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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
204968 R. Barrantes, R. Cuenca, J. Morel Las posibilidades del desarrollo inclusivo: Dos historias regionales 2012
121816 R. Beals, V. Protopopescu Half-Range Completeness for the Fokker-Planck Equation 1983
207541 R. Beig Lecture Notes in Physics 2000
200107 R. Birnbaum The Healing Buddha 1989
196654 R. Blei Analysis in Integer and Fractional Dimensions (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics) 2001
204203 R. Bogadóttir Time-space Appropriation in the Inka Empire 2016
197163 R. Burkey, C. V. Breakfield Designing a Total Data Solution: Technology, Implementation, and Deployment 2000
209160 R. C. Hilborn Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics n/a
195587 R. Cabrera-Trujillo, J. R. Sabin Theory of the Interaction of Swift Ions with Matter 2004
196428 R. Carroll Quantum Theory, Deformation and Integrability (North-Holland Mathematics Studies) 2000
204647 R. Cerrón-Palomino El chipaya o la lengua de los hombres del agua 2006
204943 R. Chang-Rodríguez ENTRE LA ESPADA Y LA PLUMA El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega y sus Comentarios reales 2010
195654 R. Cipolla, A. Pentland Computer Vision for Human-Machine Interaction 1998
208317 R. Clift, J. R. Grace, M. E. Weber Bubbles, Drops, and Particles 1978
206949 R. Clothey China’s Urban Future and the Quest for Stability 2019
211256 R. Cohen, S. K. Donaldson, T. J. Lyons Operator Theory by Example 2023
204594 R. Cuenca Etnicidades en construcción Identidad y acción social en contextos de desigualdad 2014
155515 R. Curtis Bird Nuclear Structure And Gene Expression (Cell Biology - Series of Monographs) 1996
120569 R. Der The Time-Local View of Nonequllibrium Statistical Mechanics. II. Generalized Langevin Equations 1986
196595 R. Downey Mathematical Logic in Asia 2006
197171 R. E. Innis Pragmatism and the Forms of Sense: Language, Perception, Technics (American and European Philosophy) 2002
196357 R. E. Moritz Memorabilia mathematica: The philomath's quotation-book ; 1140 anecdotes, aphorisms and passages by famous mathematicians, scientists & writers 2010
196274 R. Engelking Dimension Theory (North-Holland mathematical library) 1979
195638 R. Fenn Low Dimensional Topology 1985
207608 R. Ferraro Einstein's Space-Time 2007
99504 R. G. Carbonell, M. D. Kostin Time-dependent probability density of statistical mechanics 1974
208134 R. G. Larson Constitutive Equations for Polymer Melts and Solutions 1988
196072 R. G. Stokes Opting for Oil: The Political Economy of Technological Change in the West German Industry, 1945-1961 1994
204309 R. Gijn Subordination in native South American languages 2011
195205 R. Gohm Noncommutative Stationary Processes (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) 2004
198924 R. Growinski Handbook of Numerical Analysis IX 2003
196930 R. H. Barnett, S. Cox, L. O'Cull Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR 2002
205346 R. H. BISSELING Parallel scientific computation 2020
208039 R. H. CHAN Milestones in Matrix Computation 2007
205065 R. H. Gavin Cytoskeleton. Methods and Protocols 2022
97831 R. H. Knapp, D. ter Haar A green function approach to the paramagnetic phase of a Heisenberg ferromagnet 1969
207950 R. H. Wasserman Tensors and Manifolds 1992
204348 R. Hennig Nordic Narratives of Nature and the Environment 2018
196262 R. Herold Managing an Information Security and Privacy Awareness and Training Program 2005
204591 R. Hoetmer Minería y movimientos sociales en el Perú 2013
208927 R. Holden Intriduction to engineering mechanics n/a
196328 R. Holloway, A. Kyselica, S. Caravajal SharePoint 2007 and Office Development Expert Solutions (Programmer to Programmer) 2007
207941 R. Honsberger From Erdos to Kiev Problems of Olympiad Caliber 1996
100044 R. I. Cukier, K. E. Shuler, J. D. Weeks On the validity of stochastic rate equations in finite systems with finite-strength interactions 1972
196647 R. I. Gumport, F. H. Deis Student Companion to Accompany Biochemistry, 5th Edition 2002
100052 R. J. Baxter Corner transfer matrices of the eight-vertex model. I. Low-temperature expansions and conjectured properties 1976
97791 R. J. Baxter, I. G. Enting Series expansions from corner transfer matrices: The square lattice Ising model 1979
205015 R. J. Ebert, R. W. Grif Business Essentials 2020

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