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Weissbluth M. — Atoms and Molecules
Weissbluth M. — Atoms and Molecules

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Íàçâàíèå: Atoms and Molecules

Àâòîð: Weissbluth M.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 1st edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1978

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 713

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 09.08.2009

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
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Magnetic field interaction, with spin-orbit coupling      350—354
Magnetic field interaction, Zeeman levels      349—350
Magnetic hyperfine interaction      358—374
Magnetic hyperfine interaction, and magnetic field      371—374
Magnetic hyperfine interaction, coupling tensor      367
Magnetic hyperfine interaction, Fermi contact term      367
Magnetic hyperfine interaction, Hamiltonian      358—367
Magnetic hyperfine interaction, one-electron system      367—374
Magnetic moment, gyromagnetic ratio      367
Magnetic moment, operators      347—349
magnetization      277—278
Matrix element, reduced      159 162—163
Matrix element, theorem      88—90 103—104
Molecular orbitals      see also Molecules
Molecular orbitals, angular momentum properties      577—578
Molecular orbitals, antibonding      600
Molecular orbitals, bond order matrix      599
Molecular orbitals, bonding      600
Molecular orbitals, CNDO (complete neglect of differential overlap)      563
Molecular orbitals, computational methods      561—565
Molecular orbitals, EHM (extended Hvickel method)      564
Molecular orbitals, H$\ddot{u}$ckel method      597—603
Molecular orbitals, Hartree — Fock      556—560
Molecular orbitals, inversion symmetry      578
Molecular orbitals, L$\ddot{o}$wdin orbitals      564—565
Molecular orbitals, LCAO (linear combination of atomic orbitals)      556
Molecular orbitals, NDO (neglect of differential overlap)      562
Molecular orbitals, nonbonding      594 600
Molecular orbitals, pi ($\pi$)-electron approximation      596—603
Molecular orbitals, PPP (Pariser — Parr — Pope) method      604—605
Molecular orbitals, Roothaan method      556—560
Molecular orbitals, sigma ($\sigma$) and pi ($\pi$) bonds      574—576
Molecular spectra      606—649
Molecular spectra, diatomic molecules      615—631
Molecules      551—649 (see also Bom — Oppenheimer approximation; Diatomic molecules; Hydrogen molecule; Hydrogen molecule ion; Molecular orbitals; Molecular spectra)
Molecules, benzene      600—603
Molecules, bonds      575—576 587—589 594 600
Molecules, butadiene      597—600
Molecules, carbon dioxide      590—591
Molecules, electronic states      566—605
Molecules, ethylene      604—605
Molecules, formaldehyde      595—596
Molecules, hybrid orbitals      591—596
Molecules, oxygen      585—587
Molecules, polyatomic      631—641
Molecules, polyenes      602
Molecules, population analysis      588—589
Molecules, vibrations      606—609 611 617 635—641
Molecules, water      594—595
Morse potential      608—609 (see also Diatomic molecules)
Multielectron atom      385—481 (see also Hartree — Fock formulation; Multiplet)
Multielectron atom, $jj$ coupling      441—442
Multielectron atom, closed shell      392
Multielectron atom, configuration      392
Multielectron atom, electric field interaction      479—480
Multielectron atom, equivalent electrons      392
Multielectron atom, Hamiltonian      385—389
Multielectron atom, levels      393
Multielectron atom, LS (Russell — Saunders) coupling      388
Multielectron atom, magnetic field interaction      478—479
Multielectron atom, parity      391
Multielectron atom, terms      393
Multiplet      413—442 (see also Multielectron atom)
Multiplet Fluorescence      530 647—648
Multiplet, coefficients of fractional parentage (cfp)      430—435
Multiplet, equivalent electrons      421 425
Multiplet, group properties      435—441
Multiplet, Hund’s rules      426 586
Multiplet, inverted      478
Multiplet, Land$\acute{e}$ interval rule      467 472
Multiplet, multiplicity      415
Multiplet, normal      467
