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Jackson J.D. — Classical electrodynamics |
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Magnetostatics, multipole expansion in 145
Maximum and minimum impact parameters see “Impact parameter”
Maximum and minimum scattering angles 453 455
Maxwell stress tensor 193
Maxwell's equations 177
Maxwell's equations, in covariant form 379
Maxwell's equations, in different systems of units 618
Maxwell's equations, macroscopic 194
Maxwell's equations, plane wave solutions of 204
Maxwell's equations, spherical wave solutions of 546
Mean-square scattering angle 456
Mean-value theorem 25
Mesons, time dilatation experiment with 359
Method of images see “Images”
Method of inversion see “Inversion”
Michelson — Morley experiment 349
Microwaves see “Diffraction” “Resonant “Wave
Minkowski diagram 374
Mixed boundary conditions 16 89
mks units see “Units”
Modes, in circularly cylindrical guide 266
Modes, in cylindrical cavity 254 267
Modes, in dielectric guide 260 267
Modes, in rectangular guide 246
Modes, in triangular guide 267
Modes, TE and TM, in wave guide 243
Momentum density, electromagnetic, as part of stress-energy-momentum tensor 385
Momentum impulse in Coulomb collision 431
Momentum, canonical, for relativistic charged particle 408
Momentum, conservation of, between particles and fields 191
Momentum, electromagnetic, definition of 192
Momentum, of particle, relativistic transformation of 392
Motion see “Particle motion”
Moving circuits and law of induction 171
Multiple scattering of particles 456 463
Multipole see also “Dipole moment” “Magnetic “Multipole
Multipole expansion, of E and B 546
Multipole expansion, of electromagnetic fields 543 f.
Multipole expansion, of energy of charge distribution in external field 101
Multipole expansion, of Green's function for wave equation 541
Multipole expansion, of radiation by linear antenna 562
Multipole expansion, of scalar plane wave 567
Multipole expansion, of scalar potential 98
Multipole expansion, of vector plane wave 569
Multipole fields 543 f.
Multipole fields, energy and angular momentum radiated 548
Multipole fields, properties of 546
Multipole moment, electrostatic 99
Multipole moment, estimates of, for radiating atoms and nuclei 558
Multipole moment, magnetostatic 145
Multipole moment, of linear antenna 564
Multipole moment, of oscillating source 271 273 556
Multipole radiation, angular distribution of 550 f.
Multipole radiation, by atoms and nuclei 557
Multipole radiation, by linear antenna 562
Multipole radiation, selection rules for 549
Multipole, electrostatic 98
Multipole, electrostatic, expansion of interaction energy in 101
Multipole, electrostatic, expansion of potential in 98
Multipole, electrostatic, rectangular 100
Multipole, magnetostatic 145
Multipole, radiating, near, induction, and radiation zones 270
Multipole, time-varying 271 273 545
Neumann boundary conditions 16 18
Neumann function see “Bessel functions”
Nuclear forces, effect of, on scattering cross sections 454
Nuclear quadrupole moment 102
Nuclear quadrupole moment, interaction energy of 101 128 129
Ohm's law 222
Ohm's law, generalization of, for plasma in magnetic field 345
Ohm's law, in moving medium 312
Ohm's law, validity of, for conducting fluid 309
Operator relations see “Gradient” “Laplacian” etc.
Orthogonal functions, Bessel functions 73
Orthogonal functions, general 44
Orthogonal functions, Legendre polynomials 57
Orthogonal functions, spherical harmonics 65
Orthogonal transformations 371
Orthogonality, of Bessel functions on finite interval 73 95
Orthogonality, of Bessel functions on infinite interval 77
Orthogonality, of Legendre polynomials 58
Orthogonality, of sines and cosines 46
Orthogonality, of spherical harmonics 65
Orthonormal expansions 44
Orthonormal expansions, Fourier — Bessel 73 95
Orthonormal expansions, Fourier, on finite interval 46
Orthonormal expansions, Fourier, on infinite interval 47
Orthonormal expansions, Legendre 59
Orthonormal expansions, spherical harmonic 66
oscillations see “Plasma oscillations” “Waves”
Oscillator strength 438 601
Parity of multipole fields 550
Parseval's theorem 478
Particle motion, In crossed E and B 412
Particle motion, in dipole field of earth 427
Particle motion, in external fields 411 f.
