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Greiner W., Maruhn J. — Nuclear models |
Предметный указатель |
Momentum, conjugate 124 355
Momentum, operator 8
Monopole mode 108
Multipole, deformations 108
Multipole, electric 80—85 89 90
Multipole, expansion 83
Multipole, field 81
Multipole, longitudinal 81 90
Multipole, magnetic 80—85 89
Natural states 347
Neutron stars 99
Neutron-proton vibrations 177
Nilsson diagram 251
Nilsson model 248 293 294 326 346 353
Nilsson model, cranked 355—358
No-sea approximation 263
Nordheim rules 246
Normal order 287
Nuclear deformation 294
nuclear matter 99 211 261 266
Nuclear matter, compressibility 216
Nuclear matter, equation of state 104 267
Nuclear matter, incompressibility 105 267
Nuclear photo effect 197
Nuclear radius 132 239 294
Nucleon-nucleon interaction 207—214
Nucleon-nucleon scattering 211—214
Number density 232
O(2) 73 184 191
O(3) 73 184 192
O(5) 184 192
O(6) 192
Oblate deformation 114 354
Occupation number 48
Occupation number, representation 48 53
Occupation probability 280 341
Octupole, deformation 108
Odd-even nuclei 196
One-particle density matrix 227
One-particle/one-hole state 61 226 303
One-phonon state 126
OPEP (one-boson exchange potential) 213
OPEP (one-pion exchange potential) 212
Operator, angular-momentum 11—16 68—69 356
Operator, angular-momentum, body-fixed 138
Operator, annihilation 50
Operator, antilinear 44
Operator, Casimir 69 72—73 183—187
Operator, collective quadrupole 132 159
Operator, creation 50
Operator, electric, hexadecupole 193
Operator, electric, monopole 192
Operator, electric, multipole 97
Operator, electric, quadrupole 130 192
Operator, exchange 210
Operator, kinetic energy 152
Operator, magnetic dipole 194
Operator, Majorana 195
Operator, momentum 8
Operator, one-body 53
Operator, parity 42
Operator, particle-number 50 51 272
Operator, position 34
Operator, shift 17 50
Operator, tensor 30
Operator, time reversal 44
Operator, two-body 54 56—58
Overlap kernal 346
Pairing 269—292 354 357
Pairing BCS model 280 285
Pairing force 224 246 271 272 280 288
Pairing hamiltonian 280
Pairing Lipkin — Nogami model 280
Pairing potential 279
Pairing potential, idealized 270
Pairing quasispin model 278—279
Pairing seniority model 272—278
Pairing strength parameters 285
Parity 42—43 80 88 107 356
Parity of vector fields 42
Parity, invariance 209
Parity, operator 42
Particle-hole picture 47 60 63
Particle-number operator 50 51 272
Pauli matrices 24
Pauli principle 274 276 310
Phonons 51 125 169
Phonons, number 132 296
Phonons, number, operator 126
Phonons, quadrupole 126 178 191
Phonons, vacuum 126
photons 51 76 262
Photons, absorption 76 86 198
Photons, emission 76 87
Pick-up reactions 244
Picture, Heisenberg 86
Picture, Schroedinger 86
Podolsky quantization 152
Polarization 76
Position operator 34
Potential, Bartlett 210
Potential, Contact 215
Potential, Coulomb 244
Potential, Gauss 215
Potential, Gneuss — Greiner 171
Potential, Hamada — Johnston 213
Potential, harmonic oscillator 239
Potential, Heisenberg 210
Potential, idealized pairing 270
Potential, Majorana 210
Potential, nucleon-nucleon 207
Potential, one-boson exchange (OBEP) 213
Potential, one-pion exchange (OPEP) 212
Potential, pairing 279
Potential, Potential, Hulthen 215
Potential, Reid hard-core 214
Potential, Reid soft-core 214
Potential, square-well 239
Potential, Sussex 216
Potential, Wigner 210
Potential, Wilets — Jean 168
Potential, Woods — Saxon 239
Potential, Yukawa 106
Principal axis system 112 160
Prolate deformation 114 354
Quadrupole deformation 108 110—114 268 319
Quadrupole giant resonance 206
Quadrupole moment 134 160 162 246 337
Quadrupole moment, intrinsic 160
Quadrupole operator 160 162
Quadrupole operator, collective 132 159
Quadrupole operator, electric 130 192
Quadrupole oscillator 138
Quadrupole oscillator, harmonic 124
Quadrupole phonon 126 178 191
Quadrupole vibrator 115
Quantization 151
Quantization, Podolsky 152
quark-gluon plasma 99 105
Quasi-boson approximation 310
Quasiparticles 178 285
Quasiparticles, energy 289
Quasiparticles, operators 286
Quasispin model 278—279
Racah coefficient 37
Radius, charge 133
Radius, nuclear 132
Reduced matrix element 36
Reflection symmetry 356
Reid hard-core potential 214
| Reid soft-core potential 214
Relativistic Bethe — Brueckner — Goldstone approximation 265
Relativistic mean-field model 244 261—268 337
