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Sexl R., Urbantke H.K. — Relativity, Groups, Particles. Special Relativity and Relativistic Symmetry in Field and Particle Physics
Sexl R., Urbantke H.K. — Relativity, Groups, Particles. Special Relativity and Relativistic Symmetry in Field and Particle Physics

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Название: Relativity, Groups, Particles. Special Relativity and Relativistic Symmetry in Field and Particle Physics

Авторы: Sexl R., Urbantke H.K.


This textbook attempts to bridge the gap that exists between the two levels on which relativistic symmetry is usually presented - the level of introductory courses on mechanics and electrodynamics and the level of application in high energy physics and quantum field theory: in both cases, too many other topics are more important and hardly leave time for a deepening of the idea of relativistic symmetry. So after explaining the postulates that lead to the Lorentz transformation and after going through the main points special relativity has to make in classical mechanics and electrodynamics, the authors gradually lead the reader up to a more abstract point of view on relativistic symmetry - always illustrating it by physical examples - until finally motivating and developing Wigner's classification of the unitary irreducible representations of the inhomogeneous Lorentz group. Numerous historical and mathematical asides contribute to conceptual clarification.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 400

Добавлена в каталог: 16.02.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Abelian group      49
Aberration      70 289
Abraham      43 126 127 329
Abraham 4-vector      131
Abreastness      56
Absolute space      4
Action at a distance      86
Action integral      318
Action integral for Dirac equation      322
Action integral for Klein — Gordon equation      322
Action integral for Maxwell's equations      322
Action integral for Proca equations      322
Action principle      319
Addition of angular momenta      214
Addition of velocities      39
Addition theorem of spherical harmonics      209
Adjoint action      180
Adjoint operator      185
Adjoint representation      180
Affine orthonormal bases      58
Affine parameter      72
Aharonov      316
Aichelburg      27
Angular momentum density      326
Angular momentum operators      282
Annihilation operator      365
Anti-Hermitian      184
Antichronous transformations      143
Antisymmetrizer      95
Antiunitary      273
Ashby      48
Ashkin      111
Axial vector      4 6 220
Bacry      42
Balescu      335
Bargmann      227 268 273 274
Baryon density      333
Beck      42
Belinfante      329
Berzi      7
Bethe      111
Bilinear concomitants of spinors      271
Bilinear forms for spinors      267
Bilinearity      185
Bispinors      257 263 265
Bohm — Aharanov effect      310
Boost, Galilean      6 139
Boost, Lorentzian      9 140
Borel      43
Brillouin, M.      47
Bucherer      127
Canonical parameter      232
Canuto      335
Carlip      13
Carmeli      218
Cartan      181 191
Cartan — Weyl basis      182
Casimir operators      182
Casimir operators for Lorentz group      231
Casimir operators for Poincare group      280
Casimir operators for SO(3)      178
Causal structure      23
Cayley — Klein parameters      198
Center of mass motion      121 326
Center of mass-energy      326
Central extension      225
centralizer      147
Centroid      326
CHARACTER      286
Charge conjugation      359
Charge conservation      107
Chiral projectors      267
Chiral representation      267
Chiral spinors      257 265
circular polarization      101 298
Classical electron radius      74
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients      215
Clebsch — Gordan decomposition      164 245
Clebsch — Gordan series      214
Clifford algebra      191 265
Cocycle condition      225
Cocycle condition, infinitesimal      274
Commutation relations for field operators      365
Commutation relations for Lorentz group      230
Commutation relations for Poincare group      280
Commutation relations for ray representations      274
Commutation relations for rotation group      175
Commutative group      49
Commutator subgroup      152
Compactness      137
Completely reducible      155 159
Complex Lie algebras      230
Complex Lorentz group      144
Complex rotations      206 238
Complex structure      157
Complex structure in a real Lie algebra      232
Complex-conjugate Lie algebras      230
Complex-Euclidean structure      186
Complexification      156 230
Complexification of real Lie algebras      234
Component of unity      144
Composition functions      135
Compton      43 74
Compton effect      70
Compton scattering      72
Compton wavelength      73 262
Concomitants      99
Conformal Killing equation      121
Conservation laws      68 115 317
Conservation laws, differential version      120 321 324
Conservation of angular momentum      121 326
Conservation of energy      115 324
