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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
168150 Quigley M. Encyclopedia of Information Ethics and Security 2008
180905 Quigley M. Information Security and Ethics: Social and Organizational Issues 2005
29041 Quigley M. (Ed) Information Security and Ethics: Social and Organizational Issues 2004
163939 Quiinonero-Candela J., Sugiyama M., Schwaighofer A. Dataset Shift in Machine Learning 2009
151245 Quillen D. Homotopical algebra 1967
1251 Quillen D. Homotopical Algebra 1967
106802 Quillen D. Quaternionic algebra and sheaves on the Riemann sphere 1998
137479 Quin L. D., Tyrell J. Fundamentals of Heterocyclic Chemistry: Importance in Nature and in the Synthesis of Pharmaceuticals 2010
215140 Quince T.S. Race in the machine n/a
160247 Quine H. Guitar Technique 1990
191192 Quine W. Mathematical Logic 1981
143728 Quine W. Mathematical logic 1981
117831 Quine W.V. Toward a Calculus of Concepts 2001
116842 Quine W.V. Russell's Ontological Development 1966
117027 Quine W.V.O. From a Logical Point of View 1961
49128 Quinkert G. (ed.), Kisakurek M.V. (ed.) Essays in Contemporary Chemistry: From Molecular Structure Towards Biology 2002
132098 Quinlan J.R. C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning 1992
28569 Quinn B., Shute D. Windows sockets network programming 1995
141891 Quinn C. Computational Quantum Chemistry: An Interactive Guide to Basis Set Theory 2002
185795 Quinn C., Fowler P., Redmond D. Computational Quantum Chemistry II. The Group Theory Calculator 2005
144255 Quinn C.M., Fowler P., Redmond D. Computational Quantum Chemistry II - The Group Theory Calculator 2005
77752 Quinn F. The Sum of All Heresies: The Image of Islam in Western Thought 2008
21983 Quinn G.P., Keough M.J. Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Biologists 2002
152370 Quinn J., Yi K. Solid State Physics: Principles and Modern Applications 2009
216645 Quinn J. Een onverstandig huwelijk 2022
193016 Quinn M., Bokoch G., DeLeo F. Neutrophil Methods and Protocols 2007
158353 Quinn P., Wang X. Lipids in Health and Disease (Subcellular Biochemistry) 2008
159387 Quinn P., Roermund A. Switched-Capacitor Techniques for High-Accuracy Filter and ADC Design (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing) 2007
164864 Quinn P., Kagan V. Phospholipid Metabolism in Apoptosis. Volume 36 2004
68465 Quinn P.D. Color Atlas Of Temporomandibular Joint Surgery 1997
142946 Quinn P.J., Kagan V.E. Phospholipid Metabolism in Apoptosis 2002
172710 Quinn P.J., Kagan V.E. Phospholipid Metabolism in Apoptosis (Subcellular Biochemistry, Volume 36) (Subcellular Biochemistry) 2002
11200 Quinn R.E. Building the Bridge As You Walk On It: A Guide for Leading Change 2004
174297 Quinn T. Physical Analysis for Tribology 1991
153230 Quinn T.F.J. Physical Analysis for Tribology 1991
20449 Quintana E., Quintana G., Sun X. A Notes on Parallel Matrix Inversion n/a
207063 Quintana S.U., Ette O. Políticas y estrategias de la crítica: ideología, historia y actores de los estudios literarios 2016
207057 Quintanilla P., Viale C. El pensamiento pragmatista en la actualidad: conocimiento, lenguaje, religión, estética y política 2015
79137 Quintarelli E. Model-Checking Based Data Retrieval. An Application to Semistructured and Temporal Data 2004
27029 Quintero Deploying Linux on IBM E-Server Pseries Clusters 2003
50703 Quintiere J.G Fundamentals of Fire Phenomena 2006
74264 Quintiere J.G. Fundamentals of Fire Phenomena 2006
211053 Quintili P. La pensée critique de Diderot - matérialisme, science et poésie à l'âge de l'"Encyclopédie", 1742-1782 2001
137856 Quirchmayr G., Schweighofer E., Bench-Capon T. Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 1998: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference 1998
177904 Quirk J. It's Not You, It's Biology.: The Science of Love, Sex, and Relationships 2006
176396 Quirk J. It's Not You, It's Biology.: The Science of Love, Sex, and Relationships 2006
165174 Quirk J. It's Not You, It's Biology.: The Science of Love, Sex, and Relationships 2006
25578 Quirke N. Adsorption and Transport at the Nanoscale 2005
166723 Quisquater J., Schneier B. Smart Card. Research and Applications: Third International Conference, CARDIS'98 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, September 14-16, 1998 Proceedings 2000
127857 Quisquater J.-J., Deswarte Y., Meadows C. Computer Security - ESORICS 98 1998

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