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Weissbluth M. — Atoms and Molecules |
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coupling 441—442 (see also Multielectron atom)
Absorption and emmission see also Atomic spectra; Molecular spectra; Radiation and atoms
Absorption and emmission, absorption cross sections 520—521
Absorption and emmission, degenerate states 508
Absorption and emmission, Einstein coefficients 510
Absorption and emmission, hydrogen 515—517
Absorption and emmission, induced emission 508
Absorption and emmission, line broadening 517—520
Absorption and emmission, line shape 518 520
Absorption and emmission, line strength 509
Absorption and emmission, numerical computation 515—517
Absorption and emmission, oscillator strengths 512—515
Absorption and emmission, Planck’s law 511—512
Absorption and emmission, selection rules 509
Absorption and emmission, spontaneous emission 508
Absorption and emmission, spontaneous lifetime 510
Absorption and emmission, sum rules 513—515
Absorption and emmission, transition probabilities 505—509
Addition theorem 9
Angular distribution, radiation fields 192—193 503—504
Angular momentum, and rotations 51—53
Angular momentum, Clebsch — Gordan coefficients 25 27—31
Angular momentum, commutators 44—45
Angular momentum, coupling of three angular momenta 36—38 47
Angular momentum, coupling of two angular momenta 22—27 46—47
Angular momentum, definition 13 42
Angular momentum, eigenfunctions and eigenvalues 14—17 45 107—109
Angular momentum, matrix elements 18 45—46
Angular momentum, six (6 symbols) 38—44
Angular momentum, spherical components 44
Angular momentum, three (3 symbols) 12 31—35
Angular momentum, undertime reversal 208
Annihilation operators see Creation and annihilation operators
Anticommutators 256
Antisymmetric wave functions 214—215 283 254—256 386-387
Atomic spectra 525—535 (see also Absorption and emission; Radiation and atoms; X-rays)
Atomic spectra, helium 527—529
Atomic spectra, hydrogen 525—528
Atomic spectra, Paschen — Back 534—535
Atomic spectra, Stark 535
Atomic spectra, Zeeman 533—534
Atomic units 325
Auger effect 532—533 (see also X-rays
Bessel functions 689—691
Bohr magneton 347
Bom — Oppenheimer approximation 551—555 (see also Molecules)
Bose statistics see also Bosons
Bose statistics, diatomic molecules 629—631
Bosons 214
Brillouin — Wigner expansion 296 (see also Perturbations)
Build-up principle 392
Cartesian tensors see also Tensors
Cartesian tensors, and permutation groups 175—178
Cartesian tensors, decomposition 171—175 178—181
Cartesian tensors, dipole coupling 168—170
Cartesian tensors, transformation law 168
Central field approximation 389—394
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients 25 27—31
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients, numerical tables 28—30
Closed shell see Coulomb interaction; Slater determinant; Hartree — Fock formulation
Closure 685 696
Configuration, average energy 464—465
Configuration, conjugate 476—478
Configuration, interaction 411—412
Continuous groups 177—181 (see also Rotation groups)
Correlation error 410—411
Correlation function 304
Correlation time 304
Coulomb hole 410
Coulomb interaction see also Electrostatic matrix elements
Coulomb interaction, closed shell 251—253
Coulomb interaction, direct (Coulomb) integral 247
Coulomb interaction, exchange integral 248
Coulomb interaction, matrix elements 244—253
Coulomb interaction, operators 249—250
Coulomb interaction, Racah paramaters 249
Coulomb interaction, Slater — Condon parameters 247—249
Coupled and uncoupled representation 22—26 336
Coupling coefficients see Clebsch-Gordan coefficients; Three (3 ) symbols
Creation and annihilation operators 254—259 (see also Harmonic oscillator)
Crystal field see Ligand field
Darwin term see Hydrogen atom
Density matrices 268—289
Density matrices, equation of motion 278—280
Density matrices, Fock — Dirac 283—285
Density matrices, interaction representation 280
Density matrices, mixed states 260—270
Density matrices, molecular orbitals 558
Density matrices, multielectron system 280—283
Density matrices, one-particle 282
Density matrices, pair function 288
Density matrices, pure states 269—270
Density matrices, random perturbation 301—305
Density matrices, reduced 273—276
Density matrices, spin 271—273 287
Density matrices, spinless 285—289
