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Jackson J.D. — Classical electrodynamics |
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Resonant frequency, broadening of, due to losses in cavity 256
Resonant frequency, of atomic oscillator 120 234 438
Resonant frequency, of resonant cavity 253
Resonant frequency, shift of, due to radiation damping 600
Retarded Green's function 185 269 283
Retarded time 185 465
Reynolds number, magnetic 314
Rotation of coordinates in successive Lorentz transformations 367
Rutherford scattering 452
Scalar potential, electrostatic, definition of 8
Scalar potential, for time-varying fields 179
Scalar potential, magnetostatic 156 158
Scalar, under Lorentz transformations 374
Scattering cross section, classical, relation of, to impact parameter 452
Scattering cross section, for radiation, by conducting sphere 304 572
Scattering cross section, for radiation, by free charges 489
Scattering cross section, for radiation, by oscillator 603
Scattering cross section, for radiation, by quasi-free charges 492
Scattering cross section, for radiation, definition of 489
Scattering cross section, for radiation, resonant 604
Scattering of particles, by atoms 451 f.
Scattering of particles, effect of atomic screening on 453
Scattering of particles, effect of nuclear size on 454
Scattering of particles, mean square angle of 456
Scattering of particles, multiple 458
Scattering of particles, single 458
Scattering of particles, total atomic cross section for 455
Scattering of radiation, by conducting sphere, at long wavelengths 569 f.
Scattering of radiation, by conducting sphere, at short wavelengths 299 f.
Scattering of radiation, by free charges 488
Scattering of radiation, by oscillator 602 f.
Scattering of radiation, by quasi-free charges 491 f.
Scattering of radiation, coherent and incoherent 493
Scattering of radiation, Thomson cross section for 489
Screening by atomic electrons, effect of, on bremsstrahlung 516 f.
Screening by atomic electrons, effect of, on small-angle scattering 453
Selection rules for multipole transitions 549
Self-energy and momentum 590 f.
Self-energy and momentum, covariant definition of 594 f.
Self-energy and momentum, transformation properties of 591
Self-energy, classical 588
Self-energy, quantum mechanical 593
Self-fields of charged particle 585
Self-force, electromagnetic 584 f.
Self-stress, and Poincar6 stresses 592
Self-stress, Lorentz transformation of 591
Self-stress, of charged particle 590
Separation of variables, in cylindrical coordinates 69
Separation of variables, in rectangular coordinates 47
Separation of variables, in spherical coordinates 54
Shielding, electrostatic, with hollow dielectric 129
Shielding, magnetic, with permeable shell 162 166
Skin depth 225 238
Skin depth, and Q of a cavity 258
Skin depth, and surface resistance 240
Skin depth, in plasma 227
Snell's law 216
Solenoid 165
Sources of multipole radiation 553 556
Space-like and time-like separations 370
Special theory of relativity see “Relativity”
Specular reflection from a sphere 302
Sphere, conducting, and point charge 27 31 33
Sphere, general solution with Green's function 40 f. 81
Sphere, in uniform electric field 33
Sphere, of inversion 35
Sphere, scattering of radiation by 299 f. 569
Sphere, uniformly magnetized 156
Sphere, uniformly magnetized, in external field 160
Spherical Bessel functions see “Bessel functions”
Spherical coordinates 54
Spherical coordinates, delta function in 79
Spherical coordinates, Laplace's equation in 54
Spherical harmonics, 64 f.
Spherical harmonics, addition theorem for 67
Spherical harmonics, and angular momentum 542
Spherical harmonics, completeness relation for 65
Spherical harmonics, explicit forms of 66
Spherical harmonics, in magnetostatics 144 160
Spherical harmonics, operations of L on 542
Spherical harmonics, orthogonality of 65
Spherical harmonics, sum rule for 69
Spherical harmonics, vector see “Vector spherical harmonics”
Spherical scalar waves 538 f.
Spherical vector waves 543 f.
Spherical wave expansion, of E and B 546
Spherical wave expansion, of plane scalar wave 567
Spherical wave expansion, of plane vector wave 569
Spin-orbit interaction 368
Stabilization of plasma column 327 f.
Standards, units and 612
Standing waves in a resonant cavity 252
Step function, , definition of 234
Step function, representation by Legendre polynomials 59
Stokes's theorem 9
Stored energy in resonant cavity 256
Stress 193
Stress-energy-momentum tensor 193 385 see
Stress-energy-momentum tensor, and conservation laws 386
Stress-energy-momentum tensor, vanishing trace of 385
Superposition principle see “Linear superposition”
Surface current, effective 240
Surface current, effective magnetic 159
Surface current, for perfect conductor 236
Surface current, in diffraction 289
Surface distributions, of charge 9
Surface distributions, of dipole moment 10
Surface-charge density, and discontinuity in normal E and D 9 110
Surface-charge density, and electrostatic force 23
Surface-charge density, effective magnetic 159
Surface-charge density, on conducting sphere 29 34
Surface-charge density, on perfect conductor 236
Surface-charge density, on sphere with line charge inside 84
Surface-charge density, on thin charged disc 93
Surface-charge density, polarization 112 115 117
Surface-charge density, potential of 10
Surface-charge density, transformation of, in method of inversion 37
Susceptibility, electric 109 119
Susceptibility, simple models for 119 f.
Synchrotron radiation 481 f.
Synchrotron radiation, angular and frequency distribution of 484 486 487
Synchrotron radiation, from Crab nebula 488 504
Synchrotron radiation, polarization of 484 504
Tension along lines of magnetic field 315 328
Tensor, electromagnetic field-strength 379
Tensor, Lorentz transformation of 375
Tensor, Maxwell's stress 193
| Tensor, relation to dyadic 193
Tensor, stress-energy-momentum 385
Thermonuclear plasmas 320 326 329 343
Thermonuclear plasmas, containment of, by magnetic mirrors 423
Thermonuclear plasmas, instabilities in 326 f.