Conservation of momentum      116 324
Contraction      94
Contragredient      58
Contragredient representation      149
Contravariant components      59
Contravariant tensor      93
Contravariant vector      93
Covariant components      59
Covariant laws      4 271
Covariant tensor      93
Covariant vector      93
Covariant, (non-)manifestly      272
Covering group of O(3)      221
Covering groups of O(1, 3)      258
Crampin      35
Cranshaw      72
Creation operators      364
Cross section      217
Cyclic vector      158
D'Alembert's equation      262
D'Alembertian operator      88
Davidovich      42
Decomposable representation      155 159
Degree of a tensor      98
Density of charge      88 321
Density of current      88 321
Derivation      338 347 348 350
Determinant tensors      96
DeWitt, B.S.      13
DeWitt-Morette      13
Differentiation of spinor fields      262
Differentiation of tensor fields      102
Dilation of the Coulomb field      111
Dingle      34
Dirac      106 133
Dirac adjoint      268
Dirac equation      264 310
Dirac matrices      264
Dirac spinors      257 263 265
Direct integral      210
Direct product of groups      52 219
Direct sum      161
Direct sum of Lie algebras      231
Direct sum of representations      154 162
Divakaran      275
Dominant energy condition      326 330
Doppler effect      70 289 295
Dotted spinor      245
Dual tensor      97
Duality rotation      157 252
Dynamical mass      69
Ecker      27 281
Ehlers      335
Ehrenfest      46 191 351
Eimerl      334
Einstein      334
Einstein synchronization      24 44
Einsteinian relativity      9
Electromagnetic field tensor      90
Elliptic polarization      298
Ellis      334
Energy      66 116 324
Energy current      116 324
Energy density      116 251 324
Energy-momentum tensor      119 324
Energy-momentum tensor, canonical      324
Energy-momentum tensor, symmetric      325
Energy-momentum vector      66 120 324
Engelstaff      72
entropy      333
Equation of continuity      87 321 333
Equivalence of ray representations      225
Equivalent representations      149 159
Erber      133
Erwin      80
Essen      47
Euler angles      172
Euler equation of hydrodynamics      332
Euler equations of a variation principle      318
Euler — Rodrigues parameters      198
Event      1
Extended particles      125
Extension cocycle      225 266
Extension group      224
Factor representation      166
Faithful representations      151
Farley      37
Feinberg      27
Fermi      79 128
Fermi statistics      364
Field      7
Field lines      212
Field of type D      213
Field operator      365
Fields for spin s      213
Fierz      312
Fierz rearrangement      271
Fock space      364
Fonda      303
Four-acceleration      64
Four-current      88 321
Four-force      65
Four-gradient      61
Four-group      144 153
Four-momentum      64
Four-momentum operators      281
Four-potential      88
Four-scalars      54
Four-square      54
Four-vectors      53
Four-velocity      63
Frank      1
Frobenius reciprocity theorem      217
Front velocity      25
Full Lorentz group      143
Fully reducible      155 159
Fundamental representation      205 221 232
Furry      42
Future light cone      22 55
Future, chronological and causal      23
Future-oriented = future-directed      55
Galilean boost      6 139
Galilean relativity      10
Gauge equivalence classes      309
Gauge transformation      88 309 312
Gauss      198
Gauss' theorem      104
Gehrenbeck      157
Generator      174 176 179
Geometric conservation laws      321
Ghirardi      303
Goldberg      218
good      303
Gorini      7
Goudsmit      43
Gron      334
Group      49
Group extension      224
Group velocity      25
Groupoid      140
Gruenbaum      47
Gyrocommutative gyrogroup      142
Hafele      37
Half-spinors      257 265
Hamilton, J.C.      114
Hamilton, W.R.      198
Harrison      335
Hasenoehrl      127
Havas      45
Hay      72
Heaviside      119
Hehl      329
Helicity      297
Hepp      157
Hermitian conjugate      185
Hermitian generators      184
Hilbert space      183
Hodge star-operation      99
Hoenl      132
Homogeneity of space      4
Homogeneity of time      4
Homogeneous space      66 142 210 287
Homogeneous vector bundle      217 290
Horwitz      334 335
Ideal fluid      332
Idempotent operator      162
Ignatowsky      1
Induced representation      217 290
Inertial frame      2 58
Inertial reference frame      2
Inertial system      1
Inner product      183 185
Integration of tensor fields      102
Intertwiner      160
Intrinsic classification of Lorentz transformations      146 253
Invariant subspace      155
Invariant tensors      95
Invariant volume element      199
Invariants      99
Inverse Compton effect      74
Irreducible representation      155 159
Isotropy group      210
Isotropy of space      4
Isotypic decomposition      167
Isotypic representation      166 192 209
Ives      48
Jacob      218 297
Jacobi identity      175
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