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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
83130 Morgan A.B., Wilkie C.A. Flame retardant polymer nanocomposites 2007
83129 Wrightl K.W., Spiegel P.H., Thompson L.S. Handbook of pediatric neuro-ophthalmology 2006
83128 Kaplan T. Emergency department handbook. Children and adolescents with mental health problems 2009
83127 Henwood D. Wall Street: How It Works and for Whom 1998
83126 Su-22M-4,Su-22UM-3K n/a
83125 Blake W. The Book of Urizen / Êíèãà Óðèçåíà (èëëþìèíèðîâàííàÿ êíèãà) 1818
83124 Bartlett P.N. Bioelectrochemistry. Fundamentals, experimental techniques and applications 2008
83123 Sanchez Marcano J.G., Tsotsis T. Catalytic membranes and membrane reactors 2002
83122 Dermanis A., Grun A., Sanso F. Geomatic methods for the analysis of data in the earth sciences 2000
83121 Avouris P., Bhushan B. Applied scanning probe methods 2. Scanning probe microscopy techniques n/a
83120 Wada H. Biomechanics at micro and nanoscale levels. Volume 4 2007
83119 Ginzburg V.B. Flat-rolled steel processes. Advanced technologies 2009
83118 Fitzgerald A.E., Kingsley C. Electric machinery 2002
83117 Liu P., Li.H. Fuzzy neural network theory and application 2004
83116 Lees M. (ed.) Food authenticity and traceability 2003
83115 Weising K., Nybom H. DNA fingerprinting in plants. Principles, methods, and applications 2005
83114 Schultz J.S. Handbook of chemical and biological sensors 1996
83113 Kim Y.J. (ed.), Platt U. (ed.), Gu M.B. (Editor) Atmospheric and biological environmental monitoring 2009
83112 Adams M.J. Chemometrics in analytical spectroscopy 2004
83111 Mori H. (ed.), Matsuda H. (ed.) Cardiovascular regeneration therapies using tissue engineering approaches 2005
83110 Rice D.P. (ed.) Craniofacial sutures: development, diseases and treatment 2008
83109 Clarke D. Groundwater discharge tests: simulation and analysis 1989
83108 Holzapfel G.A. (ed.), Ogden R.W. (ed.) Biomechanical modelling at the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels 2009
83107 De Groot W.T. Environmental science theory 1992
83106 Bowen H.J.M. (ed.) Environmental chemistry.Volume 2 1982
83105 Astbury A. (ed.), Campbell B. (ed.), Khanna F. (ed.) Fundamental interactions: proceedings of the Twentieth lake louise winter institute, lake louise, Alberta, Canada, 20-26 february, 2005 2006
83104 Vasic B., Kurtas E. Coding and signal processing for magnetic recording systems 2005
83103 Krygowski T.M. Aromaticity in heterocyclic compounds 2009
83102 Rowell R.M. (ed.) Handbook of wood chemistry and wood composites 2005
83101 Goddard W.A. (ed.), Brenner D.(ed.), Lyshevski S.E. (ed.) Handbook of nanoscience, engineering, and technology 2002
83100 Heumann K.G. Handbook of elemental speciation II. Species in the environment food medicine and Occupational H 2005
83099 Upp E.L. Fluid flow measurement. A practical guide to accurate flow measurement 2002
83098 Karge H.G., Weitkamp J. Characterization of porous solids 1988
83097 Ben-dor G., Dubinsky A. Applied high-speed plate penetration dynamics 2006
83096 Avouris P., Bhushan B. Applied scanning probe methods 3. Characterization 2006
83095 Kamenkovich V.M. Fundamentals of ocean dynamics. Elsevier oceanography series,16 1977
83094 Launder B.E., Sandham N.D. Closure strategies for turbulent and transitional flows 2002
83093 Nyer E.K., Bedessem J. Groundwater treatment technology 2009
83092 Douglas O.J. Applied technology and instrumentation for process control 2005
83091 Nair K.M. (ed.), Bhalla A.S. (ed.) Dielectric materials and devices 1997
83090 Strack S., Millon T. Handbook of personology and psychopathology 2005
83089 Waibel A., Stiefelhagen R. Computers in the human interaction loop 2009
83088 Kotzen B. Environmental noise barriers 2009
83087 Balek J. Groundwater resources assessment 1989
83086 Lea J., Nickens H.V., Wells M. Gas well deliquification 2008
83085 Patnaik P. Handbook of environmental analysis: chemical pollutants in air, water, soil, and solid wastes 1997
83084 Leifert W.R. (ed.) G protein-coupled receptors in drug discovery 2009
83083 Tuzlukov V. Signal processing noise 2002
83082 Awad M., Thuraisingham B., Khan L. Design and implementation of data mining tools 2009
83081 Gross D., Seelig T. Fracture mechanics: with an introduction to micromechanics 2006

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