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Greiner W., Maruhn J. — Nuclear models |
Предметный указатель |
decay 324 334
band 158 193
vibrations 300
band 158 193 300
vibrations 159 300
-unstable nuclei 168—170
meson 261
meson 212
meson 213 261
meson 213 261
6j symbol 37
9j symbol 37
Adiabatic approximation 293 317 338
Alaga rules 161 193
Angular momentum operators 11—16 68—69 356
Angular momentum operators, body-fixed 138
Angular momentum operators, cartesian form 12
Angular momentum operators, collective 128—130
Angular momentum operators, exponential representation 14
Angular momentum operators, matrix representation 13
Angular momentum orbital 27
Angular momentum, coupling 25 31
Angular momentum, intrinsic 27
Annihilation operator 50
Anticommutation relations 52
Anticommutator 49
Antilinear operator 44
Antisymmetrization 220
Asymmetric fission 326 327
Asymmetric rotor 145—147 169
B(E2) values 134 161
Backbending 354
Bartlett potential 210
Basis expansion 254
BCS model 280—285 357
BCS model, cranking formula 341—344
BCS model, equation 288
BCS model, ground state 280—282 285 341
BCS phase 271
BE values 94
Bethe — Weizsaecker formula 99 104 106 200
BM values 94
Bogolyubov transformation 285—286
Bohr parameters 112
Bosons 213
Bosons, second quantization 50—51
Breathing mode 108
Cartesian coordinates 152
Casimir operators 69 72—73 183—187
Center of mass 108—110 350
Charge radius 133
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients 26—27 359—361
Cluster decay 330 331
Coefficient of fractional parentage 127
Cold valleys 327 334
Collective coordinates 106 116 317 337 338 341
Collective coordinates, symmetries 115—117
Collective core 293
Collective inertia 132
Collective mass parameters 123
Collective model, dynamic 206
Collective model, generalized 170—176
Collective model, geometric 106 196 293 302
Collective motion 96
Collective parameter 348
Collective Schroedinger equation 153
Collective state 347
Collective vibrations 294
Commutation relations 124
Compressibility 216
Condon — Shortley phase 19 29 63 271
Conjugate momentum 124 355
Contact potential 215
Coordinates, Cartesian 152
Coordinates, collective 106 116 317 337 338 341
Coordinates, collective, symmetries 115—117
Coordinates, curvilinear 151
Coordinates, degeneracy of 117
Coriolis force 298 354 355
Correlation function 219
Coulomb energy 100 105 117—120 200 202 318 357
Coulomb exchange energy 105
Coulomb gauge 75
Coulomb potential 99 244
Cranked Nilsson model 355—358
Cranking formula, BCS model 341—344
Cranking formula, independent particle model 340
Cranking model 338—344 352
Creation operator 50
Curvilinear coordinates 151 152
d bosons 178 193
de-Broglie wavelength 2
Decoupling parameter 301
Deformation 167 296
Deformation, axial 141 143 147 355
Deformation, dipole 108
Deformation, energy 318
Deformation, hexadecupole 108
Deformation, mean 132
Deformation, mean square 133
Deformation, multipole 108
Deformation, oblate 114 354
Deformation, octupole 108
Deformation, parameters 106 347
Deformation, prolate 114 354
Deformation, quadrupole 108 110—114 268 319
Deformation, triaxial 114 141 142 172
Deformed-shell model 248—260 294 296 297 320
Deformed-shell model, Hamiltonian 255
Density isomer 105
Density matrix 227—229
Density matrix, generalized 291
Density matrix, one-body 227 313
Density matrix, two-body 313
Dipole deformation 108
Dipole excitation strength 198
Dipole giant resonance 177 197 202
Dipole operator, magnetic 194
Dirac equation 264
Dirac sea 263
Dirac — Hartree theory 265
Dirac — Hartree — Fock approximation 265
Droplet model 100 320
Dynamic collective model 206
Dynamical symmetry 187
E2 transitions 132
Effective charges 97
Effective interactions 207 211 214—216
effective mass 266
El transitions 89 92
Electric hexadecupole operator 193
Electric monopole operator 192
Electric multipole 80—85 89 90
Electric multipole, operator 97
Electric quadrupole, operator 130 192
Electromagnetic field, quantization 75
Electromagnetic, excitation probabilities 304
Electromagnetic, transition probabilities 247
Elliots quantum number 185
Energy density formalism 103 231
Energy-level crossing 251 259—260 340 345
Euler angles 15 20 68 112 114 138
Even-even nuclei 1 100 106 233 246 254 269 277 290 293 303
Exchange operators 210
Exchange term 214 223 344
Extended schematic model 311
f bosons 178 195
Fano X coefficient 38
Fermi energy 101 244 284 290 294 302 304 309 316 321 340
Fermi momentum 102
| Fermi's golden rule 85
Fermi-gas model 101—103
Fermions, matrix elements 58
