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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
194860 Pratt, William K. PLC Programming Methods and Applications 2001
22441 Pratt A., Grillo L. Adobe GoLive CS2 Tips and Tricks The 250 Best 2005
28114 Pratt A., Richman M. The Adobe® InCopy® CS2 Book 2006
77140 Pratt D. Political thought king alfred great 2007
209833 Pratt D. Manipulation: 5 Books in 1- Bible of 5 Manuscripts in 1- Beginner's Guide+ Tips and Tricks+ Simple and Effective Strategies+ Best Practices to learn Manipulation Techniques+ Advanced Strategies 2018
44995 Pratt L.L.J., Whitehead J.A. Rotating Hydraulics: Nonlinear Topographic Effects in the Ocean and Atmosphere 2007
84366 Pratt L.L.J., Whitehead J.A. Rotating hydraulics: nonlinear topographic effects in the ocean and atmosphere 2007
132615 Pratt N. Interactive Maths Teaching in the Primary School 2006
25074 Pratt R.W. Flight Control Systems: Practical Issues in Design and Implementation 2000
7156 Pratt S. Quantum mechanics (lecture notes) 2001
7157 Pratt S. Quantum mechanics. Problem Set 2001
82921 Pratt S.P. Business valuation discounts and premiums 2009
66035 Pratt Shannon P., Niculita Alina V. Valuing a Business The Analysis and Appraisal of Closely Held Companies 2008
9140 Pratt W. Digital image processing: PIKS inside 2001
170055 Pratt W. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING. PIKS Inside 2001
23700 Pratt W.K. Digital Image Processing 2007
18283 Pratter F.E. Web Development With Sas by Example 2006
48957 Prausnitz J.M. Chemical engineering and the postmodern world 2001
74907 Prausnitz J.M. Termodinamica Molecular 2000
20174 Prautzsch H. Informatik III 2000
67918 Praveen K. Congenital malformations n/a
23522 Pravida J. Zur nichtlinearen adaptiven Finite-Element-Analyse von Stahlbetonscheiben 1999
13983 Pravida J.M. Zur nichtlinearen adaptiven Finite–Element–Analyse von Stahlbetonscheiben 1999
32956 Prawitz D. Natural Deduction: A Proof-Theoretical Study 2006
32828 Prawitz D. (ed.), Westerstehl D. (ed.) Logic and Philosophy of Science in Uppsala: Papers from the 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science 1994
174090 Pray L., Yaktine A. Nanotechnology in Food Products: Workshop Summary 2009
212935 Prayukth K. V. Cracking the Emerging Tech Code: 17 Steps to a Rewarding Career in Emerging Technologies 2021
171636 Preas B ., Lorenzetti M. Physical Design Automation of Vlsi Systems 1988
11142 Prebble J., Weber B. Wandering in the gardens of the mind 2003
167292 Prechelt L. An empirical comparison of C,C++,Java,Perl,Python,Rexx,and Tcl for a search-string processing program 2000
16122 Prechter R. The Elliot Wave Theorist (June 1, 2002) 2002
16123 Prechter R. The Elliot Wave Theorist (July 9, 2002) 2002
16124 Prechter R. The Elliot Wave Theorist (July 30, 2002) 2002
16125 Prechter R. The Elliot Wave Theorist (August 20, 2002) 2002
16126 Prechter R. The Elliot Wave Theorist (September 10, 2002) 2002
16127 Prechter R. The Elliot Wave Theorist (October 18, 2002) 2002
16147 Prechter R., Frost A.J. Elliott Wave Principle: Key to Market Behavior 2001
181335 Precup R. Theorems of Leray-Schauder type and applications 2002
21710 Preda A. Aids Rhetoric and Medical Knowledge 2004
74208 Predko M. PICmicro microcontroller pocket reference 2000
74457 Predko M. Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller 2007
132995 Predko M. Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller 2005
178190 Preece D. Technological Change and Organizational Action (Routledge Studies in Technology, Workand Organisations, 2) 2003
161113 Prehn S., Toetenel H. VDM '91. Formal Software Development Methods. 4th International Symposium of VDM Europe, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, October 21-25, 1991. ... v. 1 1991
170220 Preim B., Bartz D. Visualization in Medicine: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications 2007
186241 Preim B., Bartz D. Visualization in medicine. Theory, algorithms, and applications 2007
29780 Preim B., Bartz D. Visualization in Medicine: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications 2007
199753 Preiser W. F. E., Smith K. H. Universal design handbook 2011
19392 Preiss B. Data Structures and Algorithms With Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java 1999
23310 Preiss B.R. Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++ 1998

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