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Jackson J.D. — Classical electrodynamics |
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"Electric" waves 243 545
"Magnetic" waves 243 545
4-vector character of radiation 390
4-vectors and tensors 374
Aberration of star light 348 361
Abraham — Lorentz equation of motion 582
Abraham — Lorentz equation of motion, Dirac's relativistic generalization of 609
Abraham — Lorentz model of electron 584
Abraham — Lorentz model of electron, difficulties with 589
Absorption of radiation by oscillator 602
Absorption or total cross section of radiation by oscillator 605
Absorption or total cross section of radiation by oscillator, integral over all frequencies 606
Acceleration fields of particle 467
Acceleration, relativistic transformation of 388
Addition of velocities, relativistic 360
Addition theorem for spherical harmonics 67
Adiabatic invariance 419
Adiabatic invariance, of flux through orbit 421
Adiabatic invariance, of magnetic moment of particle 421
Airy integrals 484
Alfven velocity 331
Alfven waves 330 331 344
Alfven waves, attenuation of 333
Alfven waves, with displacement current 334
Ampere's law, differential form of 138
Ampere's law, integral form of 139
Ampere's observations on forces between currents 135
Angular distribution of radiation by accelerated charge 473 see “Multipole “Radiation”
Angular momentum operator, L 542
Angular momentum, conservation of, for particles and fields 200
Angular momentum, in cylindrical wave guide 576
Angular momentum, of circularly polarized plane wave 201 569
Angular momentum, of multipole radiation 549
Angular momentum, of photon 569
Angular momentum, selection rules for multipole radiation 549
Anisotropic dielectrics, waves in 233
Antenna, center-fed linear 277
Antenna, circular loop 575
Antenna, half-wave and full-wave 279 566
Antenna, multipole expansion for 562
Antenna, radiation resistance of 280
Antenna, short linear 272
Associated Legendre polynomials see “Legendre polynomials”
Attenuation constant in wave guide 251
Attenuation, general method of handling 240
Attenuation, in cavity 255
Attenuation, in wave guide 249
Attenuation, of waves in conducting medium 224
Attenuation, of waves in plasma 333 341
Babinet's principle, for scalar diffraction 288
Babinet's principle, for vector fields 291
Bessel functions 69
Bessel functions, connection of, with Airy integrals 484
Bessel functions, definitions of 75
Bessel functions, definitions of 539
Bessel functions, definitions of 71
Bessel functions, expansions involving 76 86 96 97 484 501 502 535
Bessel functions, Fourier transforms of and Klt 437
Bessel functions, Fourier — Bessel series 73 95
Bessel functions, integral representation of 96 294
Bessel functions, integral representations involving 86 92 96 295
Bessel functions, Kapteyn series 74 501
Bessel functions, limiting forms 72 75 540
Bessel functions, Neumann series 74
Bessel functions, orthogonality on finite interval 73 74 95
Bessel functions, orthogonality on infinite interval 77 96
Bessel functions, recursion formulas 71 540
Bessel functions, Schloemilch series 74
Bessel functions, series for 71
Bessel functions, spherical 539
Bessel functions, spherical, asymptotic forms 540
Bessel functions, spherical, Wronskians 541
Bessel functions, zeros of 255
Bessel functions, zeros of 72
Beta decay, radiation emitted during 526
Bethe — Heitler bremsstrahlung formula 512
Biot and Savart law 133
Birefringence of the ionosphere 229
Bohr, N-, energy-loss formula of 438
Boundary conditions, and inconsistency of Kirchhoff approximation 282
Boundary conditions, and types of partial differential equations 17
Boundary conditions, at surface of good conductor 236
Boundary conditions, Cauchy, Dirichlet, Neumann 15 16
Boundary conditions, for D and E 110
Boundary conditions, for dielectric wave guide 260
Boundary conditions, for TE and TM waves in guide 243
Boundary conditions, magnetostatic, on H and B 155
Boundary conditions, mixed Dirichlet and Neumann 90
Boundary conditions, normal and tangential E in free space 9 10
Boundary-value problems see also “Diffraction” “Resonant “Wave
Boundary-value problems, Green's-function solution of 19
Boundary-value problems, image method of solution of 26 f.
Boundary-value problems, in cylindrical coordinates 75 f.
Boundary-value problems, in dielectrics 110 f. 217
Boundary-value problems, in rectangular coordinates 47 f.
