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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
127113 Protter M.H. Basic Elements of Real Analysis 1998
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109719 Protter P.E. Stochastic Integration and Differential Equations 2004
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159011 Proudfoot A., Wells T., Power C. Chemokine Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology Vol 138) 2000
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126223 Provata A., Almirantis Y. Statistical Dynamics of Clustering in the Genome Structure 1999
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123974 Provatas N., Haataja M. Growth, Percolation, and Correlations in Disordered Fiber Networks 1997
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188584 Provder T. Chromatography of Polymers. Hyphenated and Multidimensional Techniques 1999
187641 Provder T., Urban M., Barth H. Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization. Thermal-Spectroscopic and Other Methods 1994
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179192 Provder T. Computer Applications in Applied Polymer Science II: Automation, Modeling, and Simulation (Acs Symposium Series) 1989
188355 Provenzale A., Balmforth N. Chaos and Structures in Geophysics and Astrophysics 2017
148139 Provenzo E., Brett A., McCloskey G. Computers, Curriculum, and Cultural Change: An Introduction for Teachers 2005
77841 Provenzo E.F. Encyclopedia of the Social and Cultural Foundations of Education. Volume 1-3 2008
40397 Proverbs D., Soetanto R. Flood Damaged Property: A Guide to Repair 2004
124325 Proville L., Aubry S. Many-Polaron States in the Holstein–Hubbard Model 2002
112507 Provos N. Defending Against Statistical Steganalysis n/a
76570 Provost R. International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law 2002
80418 Prozorov S. Foucault, freedom and sovereignty 2007
106279 Pruß J., Roland Schnaubelt Scriptum zur Vorlesung. Finanzmathematik. 2006
106475 Prub J. Gewoehnliche Differentialgleichungen n/a
52734 Pruden H. Three Skills of Top Trading: Behavioral Systems Building, Pattern Recognition, and Mental State Management 2007
50665 Prudich M.E., Chen H., Cu T. Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook. Section 20 2008
185963 Prudnikov A., Brychkov Y., Marichev O. Integrals and Series: Direct Laplace Transforms. Volume 4. Direct Laplace Transforms 1992
164649 Prudnikov A., Brychkov Y., Marichev O. Integrals and Series: elementary functions 1998
3078 Prudnikov A.P., Brychkov Yu.A., Marichev O.I. Integrals and Series (vol. 4) Direct Laplace Transforms 1992
121367 Pruessner G., Moloney N. Winding Clusters in Percolation on the Torus and the Möbius Strip 2004
15347 Pruett C., Strickland K., Vetter S. IBM E(Logo)server Certification Study Guide - pSeries AIX System Administration 2001
15348 Pruett C., Strickland K., Vetter S. IBM E(Logo)server Certification Study Guide - pSeries AIX System Support 2001
34029 Prugovecki E. Quantum Mechanics in Hilbert Space 1981
124254 Pruisken A.M.M. At the Dawn of a Unifying Theory 2001
16527 Pruitt G., Hill J.R. Building Winning Trading Systems with TradeStation 2003
27717 Pruitt J., Pruitt R. Sams Teach Yourself GIMP in 24 Hours 1999
159132 Pruitt J., Adlin T. The Persona Lifecycle: Keeping People in Mind Throughout Product Design 2006
40253 Prund A.H. A Vapore-Free Vacuum Seal n/a
34030 Prusinkiewicz P., Hanan J. Lindenmayer Systems, Fractals, and Plants 1992
76120 Prusinkiewicz P., Lindenmayer A. The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants 1990

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