Авторизация |
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Sexl R., Urbantke H.K. — Relativity, Groups, Particles. Special Relativity and Relativistic Symmetry in Field and Particle Physics |
Предметный указатель |
Jensen 157
Joos 229
Juettner 335
K-loop 142
Kamerlingh-Onnes 351
Karzel 142
Katz 334 335
Kaufmann 126 127
Keating 37
Kelvin 119
Kikkawa 142
Killing equation 121 367
Killing — Cartan tensor 181
Kinematics 68
kinetic energy 66
Klein — Gordon equation 262 362
Klein, O. 303
Kracklauer 86
Krammer 142
Krausz 26
Kreuzer 142
Kronecker product of matrices 150
Kronecker product of representations 154
Kronecker symbol, generalized 95
Kuenzle 86
Kuusk 141
Lagrangian density 318
Landauer 25
Landsberg 334
Langbein 303
Larmor 14
Laue identities 133
Lee 317 368
Left translations 199
Lepton density 333
Lever 277 315
Levi-Civita 27
Lie algebra 175
Lie algebra of a Lie group 181
Lie algebra of Lorentz group 230
Lie algebra of Poincare group 278
Lie algebra of rotation group 175
Lie differential 324
Lie group 136
Lifting a ray representation 225 275
Light cone 22
Lightlike 54
Lightlike rotation 146 253 295
Line element, invariant 10
linear polarization 298
Little group 288
Local time 14
Longitudinal mass 126
Loop 141
loop property 141
Lorentz 13 128
Lorentz boost 9 140
Lorentz contraction 28
Lorentz force 91
Lorentz group 51
Lorentz transformation 9
Lorentz transformation, active and passive 58 145
Lorentz transformation, Cartan decomposition 12 146
Lorentz transformation, geometric representation 19
Lorentz transformation, infinitesimal 230 325
Lorentz transformation, intrinsic classification 146 253
Lorentz transformation, intrinsic decomposition 146 253
Lorentz — FitzGerald contraction 28
Lorenz condition 88
Majorana 245
Majorana representation 359
Majorana spinors 268 359
Mansouri 45
march 80
Mass defect 77
Mass shell 64
Mass square 281
Massless particles 70 294
Mathur 42
Matrix representation 149
Maxwell 119
Maxwell equations 262
Maxwell stress tensor 116 251
McCrea 35
McDermott 59
McFarlane 41
McGill 31
McNally 35
Metric tensor 50 98
Michel 277
Michelson 13 47
Mignani 27
Miller 46
Minkowski 10 119
Minkowski geometry 56
Minkowski space 53
Minkowski vector space 54
Mixed tensor 93
Momentum density 324
Momentum of electromagnetic field 116
Monoid 141
Morley 46
Moses 303
Mugnai 26
Multiplicity 166
Multiplicity free 165
Multiplier representation 224 266
Multiply connected 197
Nachtmann 217 303 306
Ne'eman 241
Nesterov 141
Newcomb 47
Niederer 300
Nimtz 25
Nodvik 132
Noether theorem 321
Nondegeneracy 185
Nonideal fluids 334
Nonlinear realization 272
Null flag 252
Null rotation 146 253 295
Null vectors 54
O'Raifeartaigh 300
Operator ray 225 273
Orbital angular momentum 207 214 282
Oriented volume 96
Orthochorous Lorentz group 144
Orthochronous Lorentz group 143
Orthogonal complement 184
Orthogonal direct sum 184
Orthogonal group O(3) 218
Orthogonal projections 184
Orthogonal subspace 184
Orthonormal basis 57
Ott 334
Pair annihilation 75
Parallel Projections 184
Parity 220
Parity operation 219
Particle number operator 364
Past light cone 55
Past, chronological and causal 23
Past-oriented = past-directed 55
Patera 145
Pauli 191 264 269
Pauli matrices 191
Pauli — Lubanski vector 280 327
Penrose 29 57 75 245
Peres 27
Peter — Weyl theorem 211
| Pflugfelder 141
Phase space 68
Phase space factor 78 79
phase velocity 25 60
photons 70
Pirani 27