Particle motion, in inhomogeneous B 415 421
Particle motion, in uniform static B 411
Penetration depth in plasma 227 see also “Skin depth”
Permeability, magnetic 153
Phase difference, and elliptic polarization 205
Phase difference, between current and field in plasma 227
Phase difference, between E and B in conductor 224
Phase of plane wave, relativistic invariance of 363
Phase shift for scattering by sphere 571
Phase velocity, and group velocity 211
Phase velocity, and group velocity in guide 249
Phase velocity, in wave guide 246
Phase velocity, of Alfven waves 331 334
Phase velocity, of plane waves 203
Phase velocity, of plasma oscillations 340
Photon, angular momentum in multipole 549
Photon, angular momentum of 201 569
Pinch effect, and instabilities 326
Pinch effect, dynamic models of 322
Pinch effect, scaling law for 325
Pinch effect, steady-state 320
Plane wave, electromagnetic 202 f.
Plane wave, electromagnetic, expansion in spherical multipole waves 569
Plane wave, electromagnetic, in conducting medium 222 f.
Plane wave, electromagnetic, reflection and refraction of 216 f.
Plane wave, scalar, general one-dimensional solution 200 212 233
Plane wave, scalar, propagation in dispersive medium 210 f.
Plane wave, scalar, properties of 203
Plasma frequency 227 337
Plasma oscillations, and Boltzmann equation 345
Plasma oscillations, high-frequency 335 f.
Plasma oscillations, in external magnetic field 346
Plasma oscillations, Landau damping of 340
Plasma oscillations, longitudinal 337
Plasma oscillations, transverse 339
Plasma, conductivity of 459
Plasma, confinement of, by external fields 329
Plasma, confinement of, by magnetic mirrors 424
Plasma, confinement of, by self-fields 320
Plasma, definition of 310
Plasma, dielectric constant of 451
Plasma, energy loss in 450
Plasma, instabilities in column of 326
Plasma, longitudinal waves in 337
Plasma, transverse waves in 226 339
Poincare stresses 592
Poisson's equation 12
Poisson's equation, equivalent integral equation 15
Poisson's equation, general solution in spherical geometry 81
Poisson's equation, uniqueness of solution of 15
Polarizability, electronic 120
Polarizability, models of 119
Polarizability, molecular 118
Polarizability, orientation 122
| Polarization effects in energy loss 443
Polarization of radiation, by reflection 220
Polarization of radiation, circular, elliptical, linear 205
Polarization of radiation, from accelerated charges 468 480
Polarization of radiation, from multipoles 272 274 551
Polarization of radiation, from synchrotron 484 504
Polarization of radiation, scattered by sphere 572
Polarization of radiation, X-rays 509
Polarization vectors 204 207
Polarization, charge density 107 112
Polarization, current density from time-varying 196
Polarization, definition of 108
Polarization, surface-charge density 112 115 117
potential energy see “Energy”
Potential, electrostatic 8
Potential, in rectangular box 49
Potential, of dipole layer 11
Potential, of line charge, expansion in polar coordinates 86
Potential, of point charge, expansion in cylindrical coordinates 86
Potential, of point charge, expansion in eigenfunctions 88
Potential, of point charge, expansion in spherical coordinates 62 69
Potential, of point charge, in cylindrical box 97
Potential, of point charge, in rectangular box 89
Potential, of surface-charge distribution 10
Power flow see “Energy flow”
Power loss, because of finite conductivity 239
Power loss, in resonant cavities 257
Power loss, per unit area at conducting surface 240
Power loss, per unit length, in wave guides 250
Power series solution, of Bessel's equation 70
Power series solution, of Legendre equation 56
Power, radiated, angular distribution of dipole 272
Power, radiated, angular distribution of halfand full-wave antenna 279
Power, radiated, angular distribution of quadrupole 275 552
Power, radiated, by charge in arbitrary periodic motion 501
Power, radiated, by charged particle 470 472
Power, radiated, by charged particle in accelerators 471
Power, radiated, by multipoles 550 f.
Power, radiated, distribution of (l,m) multipole 551
Power, radiated, Larmor's formula for 469
Power, radiated, total 272 276 553
Poynting's theorem 189 197
Poynting's vector, definition of 190
Poynting's vector, for plane wave 205
Poynting's vector, in wave guide 248
Precession frequency 228 411
Precession, Thomas 364 f.
Pressure, magnetic 315
Pressure, radiation 201
Propagation, in anisotropic dielectric 233
Propagation, in conducting medium 223
Propagation, in dispersive medium 212
Propagation, in hollow wave guide 249
Propagation, in plasma 226 f.