Multiplet, parity      425
Multiplet, regular      477
Multiplet, seniority number      426
Multiplet, terms from equivalent electrons      418—420
Multiplet, two-electron      413—420
Multiplet, wave functions      427—435
Normal coordinates      633
Number operator      260
Occupation number space      see Fock space
One-electron, matrix elements      454—457
One-electron, spin orbital      335
One-electron, wave functions      334—337
Optical susceptibility      547—550
Optical susceptibility, nonlinear effects      548—550
Orbital angular momentum      1—3 8-9
Orbital angular momentum, commutation rules      2
Orbital angular momentum, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions      8—9
Oscillator strengths      512—515
Oscillator strengths, sum rules      513—514
Pauli principle      257—258 288
Permutation groups      143—150 435—441
Permutation groups, basis functions      148—150
Permutation groups, Cayley’s theorem      145
Permutation groups, irreducible representations      147
Permutation groups, Young diagrams      145—147
Permutation groups, Young operator      148—150
Perturbations, Brillouin — Wigner expansion      296
Perturbations, Fermi’s golden rule      299—301
Perturbations, harmonic potential      298—299
Perturbations, random      301—305
Perturbations, Rayleigh — Schrodinger expansion      296
Perturbations, time-dependent      297—299 (see also Evolution operator)
Perturbations, time-independent      294—297
Phosphorescence      648
photoelectric effect      521—525
Planck’s radiation law      511—512
Plane wave expansion      193—196
Plane wave expansion, multipoles      199—202
Point groups, character tables      115—120
Point groups, classification      114
Point groups, coupling coefficients      132—142
Point groups, double (extented) groups      121—127 140
Point groups, nomenclature      112—113 124 127 142
Point groups, symmetry operations      111—112 124 127 142
Polyatomic molecules, electronic transitions      641
Polyatomic molecules, Raman scattering      644—646
Polyatomic molecules, relaxation      646—649
Polyatomic molecules, vibrational transitions      642—643
Polyatomic molecules, vibronic interaction      643 644
Quadrupole interaction      see Electric quadrupole interaction
Quantum mechanics and group theory      203—207
Quenching      see Ligand fields
Racah parameters      249
Racah W coefficients      39 (see also Six $j$ (6$j$) symbols)
Radiation and atoms      see also Absorption and emission; Electromagnetic interactions
Radiation and atoms, angular distribution      503—504
Radiation and atoms, electric dipole      494 497—500
Radiation and atoms, electric quadrupole      496—497 500
Radiation and atoms, Hamiltonian      492—493
Radiation and atoms, magnetic dipole      495—496 500
Radiation and atoms, matrix elements      493—494
Radiation and atoms, nonlinear effects      309—310 547—550
Radiation and atoms, selection rules      500—502
Radiation field      see also Radiation and atoms
Radiation field, box normalization      483—484
Radiation field, creation and annihilation operators      488—490
Radiation field, Hamiltonian      483—488
Radiation field, photon description      489—490
Radiation field, polarization      484—485
Radiation field, quantization      488—492
Radiation field, rotational properties      491
Radiation field, transversality      484
Radiation field, zero point energy      490
Raman scattering      644—646 (see also Polyatomic molecules)
Rayleigh scattering      544
Rayleigh — Schr$\ddot{o}$dinger expansion      296
Reaction matrix      232
Reduced matrix element      see Wigner — Eckart theorem
Relaxation, molecular      646—649
Response function      305—307 309—312
Roothaan method      556—560 (see also Molecular orbitals)
Rotation groups      91—110
Rotation groups, relation between $O^{+}(3)$ and SU(2)      98—100
Rotation groups, three-dimensional      93 95 100—103
Rotation groups, two-dimensional      91—93
Rotational transitions, diatomic      618—620
Rotations      see also Rotational transitions; Rotation groups
Rotations, and angular momenta      51 53
Rotations, diatomic molecules      609—615