Density matrices, thermal equilibrium 276—277
Density matrices, two-particle 282
Diagrams see Electromagnetic interactions; Perturbations
Diamagnetism 354—355 (see also Magnetic field interaction)
Diatomic molecules, electronic states 584—589
Diatomic molecules, Franck — Condon principle 621 622
Diatomic molecules, heteronuclear 587—589 623—624
Diatomic molecules, homonuclear 579—587 624—631
Diatomic molecules, Hund’s cases 614—615
Diatomic molecules, Morse potential 608—609
Diatomic molecules, nuclear spin effect 629—631
Diatomic molecules, ortho and para modifications 631
Diatomic molecules, rotational properties 609—619
Diatomic molecules, selection rules 627—631
Diatomic molecules, symmetry properties 622—631
Diatomic molecules, terms 585—587
Diatomic molecules, transitions 615—631
Diatomic molecules, vibrations 606—609 611 617
Dipole-dipole interaction 168—170
Dirac delta ( ) function 694—696
Dirac equation 313 3 21
Dirac notation 681
Dispersion relations see Kramers — Kronig relations
Doppler broadening see Line broadening
Dyson chronological operator 224—225
Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions 684—685
Einstein coefficients 510
Electric field interaction see also Stark effect
Electric field interaction, hydrogen atom 356—357
Electric quadrupole interaction 374—384
Electromagnetic field, Helmholtz equations 196—198
Electromagnetic field, Maxwell equations 19 6
Electromagnetic field, multipole expansion 196—202
Electromagnetic field, parity 199—200
Electromagnetic interactions see also Absorption and emission; Radiation and atoms; Scattering
Electromagnetic interactions, diagrams 544—547
Electromagnetic interactions, higher order 536—550
Electromagnetic interactions, nonlinear effects 547—550
Electromagnetic interactions, optical susceptibility 547—550
Electromagnetic interactions, two-photon processes 545—547
Electronic repulsion energy see Electrostatic matrix elements
Electrostatic matrix elements 443—454 457—465
emission see Absorption and emission
Equivalent electrons see Multiplet
Euler angles 54
Evolution operator, equation of motion 223
Evolution operator, infinite limits 227—232
Evolution operator, integral form 223—225
Evolution operator, interaction representation 222—232
Evolution operator, Schr dinger representation 216—218
Exchange integral see Coulomb interaction
Extended H ckel method (EHM) see Molecular orbitals
Fermi see also Fermion; Hartree — Fock formulation
Fermi, correlation 288
| Fermi, golden rule 299—301
Fermi, statistics 629—631
Fermion 214—215
Fermion operators 257—258
Field operator 265—267
Fine structure see Hydrogen atom;
Fock space 255
Fractional parentage see Multiplet wave functions
Franck — Condon principle 621—622
Gaunt formula 11—12 (see also Spherical harmonics)
Gaussian line shape 520 (see also Line broadening)
Group representations see also Groups
Group representations, basis functions 75—78
Group representations, character 68
Group representations, classification 123—124
Group representations, coupling coefficients 132—142
Group representations, equivalent 67
Group representations, irreducible 70—74
Group representations, product 83 88 126
Group representations, reducible 68—74 127
Group representations, regular 74—75
Group representations, symmetric and antisymmetric 85—87
Group representations, unit 66
groups 60—90 (see also Group representation; Permutation groups; Point groups; Rotation groups)
Groups, Abelian 65
Groups, class 65
Groups, conjugate elements 65
Groups, double (extended) 121—127 140
Groups, finite 111—150
Groups, matrix element theorem 88—90 103—104
Groups, projection operators 78—83
Groups, relation to quantum mechanics 203—207
Groups, rotation 91—93
Groups, selection rules 89—90 103—104
Groups, SU(2) 95—100
Groups, subgroups 65
gyromagnetic ratio see Magnetic moment
harmonic oscillator 233—239
Harmonic oscillator, creation and annihilation operators 234—238
Harmonic oscillator, Heisenberg representation 239
Harmonic oscillator, matrix formulation 234—238
Harmonic oscillator, Schr dinger formulation 233—234
Hartree — Fock formulation, Brillouin theorem 403—404
Hartree — Fock formulation, closed shell 404—407
Hartree — Fock formulation, computational methods 407—410 561—565
Hartree — Fock formulation, density matrix formulation 398—399 400
Hartree — Fock formulation, equations 394—401
Hartree — Fock formulation, exchange hole 400
