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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
175250 Purvis M., Savarimuthu B. Computer-Mediated Social Networking: First International Conference, ICCMSN 2008, Dunedin, New Zealand, June 11-13, 2009, Revised Selected Papers ... Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) 2009
18231 Purvis M., Sambells J., Turner C. Beginning Google Maps Applications with PHP and Ajax: From Novice to Professional 2006
188494 Puschl W. Physik des Segelns, Wie Segeln wirklich funktioniert 2012
158525 Puschnigg M. Asymptotic Cyclic Cohomology 1996
35030 Puschnigg M. Asymptotic Cyclic Cohomology, Vol. 164 1996
165496 Pushkin Kachroo Pedestrian dynamics: Mathematical theory and evacuation control 2009
166801 Pustejovsky J., Bergler S. Lexical Semantics and Knowledge Representation: First SIGLEX Workshop, Berkeley, CA, USA, June 17, 1991. Proceedings 1992
108339 Put M., Singer M. Galois Theory of Linear Differential Equations 2003
153474 Putcha M. Linear Algebraic Monoids (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 133) 1988
150052 Putcha M. Linear algebraic monoids 1988
190174 Puterman M. Markov decision processes: Discrete stochastic dynamic programming 2005
162088 Puterman M.L. Markov decision processes. Discrete stochastic dynamic programming MVspa 2005
74594 Puterman M.L. Markov Decision Processes: Discrete Stochastic Dynamic Programming (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) 2005
180859 Putinar M., Sullivant S. Emerging Applications of Algebraic Geometry (The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications) 2009
140167 Putirka K., Tepley F. Minerals, Inclusions, and Volcanic Processess 2008
41975 Putnam C.R. Operators, analytic negligibility, and capacities n/a
44196 Putnam G.R. Radio Fog Signals for the Protection of Navigation; Recent Progress 1924
144661 Putnam H. Mathematics, Matter and Method, Philosophical Papers, Volume 1 1975
198629 Putnam H. The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy and Other Essays 2002
110617 Putnam H. Mathematics without foundations 1967
20938 Putnam J. Pyramid (DK Eyewitness Guides) 1994
144024 Putnik G., Cunha M. Knowledge and Technology Management in Virtual Organizations: Issues, Trends, Opportunities and Solutions 2007
187560 Putt A. Putt's Law & the Successful Technocrat: How to Win in the Information Age 2006
165485 Putt A. Putt's Law and the Successful Technocrat: How to Win in the Information Age 2006
166266 Puttaswamaiah B., Dixon J. Modular representations of finite groups 1977
176863 Putte S. The Development of the Perineum in the Human: A Comprehensive Histological Study with a Special Reference to the Role of the Stromal Components (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology) 2005
54701 Puttlitz K.J. (ed.), Stalter K.A. (ed.) Handbook of Lead-Free Solder Technology for Microelectronic Assemblies 2004
199771 Putwain D.W., Gallard D., Beaumont J. Academic buoyancy protects achievement against minor academic adversities 2020
3927 Putz J. Maximizing ASP.NET 2005
22153 Putz J.F. Maple Animation 2003
58680 Puu T., Sushko I. Business Cycle Dynamics: Models and Tools 2006
50447 Puzarenko V.G. A Certain Reducibility on Admissible Sets 2009
138888 Puzyn T., Leszczynski J., Cronin M. Recent Advances in QSAR Studies: Methods and Applications (Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics) 2009
138889 Puzyn T., Leszczynski J., Cronin M. Recent Advances in QSAR Studies: Methods and Applications (Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics) 2009
187019 Puzyn T., Leszczynski J. Towards Efficient Designing of Safe Nanomaterials : Innovative Merge of Computational Approaches and Experimental Techniques 2012
74105 Pyatnitsky L.N. Turbulence Nature and the Inverse Problem 2009
84285 Pybus D.H. The chemistry of fragrances 2004
6835 Pye D. Polarised Light in Science and Nature 2001
159279 Pye K., Croft D. Forensic Geoscience: Principles, Techniques And Applications (Geological Society Special Publication) 2004
52791 Pye L.D. (ed.), Montenero A. (ed.), Joseph I. (ed.) Properties of Glass Formation Melts 2005
53450 Pyell U. (ed.) Electrokinetic Chromatography: Theory, Instrumentation and Applications 2006
165449 Pyke K. Plastid Biology 2009
11572 Pyle D. Business Modeling and Data Mining 2003
167964 Pyle M., Munoz M. Test of English as a Foreign Language. Preparation Guide. 1991
170100 Pyle M.A. Test of English as a Foreign Language preparation guide 1991
13311 Pyle M.A. CliffsTestPrep. TOEFL CBT 2001
21917 Pyles J. PC Technician Street Smarts: A Real World Guide to CompTIA A+ Skills 2006
77147 Pylkkanen P. Mind, Matter and the Implicate Order 2006
29166 Pylkknen P.T. Time Consciousness: The Relevance of Bohemian Physics to Our Understanding of the mind 2005
32653 Pym D.J., Ritter E. Reductive Logic and Proof-Search: Proof Theory, Semantics, and Control 2004

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