Rotations, Euler angles      54—55
Rotations, Hund’s cases      614—615
Rotations, transformation of angular momentum eigenfunctions      55—59
Scaling      572 (see also Virial theorem)
Scattering, Kramers — Heisenberg formula      536—542
Scattering, matrix elements      230—232
Scattering, operator      228
Scattering, Raman      542—544 644—646
Scattering, Rayleigh      542—544
Scattering, Thomson      542
Schr$\ddot{o}$dinger representation      216—220
Selection rules      see also Wigner — Eckart theorem
Selection rules, absorption and emission      509
Selection rules, by group theory      89—90 103—104
Selection rules, diatomic molecules      627—631
Selection rules, Raman      645—646
Selection rules, rotational      617—619
Selection rules, three-dimensional rotation group      103 104
Selection rules, vibrational      617
Seniority number      426
Six $j$ (6$j$) symbols      38—44
Six $j$ (6$j$) symbols, numerical values      43—44
Six $j$ (6$j$) symbols, special formulas      40—42
Slater determinant      215 240—253 391 395
Slater determinant, closed shell      251—253
Slater determinant, matrix elements      240—243
Slater orbitals      409
Slater — Condon parameters      247—249 (see also Coulomb interaction)
Spectra      see Atomic spectra; Molecular spectra
Spherical harmonics      3—12
Spherical harmonics, Condon — Shortley convention      5
Spherical harmonics, Gaunt formula      12
Spherical harmonics, real combinations      6
Spin, density      271—273 287
Spin, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions      20—22 46
Spin, Hamiltonian      675—677 (see also Ligand fields)
Spin, matrix elements      20—22 45
Spin, orbital      335
Spin, Pauli matrices      22
Spin, under rotation      107
Spin, undertime reversal      208—210
Spin-orbit interaction      337—341 465—476
Spin-orbit interaction, and magnetic fields      350—354
Stark effect      479—480
susceptibility      306—312
Susceptibility, energy dissipation      306—307
Susceptibility, Kramers — Kronig relations      307—309
Susceptibility, nonlinear      309—310
Susceptibility, quantum mechanical      311—312
Symmetry      see also Groups
Symmetry, diatomic molecules      622—631
Symmetry, hydrogen molecule ion      573—579
Symmetry, of the Hamiltonian      203—215
Symmetry, reduction due to a perturbation      204—207
Tensors      see also Irreducible tensor operators
Tensors, basis for permutation groups      435—441
Tensors, cartesian      167—175
Tensors, product      153 155—159
Terms      see also Diatomic molecules; Multiplet
Terms, equivalent electrons      418—420
Terms, seniority number      426
Three $j$ (3$j$) symbols      12 31—35
Three $j$ (3$j$) symbols, numerical tables      34—35
Three $j$ (3$j$) symbols, special formulas      33
Three $j$ (3$j$) symbols, triangle condition      12
Time reversal      207—213 (see also Kramers’ theorem)
transitions      see Atomic spectra; Molecular spectra; Polyatomic molecules
Unit tensor operator      456 (see also Irreducible tensor operators)
Unit vectors      153—155 186 189 686—687
United atom treatment      579—580 (see also Hydrogen molecule ion)
Vacuum state      254
Valence bond method      583 (see also Hydrogen molecule)
Variational method      290—294
Vector fields      182—202
Vector spherical harmonics      187—193
Vibrations, diatomic molecules      606—609 611 617
Vibrations, group theory      635—641
Vibrations, Morse potential      608—609
Vibrations, normal coordinates      633
Vibrations, polyatomic molecules      631—641
Vibrations, vibronic interactions      643 644
Virial theorem      570—572
Wigner — Eckart theorem      159—167 377—379
Wigner — Eckart theorem, Land$\acute{e}$ formula      348 364—367 379
Wigner — Eckart theorem, reduced matrix element      159 162—163 166
Wigner — Eckart theorem, selection rules      160—161
X-rays, absorption spectra      532
X-rays, Auger effect      532—533
X-rays, fluorescence      530
X-rays, selection rules      530
X-rays, terms      530—532
Young diagrams      see Permutation groups
Zeeman effect      see Magnetic field interaction
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