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Jackson J.D. — Classical electrodynamics |
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Drift velocity, caused by magnetic field gradient 416
Dual integral equations 91
Dyadic 193
Dynamics of relativistic charged particle in external fields 404 f.
Eigenfunctions 87
Eigenfunctions, cxpanrion of Green's function in terms of 88
Eigenfunctions, for fields in cylindrical wave guides 244
Eigenfunctions, for wave equation in box 88
Eigenfunctions, in cylindrical cavity 254
Eigenfunctions, in rectangular guide 246
Eigenfunctions, in spherical cavity 576
Electric Dipole see “Dipole fields” “Dipole
Electric field, definition of 2
Electric field, derivable from potentials 8 179
Electric field, relativistic transformation of 380
Electromagnetic fields, multipole expansion of 543
Electromagnetic fields, of localized oscillating source 270
Electromagnetic stress-energy-momentum tensor 385
Electromagnetic units see “Units”
Electromotive force, definition of 170
Electron capture, radiation emitted in 528
Electron, classical model of 584
Electron, difficulties with 589
Electron, radius of 490 589
Electrostatic force on conductor 23
Electrostatic units see “Units”
Elliptic integrals, use of 96 142 168
Energy conservation between particles and fields 190 386
Energy density, 4—4 element of stress-energy-momentum tensor 385
Energy density, electromagnetic 189 205
Energy density, electrostatic 21
Energy flow 190
Energy flow, in wave guide 248
Energy flow, velocity of 208 211
Energy loss, collisional, and method of virtual quanta 536
Energy loss, collisional, classical 438
Energy loss, collisional, density effect in 443
Energy loss, collisional, in plasma 450
Energy loss, collisional, quantum-mechanical 440
Energy loss, radiative, in accelerators 471
Energy loss, radiative, in nonrelativistic collisions 513
Energy loss, radiative, in relativistic collisions 518
Energy of particle, relativistic transformation of 391
Energy transfer, in collision with bound charge 434
Energy transfer, in Coulomb collision 430
Energy transfer, in discrete amounts 439
Energy transfer, in elastic collision 404
Energy transfer, to oscillator 436
Energy, electrostatic potential 8 20
Energy, in dielectrics 123
Energy, magnetic 173
Energy, magnetic dipole 150
Energy, of charge distribution in external field 101
Energy, of magnetically permeable body 176
Energy, of permanent magnets 167
Energy, self- 22 588
Energy-level shift due to radiative reaction 600
Equation of motion, integrodifferential, with radiative reaction 597
Equations of motion with radiative reaction 582 583
Ether 347
Ether drift, experiment on 349
Expansion of , in cylindrical coordinates 86 96
Expansion of , in plane waves 88
Expansion of , in spherical coordinates 62 69
Expansion, of 541
Expansion, of circularly polarized plane wave 569
Expansion, of retarded quantity 586
Expansion, of scalar plane wave 567
Expansions see “Orthonormal expansions”
Faraday's law, for moving circuit 172
Faraday's law, in differential form 173
Faraday's law, in integral form 170
Fields of uniformly moving charge 381 467
Fields of uniformly moving charge, Fourier transforms of 437
Fields of uniformly moving charge, in dielectric, Fourier transforms of 445
Fields, of moving particle 467
Fields, of relativistic particle, equivalence of, to pulse of radiation 382 521
Fitzgerald — Lorentz contraction 352 357
FitzGerald — Lorentz contraction, graphical representation of 373
Fizeau's experiment 349
Flow of viscous conducting fluid between parallel plates 316
Force equation, Abraham — Lorentz 582
Force equation, for fluid 311
Force equation, in covariant form 384 405
Force equation, with radiative reaction, integrodifferential 597
Force, between charge and image charge 30 32 51
Force, between current-carrying circuits 136
Force, between point charge and sphere 30 31 33
Force, between two parallel wires 136
Force, Lorentz 191
Force, on charged surface 23
Force, on current distribution in magnetic field 137 148
Force, on dielectric body 126 127 131
Force, on magnetic dipole 149
Force, on magnetically permeable body 177
Force, on permanent magnets 167 168
Force, radiative reaction 582
Fourier integrals 47
Fourier series 46
Fourier transforms, of exponentially damped wave 256
Fourier transforms, of fields of charge in uniform motion 437
Fourier transforms, of wave packet 209 212
Fraunhofer diffraction see “Diffraction”