Thomas factor 368
Thomas precession 364 f.
Thomson cross section 489
Thomson scattering 488
Thomson scattering, quantum modifications to 490
Thomson's theorem 25
Time dilatation 357 f.
Time dilatation, experiment on, with pi mesons 359
Time dilatation, graphical representation of 374
Time-like and space-like separations 370
Torque, on current distribution 137
Torque, on magnetic dipole 132 150
Transformation see “Relativistic transformation” “Galilean
Transition probability 558
Transition probability, in hydrogen-like atoms 502 608
Transmission coefficient of circular aperture 294 308
Transmission line, dominant mode in 243
Transmission line, examples of 265 266
Transmission line, relation between L and C for 199
Transverse electric (TE) waves, attenuation of, in wave guides 251
Transverse electric (TE) waves, connection of, with multipole moments 553 f.
Transverse electric (TE) waves, cylindrical 243
Transverse electric (TE) waves, in dielectric wave guide 261
Transverse electric (TE) waves, in rectangular wave guide 246
Transverse electric (TE) waves, spherical 545
Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves 243
Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves, absence of, in hollow wave guides 244
Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves, on transmission lines 264 265
Transverse magnetic (TM) waves, attenuation of, in wave guides 251
Transverse magnetic (TM) waves, connection of, with multipole moments 553 f.
Transverse magnetic (TM) waves, cylindrical 243
Transverse magnetic (TM) waves, in cylindrical cavity 254
Transverse magnetic (TM) waves, in dielectric wave guide 263
Transverse magnetic (TM) waves, spherical 545
Transverse waves, in conducting medium 223
Transverse waves, in magnetohydrodynamics 331
Transverse waves, in plasma 226 339
Transverse waves, plane 204
Traveling wave solutions 203 212
Traveling wave solutions, in wave guide 244
Uncertainty principle 209 215
Uncertainty principle, use of, to obtain quantum-mechanical modifications 440 442 453 455 511 527 532 599
Uniqueness theorem 15
Uniqueness theorem, use of, with Legendre polynomial expansion 61 63
Units, and relative dimensions of electromagnetic quantities 613 f.
Units, appendix on 611 f.
Units, conversion between Gaussian and mks 621
Units, different system of electromagnetic 616
Units, different systems of electromagnetic, important equations in 618
Units, table for conversion of 619 620
Van Allen belts, problems illustrating principles 427
Vector field, decomposition of, into longitudinal and transverse parts 182 199
Vector Green's theorem 283 f.
Vector potential, for time-varying fields 179
Vector potential, in magnetostatics 139 f.
Vector potential, in non-cartesian coordinates 141
Vector potential, of localized oscillating source 269 f.
Vector potential, of magnetic dipole 146
Vector potential, of oscillating electric dipole 271
Vector potential, of oscillating electric quadrupole 275
Vector potential, of oscillating magnetic dipole 274
Vector spherical harmonics 545 f.
Vector spherical harmonics, absolute square of 551
Vector spherical harmonics, explicit forms for l = 1 2 3 551 565 573
Vector spherical harmonics, integral theorems involving 556 568
Vector spherical harmonics, sum rule for 553
Vector theorem, divergence 6
Vector theorem, Green's 283 285
Vector theorem, Stokes's 9
Vector theorem, with surface and volume integrals 284
Vector theorem, with vector spherical harmonics 556 568
Velocity addition law, relativistic 360
Velocity fields of point charge 467
Velocity of light, constancy of 353
Velocity of light, numerical value of 614
Velocity of particle, relativistic 393
Velocity selector 414 426
Virtual quanta, method of 520 f.
Virtual quanta, method of, and bremsstrahlung 525
Virtual quanta, method of, examples of use of 520 525 536
Virtual quanta, spectrum of 524
Viscosity, coefficient of 311
Viscosity, effect of, on magnetohydrodynamic flow 316 f. 332
Viscosity, magnetic 314
Wave equation 180 183
Wave equation, covariant solution of 388
Wave equation, for scalar and vector potentials 180
Wave equation, from Maxwell's equations 203 543
Wave equation, Green's function for 185
Wave equation, initial-value problem for 186 200
Wave equation, one-dimensional solution of 200
Wave equation, transverse, in wave guide 241
Wave guide 244 f.
Wave guide, attenuation in 249 f.
Wave guide, boundary conditions in 243
Wave guide, cutoff frequency in 245
Wave guide, dielectric 259 f.
Wave guide, modes in circularly cylindrical 266
Wave guide, modes in rectangular 246
Wave guide, modes in triangular 267
Wave guide, possible modes of propagation in 243
Wave number, and frequency, as 4-vector 383
Wave number, connection of, with frequency 203 208 227 338 339
Wave number, Debye 340
Wave number, imaginary part of, due to losses 249
Wave number, in wave guide 245
Wave number, spread of, in wave packets 209
Wave packets, in one dimension 208 f.
Wave packets, propagation of, in a dispersive medium 210 212
Wave packets, spreading in time 215
Wavelength in wave guide 245
Waves, Alfven 331 344 see “Spherical “Transverse
Waves, Alfven, Alfven, attenuation of 333
Waves, Alfven, Alfven, with displacement current 334
Waves, Alfven, magnetohydrodynamic 329 f.
Waves, Alfven, magnetosonic 331
Weizsaecker — Williams method 520 f.
Williams — Weizsacker method 520 f.
Work function of metal, and images 32
Work, relation of, to potential energy 8 20
wronskian 85
Wronskian, for Bessel functions 86
Wronskian, for spherical Bessel functions 541
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