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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
58662 Praetorius B., Bauknecht D., Cames M. Innovation for Sustainable Electricity Systems: Exploring the Dynamics of Energy Transitions 2009
106759 Praetorius D. Numerische Mathematik 2006
216432 Prag J. Covid-u business lessons from a pandemic n/a
154065 Pragacz P. Topics in Cohomological Studies of Algebraic Varieties: Impanga Lecture Notes (Trends in Mathematics) 2005
158906 Pragacz P. Algebraic cycles, sheaves, shtukas, and moduli. Impanga lecture notes 2008
32613 Pragacz P. Algebraic Cycles, Sheaves, Shtukas, and Moduli: Impanga Lecture Notes 2008
34326 Pragacz P. (Ed) Topics in Cohomological Studies of Algebraic Varieties: Impanga Lecture Notes 2005
45701 Prager B., Jacobson P. Beilstein's Handbuch 1918
122677 Prager T., Schimansky-Geier L. Drift and Diffusion in Periodically Driven Renewal Processes 2006
13781 Prague C.N., Irwin M.R., Reardon J. Access 2003 Bible 2003
38283 Prajapat J., Tarantello G. On a class of elliptic problems in Bbb Rsp 2 symmetry and uniqueness results n/a
124279 Prakash C. High-Temperature Differentiability of Lattice Gibbs States by Dobrushin Uniqueness Techniques 1983
216105 Prakash G.(ðåä.), Adelman J.(ðåä.) Inventing the third world n/a
165862 Prakash N. Mathematical perspectives on theoretical physics 2003
122082 Prakash S., Nicolis G. Dynamics of the Schlogl Models on Lattices of Low Spatial Dimension 1997
77994 Pralat P. Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking: 4th Workshop, CAAN 2007, Halifax, Canada, August 14, 2007, Revised Papers 2007
104736 Pralle H. Codierungstheorie 2006
52226 Pramauro E., Pelizetti E. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 31 1996
68952 Pran Tiku Six Sizzling Markets 2008
64528 Pranab Bardhan International trade, growth, and development 2003
79821 Prance G. (ed.), Nesbitt (ed.) The cultural history of plants 2005
25020 Prandi M. The Unofficial Guide to Managing Rental Property (Unofficial Guides Series) 2005
143454 Prandoni P., Vetterli M. Signal Processing for Communications (Communication and Information Sciences) 2008
38791 Prandtl L. Gesammelte Abhandlungen (Teil 1) 1961
38792 Prandtl L. Gesammelte Abhandlungen (Teil 2) 1961
104965 Prange G. Die Hamilton-Jacobische Theorie fuer Doppelintegrale 1915
123340 Prange R.E. Quasiclassical Wavefunctions 1998
147112 Pras A/, van Sinderen M. Dependable and Adaptable Networks and Services: 13th Open European Summer School and IFIP TC6.6 Workshop, EUNICE 2007, Enschede, The Netherlands, July 2007
17815 Prasad K.V. Principles of Digital Communication Systems and Computer Networks 2003
23667 Prasad A.R., Prasad N.R. 802.11 WLANs and IP Networking Security, QoS, and Mobility 2005
163467 Prasad M., Sajwan K., Naidu R. Trace Elements in the Environment: Biogeochemistry, Biotechnology, and Bioremediation 2006
192565 Prasad M., Sajwan K., Naidu R. TRACE ELEMENTS in the ENVIRONMENT - Biogeochemistry Biotechnology and Bioremediation 2006
60705 Prasad M. N. V. Trace Elements as Contaminants and Nutrients: Consequences in Ecosystems and Human Health 2008
10526 Prasad M.R., Biere A., Gupta A. A Survey of Recent Advances in SAT-Based Formal Verification 2005
158169 Prasad P., Mark J., Kandil S. Science and Technology of Polymers and Advanced Materials 1998
140809 Prasad P. Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Methods and Biologic Applications (Methods in Molecular Medicine) 2006
129907 Prasad P. Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Methods and Biologic Applications 2006
26828 Prasad P.N. Elements of Nanophotonics 2004
25319 Prasad R., Munoz L. WLANs and WPANs Towards 4G Wireless (Universal Personal Communications Series) 2003
28273 Prasad R. OFDM for Wireless Communications Systems 2004
49865 Prasad R., Power J.F. Soil Fertility Management for Sustainable Agriculture 1997
20189 Prasad R., Ruggieri M. Technology Trends in Wireless Communications 2003
79432 Prasad R., Ruggieri M. Applied Satellite Navigation Using GPS, GALILEO, and Augmentation Systems 2005
140348 Prasad R., Mihovska A. New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications: Networks, Services and Applications 2009
142434 Prasad R., Deneire L. From WPANs to Personal Networks: Technologies and Applications 2006
168898 Prasad R., Mihovska A. New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications: Networks, Services and Applications (Artech House Universal Personal Communications) 2009
175396 Prasad R., Mihovska A. New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications: Reconfigurability (Artech House Mobile Communications) 2009
173111 Prasad R., Dixit S., Nee R. Globalization of Mobile and Wireless Communications: Today and in 2020 (Signals and Communication Technology) 2011
173682 Prasad R., Mihovska A. New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications. Volume 3. Reconfigurability (Artech House Mobile Communications) 2009
154612 Prasad R., Mihovska A. New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications: Radio Interfaces (Artech House Mobile Communication Series) 2009

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