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Attard P. — Therodynamics and Statistical Mechanics: Equilibrium by Entropy Maximisation |
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Activity 139 188
Activity, density expansion of 197 199
Activity, functional 254—256
Addition theorem 315
Additive 11 18 19 409
Adiabatic 409
Adiabatic incompressibility 95
Aristotle, logic of 393
Asakura — Oosawa 282
Asymptote, double layer, long-range 347
Asymptote, double layer, planar 343 346
Asymptote, double layer, spherical 338
Asymptote, electrolyte 330—336
Asymptote, pair 210 235—242
Asymptote, solute 283
Asymptote, triplet 224
Average 66
Average, definition of 18
Average, phase space 90
Axilrod — Teller potential 157
Bayes' theorem 383 392 394 399
Bernoulli trial 398
BGY 310 313 315
BGY hierarchy 222—224
BGY, density 306 309
Black-body radiation 116
Born see "BGY"
Bose — Einstein distribution 114
Bosons 114
Bragg — Williams 125
Bridge diagram 218 226 289
Bridge function 216 233
Bridge function, generator 259
Carnahan — Starling 200
Cavity 178 278 280
Cavity function 226
Cavity, hard-sphere solvent 292
Charge 153 317 411
Charge, effective 331 333 344
chemical potential 36 169 232—235 311
Chemical potential, definition of 20
Chemical potential, density expansion of 199
Chemical potential, hypernetted chain 252
Chemical potential, mixture 286
Chemical potential, simulation of 365 368
Clausius virial 162
Closure 214—221
Closure, functional expansion 219—221
Closure, mixture 279
coexistence 204
Compressibility 49 72 76 80 174 229—231 288
Compressibility, density expansion of 199
Compressibility, ideal gas 138 145
Compressibility, ratio of 145
Concavity see "Entropy or potential"
Configuration integral 158 181
Conjugate variables 409
Conserved variables 19
constrained see "Entropy or potential"
Contact theorem 177 226 307
Coulomb, potential 153 317
Coupling constant 232 268 271 369
Critical point 230 238 240
Critical point, solute asymptote 284
Curie temperature 127
Cylindrical solute 297
de Broglie wavelength 159
Debye length 319 323 333
Debye — Hueckel 320—322 328
density 31
Density expansion 183
Density functional 245
Density functional, approximations 252
Density functional, thermodynamic potential 211
Density, activity expansion of 196
Density, asymptote of 173
Density, fluctuation potential 147
Density, functional of 151
Density, ideal functional of 148
Density, ideal gas 173
Density, n-particle 171
Density, pair 171 193 207
Density, particle 170 192
Density, profile 309 337 344
Density, singlet 146 170 171 193 309
dependent variables 20 21 29
Depletion attraction 282
Derjaguin approximation 291
Derjaguin approximation, cylinder 299
Diagrams, cluster 185—188
Diagrams, functional derivative of 191
Diagrams, labelled 186
Dielectric 154
Diffusion coefficient 371
Dipole 154 412
Dipole, potential 154 157
Direct correlation function 211 236 253 266
Direct correlation function, generator 211 247
Direct correlation function, singlet 198 309
Distribution, pair 208
Distribution, particle 170 174
Dumb-bell solute 304
Electric double layer 322 336
electric field 411
Electric potential see "Potential"
Electro-neutral 319 337 340 349
Energy, average 160 175 228
Energy, density expansion of 200
Energy, derivatives of 407
Energy, fluctuation 161
Ensemble 94
Enthalpy 41 77 105—108 410
Enthalpy, concavity of 80
Entropy, and equilibrium 4
Entropy, and flux 4 7
Entropy, and probability 6 12 383
Entropy, Boltzmann 10
Entropy, concavity of 27 59
Entropy, constant temperature 100
Entropy, constrained 22
Entropy, continuum 13 93 387
Entropy, cross- 248 256 260 264
Entropy, definition of 3 4 10—14 17 387
Entropy, density 148
Entropy, density expansion of 200
Entropy, derivatives of 55
Entropy, Gibbs 11
Entropy, history of 1
Entropy, maximisation of 5
Entropy, principle of maximum 100 394 401 406
Entropy, quadratic form 29 59
Entropy, total 65
Entropy, total differential of 21
Equilibrium 21 410
Equilibrium, approach to 59
Equilibrium, definition of 17
Equilibrium, state 58
Equilibrium, thermal 23
Equipartition theorem 165
Equivalence of systems 50 80
Ergodic hypothesis 94
Eular's theorem 163
Extensive 30 51 409
Fermi Dirac distribution 112
fermions 111
ferromagnetism 124
Fluctuation potential see "Potential constrained"
Fluctuation, energy 138 140 144
Fluctuation, particle 140
Fluctuation, volume 141
| Fluctuations 67
Fourier transform 213 279 288
Fourier transform, two-dimensional 298 313
Free energy see "Potential thermodynamic"
Free energy, Gibbs 40 52 105