Freezing in of lines of force 313 319
Frequency spectrum of radiation 478 480
Frequency spectrum of radiation, qualitative aspects of 476
Fresnel diffraction see “Diffraction”
Fresnel formula for velocity of light in moving media 349
Fresnel formulas for reflected and refracted plane waves 219 220
Fresnel integrals and diffraction 306
Galilean invariance 348 369
Galilean invariance, and Faraday's law 171
Galilean reference frames 353
Galilean relativity 348 369
Galilean transformation 171 388
Gauge invariance 181 426
Gauge transformations, for magnetostatics 140
Gauge transformations, for time-varying fields 181
Gauge, Coulomb or transverse 140 182
Gauge, Lorentz 181
Gauss's law, applied to surface-charge distribution 9
Gauss's law, differential form of 6
Gauss's law, integral form of 4
Gaussian units see “Units”
Gradient, in spherical vector form 544
Gradient, of electric field and quadrupole interaction 101 128
Gradient, of magnetic induction and force on dipole 149
Gradient, of magnetic induction, particle drift in 416
Green's first identity 14
Green's function for time-dependent wave equation 183
Green's function for time-dependent wave equation, retarded 185 269
Green's function for wave equation, spherical wave expansion of 541
Green's function in electrostatics 18
Green's function in electrostatics, examples of use of 82 83
Green's function in electrostatics, expansion of, in Bessel functions 84 96
Green's function in electrostatics, expansion of, in Legendre polynomials 62
Green's function in electrostatics, expansion of, in spherical harmonics 69
Green's function in electrostatics, for concentric spheres 80
Green's function in electrostatics, for cylindrical box 97
Green's function in electrostatics, for rectangular box 89
Green's function in electrostatics, for rectangular box, eigenfunction expansion of 88
Green's function in electrostatics, for sphere 41
Green's reciprocation theorem 25
Green's theorem 15
Green's theorem, use of, in diffraction 280
Green's theorem, use of, with wave equation 188
Green's theorem, vector equivalent of 285
Grounded conductor, definition of 27
Group velocity 211
Group velocity, and phase velocity 211
| Group velocity, and phase velocity in guide 249
Group velocity, in electronic plasma 340
Group velocity, in wave guide 249
Guides see “Wave guide”
Gyration frequency 228 411
Half-width of resonance 601
Half-width of resonance, connection of, with Q in a cavity 257
Hamiltonian for relativistic charged particle 408
Hankel function see “Bessel functions”
Hankel transform 77
Hartmann number 317
Heaviside — Lorentz units see “Units”
Helicity, definition of 206
Hemispheres, at different potentials 42
Hemispheres, potential from symmetry and uniqueness 62
Hemispheres, potential in terms of Legendre polynomials 61
Huygens's principle 188 280
Hydrodynamics see “Magnetohydrodynamics”
Hysteresis, magnetic 153
Image charges see “Images”
Images, method of 26 f.
Images, method of, for conducting sphere in uniform field 33
Images, method of, for dielectrics 111
Images, method of, for magnetic media 167
Images, method of, for point charge near conducting sphere 27
Impact parameter, and scattering angle 452
Impact parameter, minimum and maximum in bremsstrahlung 510 514
Impact parameter, minimum and maximum in energy loss 432 440
Impact parameter, minimum in method of virtual quanta 520
Impedance of a transmission line 265
Index of refraction see also “Dielectric constant”
Index of refraction, analytical properties of 234
Index of refraction, and phase and group velocities 211
Index of refraction, dispersion relation for 234
Inductance 198 199
Inductance, high-frequency 225
Inductance, of transmission line 265 266
Induction, Faraday's law of 170
Initial-value problem, for scalar wave equation 186
Initial-value problem, Poisson's solution of 188
Instabilities of a pinched plasma column 326
Internal electric field at molecule 116
Invariance see also “Adiabatic invariance” “Relativists
Invariance, of length-time clement in special relativity 369
Invariance, of separate length and time elements in Galilean relativity 369
Inversion, method of 35
Inversion, method of, behavior of charge densities under 37
Inversion, method of, examples of 39 40 53
Ionosphere 226 f.
Ives — Stilwell experiment 364
Jacobian, in Lorentz transformation of coordinates 376
Jacobian, in transforming delta functions 79
Kinematics, relativistic 394 f.