Proper time 369
Q of resonant cavity 256
Q of resonant cavity, connection with half-width of resonance 257
Q of resonant cavity, general expression for 258
Q of spherical cavity 576
Quadrupole fields of oscillating source 275 see
Quadrupole moment see also “Multipole moment”
Quadrupole moment, electrostatic 99 100
Quadrupole moment, interaction of, with field gradient 101 128
Quadrupole moment, nuclear 102
Quadrupole moment, of oscillating source 275
Radiated electromagnetic energy, transformation properties of 390
Radiation condition 282
Radiation cross section 510
Radiation damping see “Radiative reaction”
Radiation length 519
Radiation pressure 201
Radiation resistance 280
Radiation zone 269
Radiation zone, in diffraction 292
Radiation, angular and frequency distribution, for charge in periodic motion 501
Radiation, angular and frequency distribution, for magnetic moments 481
Radiation, angular and frequency distribution, for ultrarelativistic particle 481 f.
Radiation, angular and frequency distribution, general result for accelerated charge 480
Radiation, angular distribution of, for accelerated charge 472
Radiation, angular distribution of, for ultrarelativistic particle 474
Radiation, from creation of charge 526
Radiation, from disappearance of charge 528
Radiation, from disappearance of magnetic moment 531
Radiation, from electric dipole 272
Radiation, from electric quadrupole 275
Radiation, from full-wave antenna 279
Radiation, from half-wave antenna 279
Radiation, from linear antenna 277 f. 562
Radiation, from localized source 269
Radiation, from magnetic dipole 274
Radiation, from orbital electron capture 528 f.
Radiation, from short antenna 273
Radiation, in beta decay 526 f.
Radiation, in collisions 506 f. see
Radiation, multipole see “Multipole radiation”
Radiative energy loss, in accelerators 471
Radiative energy loss, in collisions 513 518
Radiative reaction 581 f.
Radiative reaction, and line breadth 600
Radiative reaction, and shift of energy level 600
Radiative reaction, characteristic time t 580
Radiative reaction, effective force of 582
Radiative reaction, equations of motion including 582 597 609
Radius of the electron 490 589
Rayleigh scattering law 573 603
Reaction cross section, definition of 606
Reaction threshold 400
Reactive effects of radiation see “Radiative reaction”
Reflection, from sphere in diffraction 301 302
Reflection, of charged particle from region of large magnetic field 423
Reflection, of plane waves 216 f.
Reflection, of radio waves from ionosphere 229
Reflection, total internal 221
Refraction of plane waves 216 f. see
Relativistic effects in angular and frequency distributions of radiation 474 476 484 501
Relativistic invariance, of 4-dimensional Laplacian 375
Relativistic invariance, of 4-dimensional volume element 376
Relativistic invariance, of 4-vector scalar products 375
Relativistic invariance, of 4-vector scalar products, use in kinematics 395 396 398
Relativistic invariance, of action integral 406
Relativistic invariance, of phase of plane wave 363 383
Relativistic invariance, of products of fields 389
Relativistic invariance, of radiated power 469
Relativistic invariance, of radiation cross section 515
Relativistic invariance, of wave equation 388
Relativistic notation 377
Relativistic transformation, and Thomas precession 367
Relativistic transformation, from CM system to laboratory 400 f.
Relativistic transformation, of 4-vectors and tensors 374 f.
Relativistic transformation, of acceleration 388
Relativistic transformation, of charge and current densities 378
Relativistic transformation, of coordinates 357
Relativistic transformation, of electromagnetic fields 380 413 414
Relativistic transformation, of electromagnetic fields, of moving point charge 381
Relativistic transformation, of momentum and energy 392
Relativistic transformation, of potentials 378
Relativistic transformation, of velocities 360
Relativistic transformation, of wave vector and frequency 363 383
Relativity, Special Theory of 347 f.
Relativity, special theory of, postulates of 353
Renormalization in quantum electrodynamics 594
Resistance see “Conductivity” “Ohm's “Radiation
Resonance fluorescence 604
Resonant cavity, cylindrical 254 267
Resonant cavity, energy stored in 257
Resonant cavity, modes of oscillation in 253
Resonant cavity, power losses in walls of 255 f.
Resonant cavity, Q of 256 258 576
Resonant cavity, resonant frequencies of 253
Resonant cavity, spherical 576
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