Hartree — Fock formulation, exchange probability density 400
Hartree — Fock formulation, Fermi hole 400
Hartree — Fock formulation, Fock operator 398
Hartree — Fock formulation, Koopmans’ theorem 402—403
Hartree — Fock formulation, nonlocal potential 400
Hartree — Fock formulation, open shell 408—409
Hartree — Fock formulation, orthogonality of the orbitals 401—402
Hartree — Fock formulation, restricted and unrestricted 409
Hartree — Fock formulation, Roothaan method 409—410 556—560
Hartree — Fock formulation, Slater approximation 410
Hartree — Fock formulation, solutions 401—407
Heisenberg equation 221
Heisenberg representation 220—221
Hellmann — Feynman theorem 554—555 570
Hermite polynomials 693
Hilbert transforms 309
Hund’s rules 426 586
Hvickel method see Molecular orbitals
Hybrid orbitals 591—596
Hydrogen atom 322—345
Hydrogen atom, Darwin term 343—344
Hydrogen atom, electric field 356—357
Hydrogen atom, energy levels 331 345
Hydrogen atom, Lamb shift 344
Hydrogen atom, magnetic field 350—354
Hydrogen atom, magnetic hyperfine interaction 368—373
Hydrogen atom, quantum numbers 327
Hydrogen atom, radial charge density 331—332
Hydrogen atom, radial expectation values 333
Hydrogen atom, radial wave function 323—327 330
Hydrogen atom, relativistic mass correction 341—343
Hydrogen atom, Schr dinger equation 322—334
Hydrogen atom, spectra 525—528
Hydrogen atom, spin-orbit coupling 339—341
Hydrogen atom, Stark effect 356—357
Hydrogen atom, wave functions 327—329
Hydrogen molecule ion ( ) 566—573 579—580
Hydrogen molecule ion ( ), correlation diagram 580
Hydrogen molecule ion ( ), electronic charge distribution 569
Hydrogen molecule ion ( ), energy levels 568
Hydrogen molecule ion ( ), molecular orbitals 567—569
Hydrogen molecule ion ( ), overlap population 570
Hydrogen molecule ion ( ), scaling 572—573
Hydrogen molecule ion ( ), symmetry properties 573—579
Hydrogen molecule ion ( ), united atom treatment 579—580
Hydrogen molecule ion ( ), virial theorem 571—572
Hydrogen molecule, electronic states 579—584
Hydrogen molecule, energies 583
Hydrogen molecule, Hamiltonian 579
Hydrogen molecule, molecular orbitals 580—584
Hydrogen molecule, para and ortho modifications 631
Hydrogen molecule, valence bond method 583
Hydrogen molecule, wave functions 581—584
Hyperfine interactions see Electric quadrupole interaction; Magnetic hyperfine interaction
Indistinguishability of particles 213—215
Interaction representation 221—227
Internal conversion 648
Intersystem crossing 648
Irreducible tensor operators 151—175 (see also Tensors)
Irreducible tensor operators, definition 151—152
Irreducible tensor operators, direct product 166—167
Irreducible tensor operators, matrix elements 166
Irreducible tensor operators, unit tensor operator 456
Irreducible tensor operators, Wigner — Eckhart theorem 159—167
Jahn — Teller theorem 676
Koopmans’ theorem 403
Kramers — Heisenberg formula 536—542
Kramers — Kronig relations 307—309
Kramers’ operator 207
Kramers’ theorem 210—212
L wdin orbitals 564—565 (see also Molecular orbitals)
Laguerre polynomials 692
Lamb shift 344
Land factor 349 (see also Magnetic field interaction)
Land interval rule 467 472
Lande formula 348 364—367 379
LCAO (linear combination of atomic orbitals) see Molecular orbitals
Ligand field 650—680
Ligand field, value 673—674
Ligand field, Hamiltonian 650
Ligand field, Kramers’ theorem 671—672
Ligand field, magnetic field 672—677
Ligand field, molecular orbitals 677—680
Ligand field, multielectron configurations 666—672
Ligand field, potentials 651—655
Ligand field, quenching of orbital angular momentum 664
Ligand field, spin Hamiltonian 675 677
Ligand field, spin-orbit coupling 651 657—666
Ligand field, splitting in configuration 666—667
Ligand field, splitting of d orbital 655—656
Ligand field, terms 668—671
Ligand field, wave functions in configuration 667
Line broadening 517—520
Lippmann — Schwinger equation 230
Lorentzian line shape 518 (see also Line broadening
LS (Russell — Saunders) coupling 388 (see also Multielectron atom)
Magnetic field interaction 346—355 478—479
Magnetic field interaction, diamagnetism 354—355
Magnetic field interaction, Hamiltonian 346
Magnetic field interaction, Land factor 349
Magnetic field interaction, paramagnetism 355
Magnetic field interaction, Paschen — Back region 352—353
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