Авторизация |
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Price J.F. — Lie groups and compact groups |
Предметный указатель |
(dual object) 165
1-parameter subgroup 34
AD 88
Adjoint representation 88 106
Algebra 59
Algebra free 59
Algebra Lie 17
Analytic atlas 7
Analytic atlas, equivalent 45
Analytic diffeomorphism 7
Analytic diffeomorphism, local 40
Analytic function 4
Analytic homeomorphism 7
Analytic homomorphism 43
Analytic manifold 7
Analytic map 7
Atlas 2
Atlas 0-dimensional 2
Atlas analytic 7
Atlas compatible 25
Atlas generators of an 6
Atlas maximal 6
Atlas smooth 6
Automorphism group (Aut(L)) 126
Campbell — Baker — Hausdorff (CBH) formula 61 65
Cartan's criterion for semi-simplicity 124
Cartan's criterion for semi-solubility 158
Central function 167
Centre 110
Chart 1
Chart trivializing 12
Circle group (T) 27
Compact group 165
Compact group, Lie algebra 122 128
Compact group, Lie group 115
Compact Lie group 136
Compatible atlas 25
Complete (metric space) 82
Covering group 75
Curve (analytic) 80
Curve (analytic), broken 80
Curve (analytic), coincident 91
Curve (analytic), length of 80
Derivation 16
Derivation, local 23
Derivation, of a Lie algebra 125
Derivative 2
Derivative, directional 16
Derivative, Frechet 4
Derivative, partial 32
Diffeomorphism 7
Diffeomorphism, analytic 7
Differentiable map, function 2
Dimension of a manifold 2
Dimention of a manifold, Lie group 25
Direct product 42
Direct product, Lie algebra of 112
Distance metric (d(p, q)) 81
Dual object 165
Embedding 20
Exponential map 39
Exponential map, power series 47
Form, invariant 123
Form, Killing 123
Frechet derivative 4
Free algebra 59
Function, analytic 5
Function, differentiable 2
Function, smooth 3
Gel'fand — Ralkov theorem 163
General affine group (GA(E)) 56
General linear 25 46
General linear group (GL(E)) 26 46
Geodesic 84 91
Group, circle 27
Group, compact 165
Group, exceptional 137
Group, general affine 56
Group, Lie 25
Group, locally compact 161
Group, orthogonal 2 7
Group, profinlte 158
Group, special linear 54
Group, special orthogonal 27
Group, special unitary 27
Group, spinor 138
Group, sporadic 153
Group, symplectic 137 46
Group, torsion 156
Group, unitary 27
Haar integral, measure 167
Homeomorphism, analytic 7
Homeomorphism, local analytic 40
Homomorphism, local 56 73
Hypergroup 115 166
Ideal 106
Identity component 28
Immersion 13
Inner derivatit n 125
Invariant metric 8 7
Inverse limit 139
Inverse limit, mapping system 139
Inverse limit, mapping theorem 40
| Isometry 87
Jacobi's identity 17
Killing form 123
Killing form, essential uniqueness of 157
Killing form, nondegenerate 124
Left invariant vector field 31
Length 83
Length, invariance of 99
Length, reparametrization by 99
Lie algebra 17
Lie algebra, commutative 77
Lie algebra, compact 122 128
Lie algebra, nilpotent 100
Lie algebra, of a Lie group 39
Lie algebra, of a product 112
Lie algebra, semisimple 121
Lie algebra, simple 121
Lie algebra, soluble 158
Lie group 25
Lie group, 0-dimensional 119
Lie group, 1-dimensional 78 119
Lie group, 2-dimensional 119
Lie group, abelian 77
Lie group, compact 115
Lie group, dimension of 25
Lie group, linear 119
Lie group, semisimple 121
Lie group, simple 121
Lie group, simply connected 72
Lie homomorphism, isomorphism 43 50
Lie product 14 17
Lie product, multiple 61
Lie subalgebra, subgroup 43 50
Linear Lie group 119
local 90
Local homomorphism 56 73
Local homomorphism, isomorphism 73
Manifold 2
Manifold derivative 12
Manifold, 18
Manifold, 0-dimensional 2
Manifold, analytic 7
Manifold, dimension of 2
Manifold, infinite-dimensional 19
Manifold, Riemannian 80
Manifold, smooth 6
Metric 81
Metric, invariant 87
Metric, Riemannian 80
Natural projection for tangent bundle 11
Nilpotent Lie algebra 100
No small subgroups 41 115
Normal subgroup 106
Open mapping theorem 161
Orthogonal group (O(n)) 27
Orthogonal group, special (SO(n)) 27
Partial derivative 32
Path connected 72
Product, direct 42 140 161
Profinite group 158
Projective limit 139 159
Rank 12
Representation 162
Representation, adjoint 88 106
Representation, conjugate 165
Representation, irreducible 115 163
Riemannian manifold 80
Riemannian manifold, invariant 87
Riemannian manifold, metric 80 82
Semisimple Lie algebra, group 121
Simple Lie algebra, group 121
Simply connected 72
Small subgroups 41
Smooth atlas 6
Smooth atlas, function 3
Smooth atlas, manifold 6
Smooth atlas, map 7
Special (SU(n)) 27
Special linear group (SL{E)) 54
Special orthogonal group (SP(n)) 27
Special unitary group (SU(n)) 27
Structure theorems 132 136 145
Subgroup, 1-parameter 34
Subgroup, closed 27 69
Subgroup, Lie 101
Subgroup, normal 106
Symplectic group (Sp(n)) 137
Tangent bundle (T(M)) 10
Tangent bundle (T(M)), natural projection for 11
Tangent bundle (T(M)), trivial 20
Tangent space 10
Taylor's formula 5
Taylor's formula, for Lie groups 62
Topological group 160
Torsion group 156
Torus 27
Translation operator 29 31
Trigonometric polynomial 167
Unitary group (U(n)) 27
Vector field 13
Vector, analytic 13
Vector, left invariant 31
Vector, related 37
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