Relativistic mean-field model, Lagrangian 262
Representation, irreducible 17 184
Residual interaction 224 270 280 303
Rigid body 341 353
Rigid-rotor model 138—147
Rotating coordinate system 356
Rotation 11
Rotation group 16
Rotation matrices 20
Rotation matrices, Cayley — Klein representation 24
Rotation matrices, reduced 21
Rotation of a vector field 28
Rotation-vibration band 300
Rotation-vibration interaction 155
Rotation-vibration model 147—168 170 294 298
Rotation-vibration model, eigenfunctions 155—159
Rotation-vibration model, eigenvalues 158
Rotation-vibration model, Hamiltonian 154 155
Rotation-vibration model, moments 159—168
Rotation-vibration model, spectrum 155—159
Rotation-vibration model, transition probabilities 159—168
Rotational band 144 354
Rotational invariance 208
Rotor, asymmetric 145—147 169
Rotor, classical 141
Rotor, deformed 172
Rotor, rigid 138—147
Rotor, symmetric 143—144
RPA (random-phase approximation) 309—312
RPA (random-phase approximation), equations 310 316
RPA (random-phase approximation), ground state 309
s bosons 178
Schematic model 305 311
Schematic model, extended 311
Schroedinger equation 2 238
Schroedinger equation, collective 153
Schroedinger equation, time-dependent 338
Schroedinger picture 86
Schur's lemma 72
Scission 319
Scissor mode 177
sdf-IBA 178
Second quantization 47—63 73—74 115
Second quantization, bosons 50—51
Second quantization, fermions 52—53
Selection rules 88 95
Self-consistent problem 224 264 289 335—337
Seniority 169 184 272—278
Shape isomer 174 229
Shell, closure 245
Shell, corrections 322 326 335 357
Shell, effects 122 320
Shell, model 178
Shell, model, deformed 248—260 294 296 297 320
Shell, model, spherical 237—247 294
Shell, model, two-center 324—326
Shell-correction method 320—324 353
shift operators 17 50
Siegert's theorem 90—92
Signature quantum number 356
Single-particle excitation 269 300
Single-particle model 277
Skyrme energy functional 234—237
Skyrme force 215—216 231—234 261 316 344
Skyrme force, modified 216
Slater determinant 47 54 57 219 228 232 313 340 345 346
SO(2) 67 72
SO(3) 16 65 72
SO(N) 70
Spherical vibrator 170 172 294
Spin 21—24 30
Spin-orbit current 232
Spin-orbit force 213 244 255 261 264 295 303 325
Square-well potential 239
Steinwedel — Jensen model 202—205
Stiffness coefficient 4 123 132
Stripping reactions 244
Strong-coupling approximation 296—302
Strong-coupling limit 294
Structure constants 67
SU(2) 21—24 39 65 72 73
SU(3) 185 190
Superasymmetric fission 331
Superdeformed nuclei 354
Superheavy nuclei 238 249 326 327 331 334
Surface, diffuseness 133
Surface, energy 100 120—122 136 318 357
Surface, tension 120 136
Surface, vibrations 117 178
Surface-delta interaction 216
Sussex potential 216
Symmetric rotor 143—144
Symmetry 5 207
Symmetry energy 100 105 200 201
Symmetry group 7
Symmetry group of the harmonic oscillator 127
Symmetry reflection 356
Symmetry, dynamical 187
Tamm — Dancoff approximation 303—308
Tamm — Dancoff equations 304
TDHF (time-dependent Hartree — Fock) 312—316 344—345
TDHF (time-dependent Hartree — Fock), small oszillation limit 314
Tensor, Cartesian 30
Tensor, force 210
Tensor, irreducible spherical 31
Tensor, operator 30
Tensor, operator, irreducible spherical 32
Tensorial g-factor 177
Thomas — Fermi theory 103
Thomas — Reiche — Kuhn sum rule 198—199
Three-body interaction 207 215 230 236 316
Time reversal 43—46 125 232 280 342
Time reversal invariance 209 215
Time reversal operator 44
Time-dependent Schroedinger equation 338
Transition, probabilities 161 303
Transition, probabilities, electromagnetic 247
Transition, rate 85 92
Transition, strength 198
Translation 8—11
Translation, operator for 8
Translational invariance 9 207
Transversality 81 84
Transverse gauge 75
Triangular rule 88
Triaxial deformation 114 141 142 172
Tunnelling lifetimes 328
Two-body correlations 313
Two-body interaction 207 217
Two-center shell model 324—326
Two-particle/two-hole state 61 226
Two-phonon state 127
Two-phonon triplet 127 136
U(1) 72
U(5) 128
U(6) 182—184 187
Vacuum polarization 263
Vacuum state 50 52 58
Valley of stability 100
Variational Principle 103 218—219 282 304 308 345 346 356
Vector field 35
Vector spherical harmonics 78—80
Vibrator 183
Vibrator, spectrum 132
Vibrator, spherical 136 170 172 294
viscosity 122
Volume element 153
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