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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
84039 Stapenhurst T. Mastering statistical process control: a handbook for performance improvement using cases 2005
84038 Marti A., Luque A. Next generation photovoltaics: high efficiency through full spectrum utilization 2003
84037 Kleidon A. (ed.), Lorenz R. (ed.) Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and the production of entropy: life, earth, and beyond 2004
84036 Edgar T.F., Himmelblau D.M. Optimization of chemical processes 2001
84035 Nakamoto K. Infrared and raman spectra of inorganic and coordination compounds. Part A: theory and applications in inorganic chemistry 2009
84034 Goldblatt R. Mathematics of modality 1994
84033 Liang L. (ed.), Rinaldi R. (ed.), Schober H. (ed.) Neutron applications in earth, energy and environmental sciences 2008
84032 Ali I., Aboul-Enein H.Y. Nanochromatography and nanocapillary electrophoresis: pharmaceutical and environmental analyses 2009
84031 Zhang S., Ali N. Nanocomposite thin films and coatings: processing, properties and performance 2007
84030 Sam Zhang,Nasar, Ali N. Nanocomposite thin films and coatings: processing, properties and performance 2007
84029 Böllinghaus T.(ed.), Herold H. (ed.) Hot cracking phenomena in welds 2005
84028 Armstrong D., Halliday W., Hawkings C. Pediatric neuropathology: a text-atlas 2007
84027 Arthur T.J. Petroleum geology of Africa: new themes and developing technologies 2003
84026 Sarychev A. (ed.), Shiryaev A. (ed.), Guerra M. (ed.) Mathematical control theory and finance 2008
84025 Basmadjian D. Mass transfer: principles and applications 2005
84024 Bailey D., Wright E. Practical fiber optics 2003
84023 Gates Energy Products Rechargeable batteries applications handbook 1997
84022 Tsen K.T. (ed.) Non-equilibrium dynamics of semiconductors and nanostructures 2005
84021 Houlsby G.T. Principles of hyperplasticity: an approach to plasticity theory based on thermodynamic principles 2006
84020 Capstick S., Crede V., Eugenio P.M. Nstar 2005: proceedings of the workshop on the physics of excited nucleons 2006
84019 Ready J.F. Industrial applications of lasers 1997
84018 Reese C.D. Industrial safety and health for goods and materials services 2009
84017 Vanhoenacker F.M. Imaging of orthopedic sports injuries 2006
84016 Berthold M., Hand D.J. Intelligent data analysis. An introduction 2007
84015 Wang Z.M. (ed.) One-dimensional nanostructures. Lecture Notes in Nanoscale Science and Technology 2008
84014 Gut A. Probability: a graduate course 2005
84013 Ganai M., Gupta A. SAT-based scalable formal verification solutions 2007
84012 Hill J., Megier J. Imaging spectrometry - a tool for environmental observations 2007
84011 Àõìåäîâ Ò. Ãèïíîç. Íîâåéøèé ñïðàâî÷íèê 2005
84010 Basting D. (ed.), Marowsky G. (ed.) Excimer laser technology 2005
84009 Galabov B.S., Dudev T. Vibrational intensities 1996
84008 Merzkirch W. Fluid mechanics of flow metering 2004
84007 Gultepe I. Fog and boundary layer clouds: fog visibility and forecasting 2007
84006 Müllen K. (ed.), Scherf U. (ed.) Organic light-emitting devices: synthesis, properties, and applications 2006
84005 Franklin S.E. Remote sensing for sustainable forest management 2001
84004 Tothill I.E. (ed.) Rapid and on-line instrumentation for food quality assurance 2003
84003 Botelho L.C.L. Methods of bosonic and fermionic path integrals representations: continuum random geometry in quantum field theory 2009
84002 Van de Water T.R. (ed.), Staecker H. (ed.) Otolaryngology: basic science and clinical review 2005
84001 Smykatz-Kloss (ed.), Felix-Henningsen P. (ed.) Palaeoecology of quaternary drylands 2004
84000 Paik J.K., Thayamballi A.K. Ship-shaped offshore installations: design, building, and operation 2007
83999 Nikolova L., Ramanujam P.S. Polarization holography 2009
83998 Mahato R.I. (ed.), Kim S.W. (ed.) Pharmaceutical perspectives of nucleic acid-based therapeutics 2002
83997 Aczel P. Non-well-founded sets 1988
83996 Nawrocki W. Measurement systems and sensors 2005
83995 Pires J.N. Industrial robots programming: building applications for the factories of the future 2007
83994 Merkuryev Y. (ed.), Merkuryeva G. (ed.), Piera M.A. (ed.) Simulation-based case studies in logistics: education and applied research 2009
83993 Liu H. Pipeline engineering 2003
83992 Cody R.P., Pass R. SAS programming by example 1995
83990 Moss D.R. Pressure vessel design manual 2004
83989 Shareef M.A., Dwivedi Y.K., Williams M.D. Proliferation of the Internet economy: e-commerce for global adoption, resistance, and cultural evolution 2009

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