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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
148222 Prockop D., Phinney D., Bunnell B. Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols 2008
141245 Prockop D.J., Phinney D.G., Bunnell B.A. Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Methods and Protocols 2008
70567 Proctor M.R.(ed.), Black P.(ed.) Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 2005
150543 Proctor D. Grain storage techniques 1994
758 Proctor G. Differential Equations Using the Hp 48G/Gx 1995
123937 Prodan E., Nordlander P. On the Kohn-Sham Equations with Periodic Background Potentials 2003
26923 Prodan R., Fahringer T. Grid Computing 2007
79607 Prodromou L. Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate 1999
20461 Proebster W.E. Rechnernetze 1992
162315 Proebsting T.A. Code generation techniques 1992
207710 Proenza F.J. América Problema ¹35 2012
176933 Proetzel G., Wiles M. Mouse Models for Drug Discovery. Methods and Protocols 2010
136698 Proetzel G., Wiles M.V. Methods in molecular Biology. Mouse Models for Drug Discovery: Methods and Protocols. Volume 602 2010
134550 Professor Brown History and Climate Change: A Eurocentric Perspective (Routledge Studies in Physical Geography & Environment) 2001
158814 Professor Thora Ilin Bayer Cassirer`s Metaphysics of Symbolic Forms: A Philosophical Commentary 2001
23035 Proffitt B. Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Fast & Easy 2003
51636 Proft F., Geerlings P. Conceptual and Computational DFT in the Study of Aromaticity 2001
121306 Prohofsky E. Statistical Mechanics and Stability of Macromolecules 1997
188458 Proietti M. Logic Programming Synthesis and Transformation, 5 conf., LOPSTR'95 1996
158857 Project Management Institute The Standard for Program Management 2006
144829 Prokopenko M. (Ed.) Advances in Applied Self-organizing Systems (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing) 2008
48094 Prokscha S. Practical Guide to Clinical Data Management 2007
169459 Prolla J. Approximation theory and functional analysis, Volume 35: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Approximation Theory, Universidade Estadual de Campinas ... 1977 (North-Holland Mathematics Studies) 1979
178532 Prolla J. Approximation theory and functional analysis: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Approximation Theory, Universidade Estadual de Campinas ... 1977 1979
163210 Prolla J. Approximation Theory and Functional Analysis 1977: International Symposium Proceedings 1979
153979 Prolla J. Approximation of Vector Valued Functions 1977
129173 Prolla J. Approximation of vector valued functions 1977
130142 Prolla J.B. Approximation theory and functional analysis 1979
158123 Prolla J.B. Topics in Functional Analysis over Valued Division Rings 1983
166744 Prolss G. Physics of the Earth's Space Environment 2004
111447 Prolss G.W. Physics of the earth's space environment n/a
147859 Proper E., Harmsen F., Dietz J. Advances in Enterprise Engineering II: First NAF Academy Working Conference on Practice-Driven Research on Enterprise Transformation, PRET 2009 2009
157798 Prosise C., Mandia K., Pepe M. Incident Response and Computer Forensics 2003
130655 Prosise C., Mandia K. Incident Response & Computer Forensics 2003
22426 Prosise J. Programming Windows with MFC 1999
19216 Prosise J. Programming Microsoft .NET 2002
116827 Proskuriakov I. Problemas de Algebra Lineal 1986
88755 Proskuryakov I.V. Problems in Linear Algebra 1985
176771 Prosperetti A. Advanced Mathematics for Applications 2011
82857 Prosperetti A.(ed.), Tryggvason G. (ed.) Computational Methods for Multiphase Flow 2007
136797 Prossdorf S. Einige klassen singularer gleichungen 1974
180809 Prossdorf S., Silbermann B. Numerical analysis for integral and related operator equations 1991
199054 Protassov K. Analyse statistique des donnees experimentales 1996
139512 Protevi J. Political Physics: Deleuze, Derrida and the Body Politic 2001
163098 Protevi J. Political Physics: Deleuze, Derrida, and the Body Politic (Transversals) 2001
20379 Prothero D.R. Bringing Fossils To Life: An Introduction To Paleobiology 2004
192825 Protogeros N. Agent and Web Service Technologies in Virtual Enterprises (Premier Reference Source) 2008
178651 Protter M. Basic Elements of Real Analysis 1998
167075 Protter M. Basic Elements of Real Analysis (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) 1998
2083 Protter M.H. Basic Elements of Real Analysis 1998

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