Free energy, Helmholtz 24 52 101
Free energy, Helmholtz, density expansion of 199
Functional derivative 189 192
Functional uniform 190
Gauss' principle 375
Gibbs see "Free energy"
Gibbs — Duhem equation 52
Green see "BGY"
Hamiltonian 84 352
Hankel transform 298 313
Hard sphere 155 200—202 225
Hard sphere, virial coefficient 200
Hard wall 177
harmonic oscillator 118 129
Heat 408
Heat bath see "Reservoir"
heat capacity 48 71 77 161 169
Heat capacity, Debye 120
Heat capacity, Einstein 119
Heat capacity, ideal gas 138 142
Heat capacity, magnetic 124 128
Heat capacity, ratio of 145
Heat capacity, solids 118
Helmholtz see "Free energy"
Hypernetted chain 216 221 234 241 261
Hypernetted chain, density functional 249
Hypernetted chain, singlet 311
Hypersphere 131 135
Ideal gas 135—145
Ideal gas, inhomogeneous 145
Independent variables 21
Intensive 31 409
Interacting pores 302
Interaction free energy 271 291 306
Interaction, spheres 280 338
Interaction, walls 272 274 289 345
Irreversible processes 408
Ising model 122
Isobaric see "Reservoir volume"
Isothermal see "Reservoir heat"
Jaynes 12 394 402
Jeffreys prior 400
Kirkwood superposition 224
Lagrange multiplier 149 151 403 405
Landau potential 24
Legendre, polynomial 314
Legendre, transform 25 315
Lennard — Jones 182 202—204 227
Lennard — Jones, critical point 203
Lennard — Jones, potential 155
Liouville's theorem 95
Lovett — Mou — Buff 310 314 315
Macroion 337
Macrostate see "State"
Magnetic field 122 412
Magnetisation 124
Magnetism, model of 121
Maxent see "Entropy principle
Maxwell equal area 204
Maxwell relation 50
Mayer f-function 182 235
Mayer irreducible clusters 197
Mean field theory 150—152 318
Mean field, magnetisation 124
Mean spherical approximation 217 219 234 242
Membrane 300
Metropolis algorithm 360 377
Microstate see "State"
Mixture 39 210 214 231 239 285
Mixture, closure 279
Mixture, electrolyte 323
Modes, normal 129
Molecular Dynamics see "Simulation"
moment 324 327
Moment, second 325 337
Moment, zeroth 324 337
Momentum 412
Momentum, angular 35—36 413
Momentum, linear 35—36
Monte Carlo see "Simulation"
Multipole 154
Nonequilibrium potential see "Potential constrained"
One-dimensional crystal 129
Open system see "Reservoir particle"
Ornstein — Zernike equation 211- 214
Ornstein — Zernike equation, electrostatic 333 341
Ornstein — Zernike equation, inhomogeneous 308 316
Ornstein — Zernike equation, inhomogeneous, planar 312 348
Ornstein — Zernike equation, inhomogeneous, spherical 314
Ornstein — Zernike equation, singlet, cylinder 297
Ornstein — Zernike equation, singlet, dumb-bell 304
Ornstein — Zernike equation, singlet, planar 287 296 341
Ornstein — Zernike equation, singlet, spherical 277 287 337
Pair potential, functional of 263
Partition function 65 158
Partition function, definition of 17
Partition function, density expansion of 194 198
Partition function, general derivative of 66
Pendulum 133
Percus — Yevick 217 220 234 242
Periodic boundary conditions 356
Perturbation theory 264 275
Perturbation theory, grand potential 268 271
Perturbation theory, Helmholtz free energy 270
Phase coexistence 204
Phase space 84
Phase space, adiabatic incompressibility of 95
Phase space, average 90
Phase space, entropy 93
Phase space, probability of 89 99
Phase space, trajectory 85
Poisson — Boltzmann 318—320
Polarization 411
Pore 300
Potential of mean force 215
Potential, chemical see "Chemical potential"
Potential, constrained 23 53 61
Potential, constrained, convexity 25
Potential, constrained, energy 24 71 101
Potential, constrained, number 38 72
Potential, constrained, pair 263
Potential, constrained, particle 103
Potential, constrained, variational 25
Potential, constrained, volume 40 42 44 74 77 79 105 107
Potential, electric 341 343 411
Potential, fluctuation 70
Potential, fluctuation, density 151 247
Potential, fluctuations of 248
Potential, grand 38 52 103
Potential, many-body 158
Potential, mean electrostatic 318 322 341
Potential, mean field 150
Potential, pair 153
Potential, singlet 157
Potential, tail of 266 359
Potential, thermodynamic 23 61
Potential, thermodynamic, activity functional 254—256
Potential, thermodynamic, concavity of 46 50 64
Potential, thermodynamic, density functional 211 245—249
Potential, thermodynamic, derivatives of 62
Potential, thermodynamic, Gibbs 105
Potential, thermodynamic, Helmholtz 101
Potential, thermodynamic, quadratic form 65
Potential, thermodynamic, total derivative of 63
Potential, triplet 151 157 163 176 196 198 222
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