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Поиск книг, содержащих: Electric potential
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 1, The basis) | 140 | Levine I.N. — Molecular Spectroscopy | 230 | Strauss W.A. — Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction | 147, 180 | Menzel D.H. — Mathematical Physics | 12, 13 | Langmuir I. — Phenomena, Atoms and Molecules | 264 | Thaller B. — The Dirac equation | 109 | Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics | 683—713 | Zeldovich Ya.B., Yaglom I.M. — Higher Math for Beginners | 418 | Munk M.M. — Fundamentals Of Fluid Dynamics For Aircraft Designers | 10 | Feynman R.P., Leighton R.B., Sands M. — The Feynman lectures on physics (vol.2) | II-4-4 | Balian R. — From Microphysics to Macrophysics: Methods and Applications of Statistical Physics (vol. 1) | 216—217, 286—287, 290, 292 | Herbert C.G., Johnstone R.A.W. — Mass Spectrometry Basics | 387 | Betchov R. — Stability of Parallel Flows | 199, 200 | Greiner W. — Classical electrodynamics | 11 | Israelachvili J.N. — Intermolecular and surface forces | 21, 34—35 | Prigogine I. — Proceedings of the International Symposium on Transport. Processes in Statistical Mechanics, held in Brussels,. August 27-31, 1956 | 407 | Guru B.S., Hiziroğlu H.R. — Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals | 85—9 | Attard P. — Therodynamics and Statistical Mechanics: Equilibrium by Entropy Maximisation | see "Potential" | Ohanian H.C. — Classical Electrodynamics | see electrostatic potential | Gould H., Tobochnik J., Christian W. — An introduction to computer simulation methods | 376—378 | Thaller B. — The Dirac equation | 109 | 0 — Holt Physics | 531—542, 561 | Synge J.L., Griffith B.A. — Principles of Mechanics | 381 | Feynman R., Leighton R., Sands M. — Lectures on Physics 2 | II-4-4 | Blin-Stoyle R.J. — Eureka! Physics of particles, matter and the universe | 50—53 |