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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
156089 Prasad R. My personal Adaptive Global NET (MAGNET) (Signals and Communication Technology) 2010
216844 Prasad R. Tracks of ñhange.Railways and everyday life in colonial India n/a
4486 Prasad R.D. Probability Distributions of Algebraic Functions of Independent Random Variables 1970
60200 Prasad S.B., Ghauri P.N. Global Firms and Emerging Markets in an Age of Anxiety 2004
47234 Prasad S.K. Advanced Wire Bond Interconnection Technology 2004
144244 Prasad S.K., Routray S., Khurana R. Information Systems, Technology and Management: Third International Conference, ICISTM 2009, Ghaziabad, India, March 12-13, 2009, Proceedings 2009
84166 Prasada Rao T.S.R. (ed.), Dhar G.M. (ed.) Recent advances in basic and applied aspects of industrial catalysis (studies in surface science and catalysis, volume 113) 1998
179063 Prasanna V., Iyengar S., Spirakis P. Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems: First IEEE International Conference, DCOSS 2005, Marina del Rey, CA, USA, June 30-July 1, 2005, Proceedings 2005
50063 Prashad H. Tribology In Electrical Environments 2006
176957 Prasolov V. Essays on Numbers and Figures 2000
173355 Prasolov V. Problems and theorems in linear algebra 1994
141332 Prasolov V., Solovyev Y. Elliptic Functions and Elliptic Integrals 1997
200046 Prasolov V. Problems in Plane and Solid Geometry. Plane Geometry n/a
165895 Prasolov V. Intuitive topology 1995
172188 Prasolov V., Ilyashenko Y. Surveys in Modern Mathematics 2005
156247 Prasolov V., Ilyashenko Y. Surveys in Modern Mathematics - The Independent University of Moscow Seminars (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series) 2005
160236 Prasolov V. Intuitive Topology 1995
189970 Prasolov V. Polynomials (Algorithms and Computations in Mathematics 11) 2010
148927 Prasolov V., Ilyashenko Y. Surveys in modern mathematics 2005
128013 Prasolov V., Solovyev Y. Elliptic functions and elliptic integrals 1997
130697 Prasolov V. Polynomials 2004
127991 Prasolov V.V. Essays on numbers and figures 2000
112783 Prasolov V.V., Sharygin I.F. Synopsis of solid geometry n/a
5167 Prasolov V.V. Problems and theorems in linear algebra 1994
54080 Prasolov V.V. Polynomials 2004
35688 Prasolov V.V., Solovyev Y. Elliptic Functions and Elliptic Integrals 1997
33134 Prasolov V.V., Tikhomirov V.M. Geometry 2001
49805 Prastaro A. Quantized Partial Differential Equations 2004
69500 Prat A. (ed.) The Blood-Brain Barrier and Its Microenvironment: Basic Physiology to Neurological Disease 2007
77695 Prat J. (ed.) Next-Generation FTTH Passive Optical Networks. Research towards unlimited bandwidth access 2008
10399 Prata S. C++ primer plus 2004
23591 Prata S. C++ Primer Plus 2000
9286 Prata S. C++ Primer Plus 2001
11184 Pratap R., Ruina A. Introduction to Statics and Dynamics (chapters 1 - 10) 2001
11185 Pratap R., Ruina A. Introduction to Statics and Dynamics (chapter 11) 2001
11186 Pratap R., Ruina A. Introduction to Statics and Dynamics. Problem Book 2001
111805 Pratap R., Ruina A. Introduction to Statics and Dynamics 2001
80689 Pratchett T., Batley A., Pearson B. The Unseen University Cut-Out Book 2006
160873 Pratihar D., Jain L. Intelligent Information Systems 2010
180239 Prato G., Tubaro L. Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications - VII 2006
177278 Prato G., Zabczyk J. Second Order Partial Differential Equations in Hilbert Spaces 2004
167712 Prato G., Tubaro L. Stochastic partial differential equations and applications 2002
164249 Prato G., Zabczyk J. Ergodicity for infinite dimensional systems 1996
189398 Prato G., Tubaro L. Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications 2002
184666 Prato G., Kunstmann P., Lasiecka I. Functional analytic methods for evolution equations 2004
183157 Prato G., Zolesio J. Partial differential equation methods in control and shape analysis 1997
130683 Prato G., Tubaro L. Control of partial differential equations 1994
76846 Prato G., Kunstmann P.C. Functional Analytic Methods for Evolution Equations 2004
119828 Prato G.D., Debussche A. Absolute Continuity of the Invariant Measures for Some Stochastic PDEs 2004
22834 Pratschner S. Customizing the Microsoft .NET Framework Common Language Runtime 2005

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