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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
83080 Heyman J.S. Electronics reliability and measurement technology: nondestructive evaluation 1984
83079 Faiz O., Moffat D. Anatomy at a glance 2002
83078 Rccs W.S. (ed.) CVD of nonmetals 1996
83077 Willis N.J. Bistatic radar 2005
83076 Schanze J. (ed.), Zeman E. (ed.), Marsalek J. (ed.) Flood risk management: hazards, vulnerability and mitigation measures 2006
83075 Borror C.M. The certified quality engineer handbook 2009
83074 Alterovitz G., Benson R., Ramoni M.F. Automation in proteomics and genomics: an engineering case-based approach 2009
83073 Wiersma G.B. Environmental monitoring 2004
83072 Meurer T. (ed.), Graichen K. (ed.), Gilles E.-D. (ed.) Control and observer design for nonlinear finite and infinite dimensional systems 2005
83071 Otles S. (ed.) Handbook of food analysis instruments 2008
83070 Adamatzky A. Computing in nonlinear media and automata collectives 2001
83069 Dutta R. Fundamentals of biochemical engineering 2008
83068 Sher E. (ed.) Handbook of air pollution from internal combustion engines. 1998
83067 Groh H. Explosion protection 2004
83066 Queinnec I.(ed.), Tarbouriech S.(ed.), Garcia G. (ed.) Biology and control theory: current challenges 2007
83065 Feher L.E. Energy efficient microwave systems: materials processing technologies for avionic, mobility and environmental applications 2009
83064 Voyiadjis G.Z. (ed.), Allen D.H. (ed.) Damage and interfacial debonding in composites 1996
83063 Shaw R.L. Fighter combat: tactics and maneuvering 1985
83062 Wright K.W. (ed.), Spiegel P.H. (ed.), Thompson L.S. (ed.) Handbook of pediatric retinal disease 2006
83061 Boyce M.P. Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook n/a
83060 Majkowski J. (ed.), Bourgeois B.F.D. (ed.) Antiepileptic drugs. Combination therapy and interactions 2005
83059 Faller R. (ed.), Thomas Jue T. (ed.), Risbud S.H. (ed.) Biomembrane frontiers: nanostructures, models, and the design of life. Volume 2 2009
83058 Sun C., Cheng J., Ohira T. Handbook on advancements in smart antenna technologies for wireless networks 2009
83057 Kartner F.X. (ed.) Few-cycle laser pulse generation and its applications 2004
83056 Tseng W.-S., Streltzer J. Cultural competence in health care 2008
83055 Chen Z.N., Chia M.Y.W. Broadband planar antennas: design and applications 2006
83054 Verhelst M., Dehaene W. Energy scalable radio design for pulsed UWB communication and ranging 2009
83053 Spivey J.J., Dooley K.M. Catalysis 2008
83052 Haasis H.-D. Dynamics in logistics: first international conference LDIC 2007, Bremen, Germany, august 2007 2008
83051 Ciancio A., Mukerji K.G. (ed.) General concepts in integrated pest and disease management 2007
83050 De Florio V. Application-layer fault-tolerance protocols 2009
83049 Chu P.K. (ed.), Liu X. (ed.) Biomaterials fabrication and processing handbook 2008
83048 Boisse P., Altan T., van Luttervelt K. Friction and flow stress in forming and cutting 2003
83047 Cheng A.H. -D., Ouazar D. Coastal aquifer management: monitoring, modeling, and case studies 2003
83046 Paiano R., Guido A.L., Pandurino A. Designing complex web information systems: integrating evolutionary process engineering 2009
83045 Shamsi U.M. GIS applications for water, wastewater, and stormwater systems 2005
83044 Hinchliffe A. (ed.) Chemical modelling: applications and theory. Volume 1 2000
83043 Beer A., Higgins C. Environmental Planning for Site Development: a Manual for Sustainable Local Planning and Design 1999
83042 Zhao H. HCCI and CAI engines for the automotive industry 2007
83041 Gonzalo J.A. Effective field approach to phase transitions and some applications to ferroelectrics 2006
83040 Paradis N.A., Halperin H.R., Kern K.B. Cardiac arrest: the science and practice of resuscitation medicine 2007
83039 Yu F.T.S. (ed.), Yin S. (ed.), Ruffin P.B. (ed.) Fiber optic sensors 2008
83038 Sammes N. (ed.) Fuel Cell Technologies: state and perspectives: proceedings of the NATO advanced research Workshop on Fuel Cell technologies: state and perspectives 2005
83037 Ma M. (ed.) Current research progress of optical networks 2009
83036 Baz I.A. (ed.), Otterpohl R. (ed.), Wendland C. (ed.) Efficient management of wastewater: its treatment and reuse in water-scarce countries 2008
83035 Blum M.D. (ed.), Marriott S.B. (ed.), Leclair S.F. (ed.) Fluvial sedimentology VII 2005
83034 Khramtsov P.P., Martynenko O.G. Free-convective heat transfer: with many photographs of flows and heat exchange 2005
83033 Shackelford J.F., Alexander W. CRC materials science and engineering handbook 2000
83032 Bondarouk T., Ruël H., Guiderdoni-Jourdain K. Handbook of research on e-transformation and human resources management technologies: organizational outcomes and challenges 2009
83031 Jones D. S. J., Pujado P.R. Handbook of petroleum processing 2006

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