Planck 334
Poincare 13 14 47
Poincare group 51
Poincare group, Lie algebra of 278
Poincare transformation 9 50
Poincare transformation, infinitesimal 278
Point particle 125
Polar vector 4 220
Poynting 119
Poynting vector 114 116 251
Pre-acceleration 131
Price, B. 111
Price, P. 106
Principal null directions 252
Principal spinors 245
Principle of relativity 4
Proca equations 285
Projection operators 161
Projections, complementary 161
Projective representation 225 272
Proper Lorentz group 143
Proper Lorentz transformations 98
Proper tensors 220
Proper time 32
Pseudo-Euclidean metric 52
Pseudo-Euclidean structure 186
Pseudo-unitary structure 186
Pseudoscalars 99
Pseudotensor 99 220 257
Pursey 303
Quasi-group 141
Quaternion units 191
Quaternions 198
Quotient theorem 94
Radiation field 112
Radiation reaction 128
Raghunathan 226
Rainich identity 254
Rarita — Schwinger formalism 313
Rauch 316
Ray representations 225 274
Ray representations of the Poincare group 284
Real form of (=real structure in), a complex Lie algebra 233
Real irreducible representations 168
Realification of complex Lie algebras 234
Recami 27
Reciprocity of velocities 5 7 39
Reduced spinors 257 265
Reducible representation 155 159
Reduction of reducible representations 191
Regular representation 211
Relativistic center of mass 326
Relativity, Einsteinian 9
Relativity, galilean 7 10
Representation 149
Representation property 149
Representation ring 154
Representation space 149
Representation, contragredient 149
Rest energy 66
Rest system, instantaneous 32
Restricted Lorentz group 143
Retarded position 29
Reversal of motion 59
Reversal of space 59 145 255 274
Reversal of time 59 145 255 274
Reversals 59 145 255 274 313
Right invariant integral 185
Right translations 199
Rigid bodies 25
Robertson 17
Rodrigues 27
Rosenfeld 329
Rotation 4 171
Rotation group SO(3, R) 145
Rotation group SO(4) 199
Rotation vector 2 4 171
Rotation, infinitesimal 173
Rothe 1
Rowe 32
Ruffini 27
Ruggieri 26
Rumpf 362
Runaway solutions 131
Sabinin 142
Sanders 32
Scalar fields 61 303
Scalar product 54 183 185
Scalar volume element 105
Schiffer 72
Schmidle 303
Schmidt 27
Schott term 130
Schur's Lemma, part I 160
Schur's Lemma, part II 160
Schwartz, H.M. 14
Schwartz, J.L. 114
Schwinger 106
Sciama 74
Self-energy 122
Selfdual 101 164 248 284 294
Semidirect sum of Lie algebras 338
Semigroup 141
Semisimple 181
Semispinors 257 265
Semiunitary 273
Sesquilinear concomitants of spinors 271
Sesquilinear forms for spinors 267
Sesquilinearity 185
Sexl 45 303
Shaw 277 315
Signals 24
Silberstein 43
Simple group 141 146
Simplicity of the Lorentz group 146
Sixtor 155
Skljarenko 136
Smoot 334
Soldering map 251
Sommerfeld 13 26 43
Space reversal 59 143 145 219 255 264 274 298 316
Space, absolute 4
Space-pseudotensor 257
Space-time diagrams 2
Space-time reversal 144
Space-time, absolute 10 53
Spacelike 54
Spacelike rotation 145 253
Specific inner energy 333
Spherical components 215
Spherical harmonics 208
Spherical harmonics, vectorial 215
Spin 214 264 282 326
Spin tensor 327
Spin vector 327
Spin weight 218
Spin-weighted functions 218
Spinor fields 262 310
Spinor representation of the rotation group 191
Spinor representations of the Lorentz group 232
Spinors of Lorentz group 242
Spinors of rotation group 201
Spinors, nomenclature 265
Spinors, relation to lightlike vectors 252
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