Boundary-value problems, in spherical coordinates 60 f.
Boundary-value problems, magnetostatics 156 f.
Bremsstrahlung photon cross section 513
Bremsstrahlung, angular and polarization distributions 507 509 516
Bremsstrahlung, as energy-loss mechanism 519
Bremsstrahlung, as scattering of virtual quanta 525
Bremsstrahlung, classical 510 512
Bremsstrahlung, effect of screening on 516
Bremsstrahlung, frequency spectrum 511 515 517
Bremsstrahlung, nonrelativistic 509
Bremsstrahlung, relativistic 513 f.
Brewster's angle 220
Capacitance 24
Cauchy boundary conditions 15 17 221
Causality 185 234
Causality, in special relativity 371
Causality, lack of, with radiative reaction 599
Cavities see “Resonant cavity”
Charge, effective magnetic 158
Charge, electric 2
Charge, Lorentz invariance of 377
Cherenkov angle 495 498
Cherenkov radiation 494
Cherenkov radiation, angular and frequency distribution of 498
Cherenkov radiation, connection of, with energy loss 448
Cherenkov radiation, Fourier transforms of fields of 445
Cherenkov radiation, potentials of 497
Classical electron radius 490 589
Clausius — Mossotti relation 119
Closure see “Completeness relation”
Collision time 507
Collision time, for fields of relativistic particle 382
Collisions, between charged particles as energy-loss mechanism 430
Collisions, relativistic kinematics of 400 see “Scattering”
Complementary screens 288
Completeness relation, for Bessel functions on an infinite interval 96
Completeness relation, for complex exponentials 47 84
Completeness relation, for spherical harmonics 65
Completeness relation, general 45
Compton scattering 490
Conduction in a moving fluid 312
Conductivity, effect of, on fields 222
Conductivity, fluid motion with infinite 312
Conductivity, model of 225
Conductivity, of plasma 459
Conductivity, tensor, in plasma 345
Conductor, attenuation in 224
Conductor, boundary conditions at 236
Conductor, definition of 23
Conductor, fields at surface of 236
Conductor, fields inside 222 238
Conductor, penetration depth in 225
Conductor, surface resistance of 240
Conservation laws in covariant form 385
Conservation, of angular momentum of particles and fields 200
| Conservation, of electromagnetic energy 189
Conservation, of energy and momentum of particles and fields 190 386
Constitutive relations 179
Continuity equation, for charge and current 133 613
Continuity equation, for electromagnetic energy flow 190 386
Continuity equation, for fluid 311 330
Continuity equation, in covariant form 378
Contour integration for retarded Green's function 184
Contraction of length see “FitzGerald — Lorentz contraction”
Convective derivative 172 311
Conversion tables for electromagnetic quantities between Gaussian and mks units 619 620
Correspondence principle of Bohr 502
Cosine integral 279
Coulomb gauge 181
Coulomb gauge, use of, in Darwin interaction 409
Coulomb's law 1
Covariance, of conservation laws 385
Covariance, of electrodynamics 377
Covariance, of equations of physics 376
Covariance, of force equation 384 405
Covariance, of Lagrangian 406
Covariance, of Maxwell's equations 379
Cross section see also “Bremsstrahlung” “Scattering”
Cross section, classical, for bremsstrahlung 512
Cross section, classical, for scattering of radiation by a sphere 572
Cross section, classical, relation of, to impact parameter 452
Cross section, for scattering by screened potential 453
Cross section, Rutherford 452
Cross section, Thomson 489
Cross section, total, for scattering and absorption of radiation by oscillator 602
Cross section, total, for scattering of particles by atoms 455
Curl, operating on vector spherical harmonic 570
Curl, operator relation involving L 546
Current density, continuity equation for 133
Current density, force on, in magnetic field 137
Current density, magnetization caused by 146
Current flow in plasma column 320
Current loop, vector potential and fields of 141
Current, international unit of 612
Cutoff frequency, in dielectric wave guide 263
Cutoff frequency, in hollow wave guide 245
Cutoff modes in wave guide 245
Cylinder functions see “Bessel functions”
Cylindrical coordinates, boundaryvalue problems in 75 89
Cylindrical coordinates, delta function in 84
Cylindrical coordinates, Green's function in 84 96
Cylindrical coordinates, Laplace's equation in 69
Cylindrical coordinates, separation of variables in 69