Fermions, second quantization 52—53
Fissibility 319
Fission 317 335—337 353 354
Fission, asymmetric 326 327
Fission, barrier 318—320
Fission, isomer 320 335
Fission, lifetimes 324
Fission, mass distributions 328
Fission, superasymmetric 331
Fission, valleys 327
Fluid model 122
Fock space 48
Force, Coriolis 298 354 355
Force, Gogny 216
Force, Migdal 216
Force, pairing 224 246 272 280
Force, Skyrme 215—216 231—234 261 316 344
Force, spin-orbit 213 244 255 261 264 295 325
Force, tensor 210
g bosons 178 195
Galilei invariance 207
Gamov factor 328
Gap 269 343
gap equation 284
Gauss potential 215
Gaussian overlap approximation 350
Generalized collective model 170—176
Generator-coordinate method 346—353
Generators of a group 67
Geometric collective model 106 196 293 302
Giant resonances 90 98 197—206 304 313
Giant resonances, dipole 177 202
Giant resonances, quadrupole 206
Gneuss — Greiner potential 171
Gogny force 216
Goldhaber — Teller model 200—202
Gradient formula 80—81
Ground state band 158 300
Group, chains 72 182—184 187
Group, continuos 65
Group, element 65
Group, generators of a 67
Group, Lie 65
Group, representation 70
Group, rotation 16
Group, symmetry 7
Hamada — Johnston potential 213
Hamiltonian density 232
Hamiltonian kernel 346
harmonic oscillator 4 170 303 348—349
Harmonic oscillator, eigenfunctions 240—243
Harmonic oscillator, potential 239 320 323 324
Harmonic oscillator, symmetry group 127
Hartree — Fock 215 217—237 261 303 320
Hartree — Fock approximation 217
Hartree — Fock average potential 223
Hartree — Fock constrained 229—230
Hartree — Fock energy 225
Hartree — Fock equations 214 220—224 232 288 312
Hartree — Fock ground state 218 225 226 285 304 308 314
Hartree — Fock Hamiltonian 222
Hartree — Fock high-spin states 353
Hartree — Fock time-dependent (TDHF) 312—316 344—345
Hartree — Fock — Bogolyubov 286—292
Heavy nuclei 319
Heavy-ion reactions 317 337 344 353
Heisenberg picture 86
Heisenberg potential 210
Helmholtz equation 78—84 205
Hexadecupole, deformation 108 357
Hexadecupole, operator, electric 193
High-spin states 353—358
Hill — Wheeler — Griffin equation 346
Holes 61 276 285
Hulthen potential 215
IBA (interacting boson approximation) 127 178—197 302
IBA (interacting boson approximation), dynamical symmetries 187—192
IBA (interacting boson approximation), Hamiltonian 180 183 303
IBA (interacting boson approximation), pairing operator 182
IBA (interacting boson approximation), rotational limit 192
IBA (interacting boson approximation), symmetry group 183
IBA (interacting boson approximation), transition operators 192—193
IBA (interacting boson approximation), vibrational limit 191
IBA2 178 193 303
IBFM (interacting boson-fermion model) 196 302—303
IBM (interacting boson model) 178
Independent-particle model 219 237 263 340
Interaction, effective 207 211 214—216
Interaction, local 214
Interaction, nucleon-nucleon 207—214
Interaction, residual 224 270 280
Interaction, surface-delta 216
Interaction, three-body 207 215 230 236 316
Interaction, two-body 207 217
Intrinsic system 115 116 159
Intruder states 303
Invariance, Galilei 207
Invariance, isospin 208
Invariance, parity 209
Invariance, rotational 208
Invariance, time reversal 209 215
Invariance, translational 207
Irreducible representation 184
Irrotational flow 122 136 202 337
Isospin 39—41
Isospin invariance 208
Jacobi identity 68
K quantum number 141
kinetic energy 122—124 317 318 337 352 355
Kinetic energy, density 102 232
Kinetic energy, operator 152
Koopman's theorem 227
Kramers degeneracy 45 280 357
Lagrange multiplier 282 346
Lagrangian 4 124 262 317
Laplacian 152
Lie algebra 15 67 68 72
Lie group 65
Linear response 312—316
Lipkin — Nogami pairing model 280
Liquid-drop model 99 104 106 117 124 136 200 202 318—320 323 353 357
Local density approximation 103
Local interactions 214
Longitudinal field 81
Macroscopic-microscopic method 320—324 353
magic numbers 170 237 245 333
Magnetic dipole operator 194
magnetic moment 177
Magnetic multipole 80—85 89 90
Magneton 177
Majorana force 199
Majorana operator 195
Majorana potential 210
Many-particle systems 10
Mass, formulas 99—100
Mass, parameters 4 132 136 171 317 328 337—344 352
Mass, parameters, collective 123
Mass, transfer 345
Mean deformation 132
mean field 223
Mean square deformation 133
Mean-field approximation 263
Metric tensor 152
Migdal force 216
Minimal coupling 262
Ml transitions 89 92
Moment of inertia 138 144 148 161 341 343 354 355
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