Kirchhoff diffraction see “Diffraction”
Kirchhoff's integral representation 188
Kirchhoff's integral representation, use of, in diffraction 280
Kirchhoff's integral representation, vector equivalent of 283
Klein — Nishina formula 490
l'Hospital's rule 83
Lagrangian, for relativistic charged particle 407
Lagrangian, for two interacting charged particles 411
Lamb shift 602
Landau damping 340
Laplace's equation 13
Laplace's equation, general solution of, in cylindrical coordinates 76 77
Laplace's equation, general solution of, in spherical coordinates 67
Laplace's equation, in cylindrical coordinates 69
Laplace's equation, in rectangular coordinates 48
Laplace's equation, in spherical coordinates 54
Laplace's equation, uniqueness of solution of 15
Laplacian and the angular momentum operator L 543
Larmor power formula 469
Larmor power formula, relativistic generalization of 470
Legendre polynomials 56 see
Legendre polynomials, associated 64
Legendre polynomials, expansion of inverse distance in 62
Legendre polynomials, explicit forms of 57
Legendre polynomials, integrals involving 60
Legendre polynomials, orthogonality 58
Legendre polynomials, recursion relations 59
Legendre polynomials, Rodrigues's formula for 57
Lenz's law 170
Lienard — Wiechert potentials 465
Lienard — Wiechert potentials, fields 467
Lienard's generalization of Larmor power formula 470
Lifetime, of multipole transitions 558
Lifetime, of pi mesons in motion 359
Light cone 370
Line breadth due to radiative reaction 600
Linear superposition, of electric fields 3
Linear superposition, of plane waves 203 208
Linear superposition, of potentials 31
Localized source see “Multipole” “Multipole
Longitudinal fields in conductor 223
Lorentz condition 181
Lorentz condition, in covariant form 378
Lorentz force 191
Lorentz force equation in covariant form 405
Lorentz invariant see “Scalar” “Relativistic
Lorentz line shape 436 601 604
Lorentz line shape, for cavity 256
Lorentz transformation 356 see
Lorentz transformation, as orthogonal transformation in four dimensions 371
Lorentz transformation, infinitesimal 367
Lorentz transformation, noncommuting 357 387
Lorentz transformation, successive 357 367
Lorentz — Lorenz relation 119
loss see “Power loss”
Macroscopic averages 104 194
Macroscopic equations, derivation of, for electrostatics 103
Macroscopic equations, derivation of, for magnetostatics 150
Macroscopic equations, derivation of, for time-varying fields 194
Macroscopic fields, definition of B and H 153
Macroscopic fields, definition of E and D 108
Magnet pressure 315
Magnet, permanent 161 167
Magnetic dipole see “Dipole fields” “Dipole
Magnetic field H see also “Magnetic induction”
Magnetic field H, boundary conditions on 154
Magnetic field H, definition of macroscopic 153
Magnetic flux density see “Magnetic induction”
Magnetic induction B, boundary conditions on 154
Magnetic induction B, definition of 132 134
Magnetic induction B, of circular loop 141
Magnetic induction B, of current element 134
Magnetic induction B, of long wire 135
Magnetic induction B, of magnetized sphere 156
Magnetic induction B, of nonrelativistic moving charge 134
Magnetic induction B, relativistic transformation of 380
Magnetic induction B, unit of, defined in terms of force 136
Magnetic mirror 149 423
Magnetic moment, adiabatic invariance of 421
Magnetic moment, force on, in external field 149
Magnetic moment, of localized current distribution 146
Magnetic moment, radiation because of disappearance of 531
Magnetic moment, radiation by time-varying 274 481
Magnetic-moment density see “Magnetization”
Magnetization, definition of macroscopic 151
Magnetization, divergence of, as effective magneticcharge density 158
Magnetization, effective current of 152
Magnetization, of current distribution 146
Magnetization, radiation by time-varying 481 553
Magnetohydrodynamic flow 316
Magnetohydrodynamic waves 329 344
Magnetohydrodynamic waves, effect of finite conductivity and viscosity 333
Magnetohydrodynamic waves, with displacement current 334
Magnetohydrodynamics 309 f.
Magnetohydrodynamics, equations of 311
Magnetosonic waves 331
Magnetostatics, basic equations of 137 f.
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