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Поиск книг, содержащих: Vector spherical harmonics
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Monk P. — Finite Element Methods for Maxwell's Equations | 241 | Bohren C.F., Huffman D.R. — Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles | 84, 87, 89, 182, 187 | Konopinski E.J. — Electromagnetic fields and relativistic particles | 252—255 | Tung W.K. — Group Theory in Physics: An Introduction to Symmetry Principles, Group Representations, and Special Functions | 149 | Jackson J.D. — Classical electrodynamics | 545 f. | Ike E.R., Sabatier P.C. (Ed) — Scattering: Scattering and Inverse Scattering in Pure and Applied Science | 182 | Daniel C. Mattis — The theory of magnetism made simple: an introduction to physical concepts and to some useful mathematical methods | 100 | Weissbluth M. — Atoms and Molecules | 187—193 | Tsang L., Kong J.A., Ding K.- H. — Scattering of electromagnetic waves (Vol 1. Theories and applications) | 27 | Bohr A., Mottelson B.R. — Nuclear Structure (Vol. 1): Single-Particle Motion | 94 | Biedenharn L.C., Louck J.D. — Angular momentum in quantum physics | 284—286, 290, 295, 435, 445 | Tsang L., Kong J.A. — Scattering of electromagnetic waves (Vol 3. Advanced topics) | 273, 291 | Greiner W., Maruhn J. — Nuclear models | 78—80 | Sexl R., Urbantke H.K. — Relativity, Groups, Particles. Special Relativity and Relativistic Symmetry in Field and Particle Physics | 215 |