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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
53783 Preiss B.R. Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python 2004
136100 Prekopa A., Molnar E. Non-Euclidean Geometries: Janos Bolyai Memorial Volume 2005
172644 Prekopa A., Wets R. Mathematical Programming Study 27. Stochastic programming 84. Part 1 1986
184516 Prekopa A., Wets R. Stochastic programming 84 1986
165345 Prekopa A., Molnar E. Non-Euclidean geometries. Janos Bolyai memorial volume 2005
124022 Preliberg T., Owczarek A.L. Stacking Models of Vesicles and Compact Clusters 1995
122811 Prellberg T. Maps of Intervals with Indifferent Fixed Points: Thermodynamic Formalism and Phase Transitions 1992
121687 Prellberg T. Cluster Approximation for the Farey Fraction Spin Chain 2006
159334 Prelle C. ?bungsbuch Finanzmathematik 2007
27539 Prem J., Dunbar S., Ciconte B. BEA WebLogic Platform 7 2003
25209 Premier Development, Skelnik Ch., Gibbs V. Roland VS Recorder Power! 2005
194352 Premkumar K. The Massage Connection: Anatomy and Physiology 2004
138730 Prencipe G., Zaks S. Structural Information and Communication Complexity, 14 conf., SIROCCO 2007 2007
29930 Prencipe G., Pucci G. (Ed) Fun with Algorithms: 4th International Conference, Fun 2007, Castiglioncello, Italy, June 3-5, 2007, Proceedings 2007
80560 Prendinger H.(ed.), Lester J.(ed.), Ishizuka M.(ed.) Intelligent Virtual Agents 8th International Conference, IVA 2008 Tokyo, Japan, September 1-3, 2008 Proceedings 2008
143101 Preneel B. Progress in Cryptology -- AFRICACRYPT 2009 2009
179116 Preneel B., Govaerts R., Vandewalle J. Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography: State of the Art and Evolution. ESAT Course, Leuven, Belgium, May 21-23, 1991 1993
176779 Preneel B., Rijmen V. State of the Art in Applied Cryptography: Course on Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography, Leuven, Belgium, June 3-6, 1997 Revised Lectures 1998
150497 Preneel B. Progress in Cryptology -- AFRICACRYPT 2009: Second International Conference on Cryptology in Africa, Gammarth, Tunisia, June 21-25, 2009, Proceedings (Lecture ... Computer Science Security and Cryptology) 2009
216313 Prentice M. Solar Power: The Ultimate Guide to Solar Power Energy and Lower Bills: (Off Grid Solar Power Systems, Home Solar Power System) (Living Off Grid, Wind And Solar Power Systems) 2016
39652 Prentice R.L., Qi L. Aspects of the design and analysis of high-dimensional SNP studies for disease risk estimation 2006
39799 Prentice R.L. Methodologic challenges in chronic disease population research 2001
154600 Prentice W.E. Therapeutic Modalities for Physical Therapists 2002
145248 Preparata F., Shamos M. Computational Geometry: An Introduction 1985
168122 Preparata F., Shamos M. Computational Geometry: An Introduction (Texts and Monographs in Computer Science) 1985
159596 Preparata F., Shamos M. Computational Geometry: An Introduction (Monographs in Computer Science) 1985
180794 Preparata F., Shamos M. Computational geometry: An introduction 1985
78920 Preparata F.P. Frontiers in Algorithmics: First Annual International Workshop, FAW 2007, Lanzhou, China, August 1-3, 2007, Proceedings 2007
156069 Preparata G. An introduction to realistic quantum physics 2002
209737 Prepon L. You and I, as Mothers 2020
29148 Preppernau J. Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 Step by Step 2007
28244 Preppernau J., Cox J. Windows Vista™ Step by Step 2006
171947 Prescott D. Methods in Cell Biology. Volume 8 1974
172314 Prescott D. Methods in Cell Biology Volume 11 1975
166201 Prescott D. Methods in Cell Biology Volume 20 1978
158337 Prescott D. METHODS IN CELL BIOLOGY: YEAST CELLS, Volume 12 1975
178135 Prescott D. METHODS IN CELL BIOLOGY, Volume 1 1964
175294 Prescott D. Methods in Cell Biology. Volume 9 1975
176038 Prescott D. Methods in Cell Physiology Volume III 1969
179090 Prescott D. Methods in Cell Biology Volume 15 1977
144799 Prescott D.M. Methods in Cell Physiology. Volume 1 1964
141689 Prescott D.M. Methods in Cell Physiology. Volume 5 1972
22125 Prescott H. Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology 2002
76549 Prescott J., Tepper B.J. Genetic Variation in Taste Sensitivity 2004
22693 Prescott K.M. Microbiology 2002
139578 Prescott L. Microbiology 2002
9191 Preskill J. Course Information for Physics 219/Computer Science 219 Quantum Computation (Formerly Physics 229) 2000
3561 Press B., Press M. PC Upgrade and Repair Bible 2004
27569 Press M. Geek House: 10 Hardware Hacking Projects for around Home 2005
27672 Press W.H., Teukolsky S.A., Vetterling W.T. Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing 1992

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