 Berka P., Rauch J., Zighed D.A. Data mining and medical knowledge management. Cases and applications 2009
82915 Monsonego J. (ed.) Emerging issues on HPV infections: from science to practice 2006
82914 Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) Guidelines for implementing process safety management systems 1994
82913 Piscitelli S.C. (ed.), Rodvold K. (ed.) Drug interactions in infectious diseases 2005
82912 Nihoul J.C.J. (ed.) Bottom turbulence: proceedings of the 8th International liege colloquium on ocean hydrodynamics 1977
82911 Luque A. (ed.), Hegedus S. (ed.) Handbook of photovoltaic science and engineering 2003
82910 Leondes C.T. (ed.) Biomechanical systems technology: general anatomy 2007
82909 McDonald J.D. (ed.) Electric power substations engineering 2003
82908 Tamm C. (ed.) Stereochemistry 1982
82907 Weiner I.B. Handbook of psychology. Volume 6 2003
82906 Davison L.W. Fundamentals of shock wave propagation in solids 2008
82905 Soward A.M., Jones C.A. Fluid dynamics and dynamos in astrophysics and geophysics 2005
82904 Abraham A. (ed.), Goldberg R. (ed.) Evolutionary multiobjective optimization: theoretical advances and applications 2005
82903 Kruse N., Frennet. A., Bastin J.M. Catalysis and automotive pollution control IV 1998
82902 Bechtold T. (ed.), Mussak R. (ed.) Handbook of natural colorants 2009
82901 Spellman F.R. Handbook of water and wastewater treatment plant operations 2009
82900 Spiegel C. PEM fuel cell modeling and simulation using Matlab 2008
82899 Owen D.R.J., Hinton E. Finite elements in plasticity: theory and practice 1980
82898 Chen K.C., Prasad R. Cognitive radio networks 2009
82897 Miksch S. (ed.), Jim Hunter J. (ed.), Keravnou E. (ed.) Artificial intelligence in medicine: 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2005, Aberdeen, UK, July 23-27, 2005 2005
82896 Kornhuber R. (ed.), Periaux J. (ed.), Pironneau O. (ed.) Domain decomposition methods in science and engineering 2004
82895 Tistarelli M., Li S.Z., Rama C. Handbook of remote biometrics: for surveillance and security 2009
82894 Zhang X.-P., Rehtanz C., Pal B. Flexible AC transmission systems: modelling and control 2006
82893 Stern K.H. High temperature properties and thermal decomposition of inorganic salts with oxyanions 2001
82892 Qian K., den Haring D., Cao L. Embedded software development with C 2009
82891 Monk P.M.S. Fundamentals of electroanalytical chemistry 2001
82890 Owens G. Cereals processing technology 2001
82889 Sulem J., Vardoulakis I.G. Bifurcation analysis in geomechanics 1995
82888 Penczek S., Kubisa P., Matyjaszewski K. Cationic ring-opening polymerization. 2, synthetic applications 1985
82887 Kishen A., Asundi A. Fundamentals and applications of biophotonics in dentistry 2007
82886 Kuntz E., Kuntz H.-D. Hepatology: principles and practice: history, morphology, biochemistry, diagnostics, clinic, therapy 2005
82885 Hanlon P. Compressor handbook 2001
82884 Wypych G. Handbook of material weathering 1995
82883 Ma Z. Artificial intelligence for maximizing content based image retrieval 2009
82882 Glowinski R., Lions J.L. Computing methods in applied sciences and engineering. International symposium, Versailles, December 17-21, 1973 1974
82881 Stokes A. Manual gearbox design 1992
82880 Meduna A., Švec M. Grammars with context conditions and their applications 2005
82879 Karris S.T. Digital Circuit Analysis and Design with an Introduction to CPLDs and FPGAs 2005

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