Cylindrical coordinates, waves in 241
Damping see also “Radiative reaction”
Damping, of magnetohydrodynamic waves 333
Damping, of oscillations in cavity 255
Damping, of plasma oscillations 340
Darwin — Breit interaction 411
Debye wave number 340
Debye — Hueckel screening radius or Debye length 342
Decay, of particle, relativistic kinematics of 394
Decay, of pi mesons, time dilatation in 359
Delta function, charge densities in terms of 4 36 82 83
Delta function, current densities in terms of 141 278 563
Delta function, definition of 3
Delta function, equal to 13
Delta function, in arbitrary coordinates 79
Delta function, integral representations for 47 84 96
Delta function, properties of 4
Delta function, three-dimensional, in cylindrical coordinates 84
Delta function, three-dimensional, in spherical coordinates 79
Density effect in energy loss 443
Density effect in energy loss, connection of, with Cherenkov radiation 448
Dielectric constant, classical result for 234 446
Dielectric constant, for Alfven waves 334
Dielectric constant, for plasma 227 451
Dielectric constant, for plasma in magnetic field 228
Dielectric wave guide 259
Dielectric wave guide, at optical frequencies 264
Dielectric wave guide, cutoff frequency in 263
Dielectric wave guide, possible modes of propagation 260
Dielectrics 108
Dielectrics, anisotropic, waves in 233
Dielectrics, boundary conditions 110
Dielectrics, boundary-value problems with 110 f.
Dielectrics, electrostatic energy in 123
Dielectrics, method of images for 111
Differential operator relations see “Gradient” “Laplacian” etc.
Diffraction, Babinet's principle in 288
Diffraction, by circular aperture 292 307
Diffraction, by half-plane 306
Diffraction, by rectangular opening 307
Diffraction, by small apertures 297 307 308
Diffraction, by sphere in short wavelength limit 299
Diffraction, comparison of scalar and vector approximations 296
Diffraction, Fresnel and Fraunhofer 292
Diffraction, Kirchhoff approximation in 282
Diffraction, scalar Huygens — Kirchhoff theory of 280
Diffraction, Smythe's vector theorem for 287
Diffraction, use of Green's theorem in 281 283
Diffraction, vector Kirchhoff approximation 285
Diffusion of magnetic fields 313
Diffusion time of magnetic fields 313
Dilatation of time see “Time dilatation”
Dimensions, discussion of 611
Dipole approximation, in energy loss 435
Dipole approximation, in radiation problems 271 274 507
Dipole fields, electrostatic 100
Dipole fields, magnetostatic 143 147
Dipole fields, of conducting sphere 34
Dipole fields, of dielectric sphere 115
Dipole fields, of electrostatic dipole layer 9
Dipole fields, of magnetized sphere 157
Dipole fields, oscillating electric 271
Dipole fields, oscillating magnetic 274
Dipole moment, electrostatic 100
Dipole moment, induced 120
Dipole moment, interaction between two 102
Dipole moment, magnetostatic 132 146
Dipole moment, magnetostatic, energy of 150
Dipole moment, magnetostatic, force on 149
Dipole moment, magnetostatic, of current loop 143 147
Dipole moment, magnetostatic, relation of, to angular momentum 148
Dipole moment, magnetostatic, torque on 132 150
Dipole moment, oscillating electric 271
Dipole moment, oscillating magnetic 274
Dipole sum rule for absorption of radiation 606
Dirac delta function see “Delta function”
Dirac's relativistic force equation 609
Dirichelet boundary conditions 16
Disc, potential of charged conducting 89
Discontinuity, of electric field 9
Discontinuity, of potential 12
Dispersion relation, for index of refraction 234
Dispersion relation, for plasma oscillations 337 339
Dispersion, and causality 234
Dispersion, and propagation 208 f.
Dispersion, anomalous 211
Dispersion, in dielectrics 208
Dispersion, in ionosphere 229
Dispersion, in plasmas 337
Displacement current 178
Displacement, definition of 108
Dissipative effects, in cavities 255
Dissipative effects, in plasma oscillations 332 340
Dissipative effects, in wave guides 248
Dissipative effects, in wave propagation 208
Divergence theorem 6
Doppler shift, relativistic 363
Doppler shift, transverse 364
Drift of charged particles, in crossed E and B 413
Drift of charged particles, in inhomogeneous magnetic fields 417
Drift of lines of force in conducting fluid 314
Drift velocity, caused by curvature of lines of force 418
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