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0 — Holt Physics |
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Aberrations, chromatic 778—779 778f
Aberrations, lens 777—779 778f
Aberrations, mirror 777—779
Aberrations, spherical 758 758f 778 778f 779
Absorption process, stimulated 921 921f
Absorption spectrum 905—906 905f
Absorption, selective, polarization by 805—807 805f 806f
Acceptor atoms 927f
Accommodation 821
Accommodation, age-related reduction in 822
Action potentials 612 614f
Air cleaner, electrostatic 544
Airplane, wing of, electrified, motional emf and 669
Alkali metals 918—919
Alpha decay 949—950 949f
Alpha particles 904
Alternating current (AC) circuits 693—707
Alternating current (AC) circuits, capacitors in 696—697 696f 719
Alternating current (AC) circuits, inductors in 697—698 697f 698f 719
Alternating current (AC) circuits, power in 702—704 719
Alternating current (AC) circuits, resistors in 693—696 694f 695f
Alternating current (AC) circuits, transformer for 705—707 705f 707f
Alternating current generators 673—674 673f 674f 683
Ampere 569 586
Ampere's Circuital Law 641 650
Ampere's circuital law, applied to solenoid 648
Ampere's circuital law, long straight wire and 641—642 642f 650
Ampere, Andre-Marie 641 641f
Ampere, Definition of 643
Analyzer 805
Anderson, Carl 985—986
Angle of deviation 736
Angle of refraction 731 731f
Angle of refraction for glass 733—734
Angle, critical 742 746
Angle, polarizing 807
Angular magnification of lens 825 826f 837
Angular magnification of telescope 829 838
Antenna, electromagnetic wave production by 709—710 710f
Antineutrino 951 952 966
Antiparticle(s) 865 985—986
Antiparticle(s) of electron 945 952
Antiquarks, properties of 994t
Apertures, single-slit, and circular, resolution of 831—836 831f 832f 833f 838
Apnea monitors, Faraday's law and 666 667f
Appliances, consumer, third wire on 611—612 611f
Aqueous humor 820 821f
Astigmatism 822
Atmospheric electric fields, measuring 512
Atmospheric refraction 768—769 768f
Atom(s), acceptor 927
Atom(s), donor 927
Atom(s), excited states of 893 921—922 921f 922f 932
Atom(s), hydrogen, Bohr's model of 906—907 906f 908f
Atom(s), hydrogen, de Broglie waves and 912—913 913f
Atom(s), hydrogen, quantum mechanics and 913-915
Atom(s), models of, early 903—904 904f
Atom(s), models of, Rutherford's planetary 904 904f
Atom(s), models of, Thomson's 904 904f
Atom(s), nucleus of 904
Atomic number of nuclei 940 965
Atomic physics 903—938
Atomic physics, atomic spectra in 904—906 905f
Atomic physics, atomic transitions in 921—922 921f 922f
Atomic physics, Bohr theory of hydrogen and 906-912
Atomic physics, characteristic x-rays in 920—921 920f 932
Atomic physics, de Broglie waves and hydrogen atom and 912—913 913f
Atomic physics, electron clouds in 916—917 917f
Atomic physics, energy bands in solids in 924—927 925f 926f 927f
Atomic physics, exclusion principle in 917—919
Atomic physics, lasers and 922—924 923f 924f 932
Atomic physics, periodic table and 917—919
Atomic physics, quantum mechanics and hydrogen atom and 913—915
Atomic physics, spin magnetic quantum number and 915—916
Atomic spectra 904—906 905f
Atomic transitions 921—922 921f 922f
Aurora borealis, origin of colors in 906
Automobile in lightning storm 515
Average power, in AC circuit 703 719
Axial myopia 822
Axons 612—614 613f
Bacteria, magnetic 627—628
Bacterial growth projection 606
Balmer series 905 905f
Balmer series for hydrogen 909—910 909f
Balmer, Johann 905
Band gap 925 925f
Band(s) of energy levels 925 925f
Band(s), energy, in solids 924—927 925f 926f 927f
Bardeen, John 929
Baryon number 989—990
Baryons 988 988t 1002
Baryons, quark composition of 994f 985f
Battery(ies) in direct current circuits 592—601 593f 594f 596f
Battery(ies), automobile, electric potential difference in 537
Becquerel 946
Becquerel, Henri 939
Bednorz, J. Georg 579
Beta decay 950—952 951f
Big bang theory 999—1000 999f 1001f
Binding energy of deuteron 943—944
Binding energy of nucleus 943—944 944f 965
Black hole 868
Blackbody radiation 875—877 875f 876f 895
Bohr radius 907—908
Bohr theory, modification of 910—912 912f 931
Bohr theory, of hydrogen 908—912
Bohr's correspondence principle 910
Bohr, Niels 907f
Bosons, W and Z 985 985t
Bradycardia, definition of 585—586
Bragg's law 884 896
Bragg, W.H. 884
Bragg, W.L. 884
Brattain, Walter 929
Bremsstrahlung 881
Brewster's angle 808
Brewster's Law 808 812
Bright fringes 788—789 788f 811
Bright fringes in single-slit diffraction 799 799f
Brushes, in electric motors 636f 637
Bubble chamber, as track detector 965 965f
Camera 819—820 820f
Camera flash attachments, capacitor in 546
Capacitance 545—548
Capacitance of circuit in resonance 705
Capacitance of parallel-plate capacitor 545
Capacitance, equivalent 553—554
Capacitive reactance 696—697 719
Capacitor(s) 545—560 561
Capacitor(s) in AC circuits 696—697 696f 719
Capacitor(s) with dielectrics 556—560 557f 558f 560f 561
Capacitor(s), applications of 555 558—559
Capacitor(s), charged, energy stored in 554—556 554f 561
Capacitor(s), charging/discharging of, in RC circuit 607—609
Capacitor(s), combinations of 548—554
Capacitor(s), combinations of, parallel 548—550 549f 561
Capacitor(s), combinations of, series 550—554 551f 561
Capacitor(s), commercial designs for 558 558f
Capacitor(s), definition of 545
Capacitor(s), paper-filled 559
Capacitor(s), parallel-plate 546—548
Capacitor(s), problem-solving strategy for 552
Carbon dating 948—951
Cardiac pacemaker 584—585
Cardioverter defibrillators, implanted 585—586 585f 586t
Carlson, Chester 544
Case ground 611
CAT scans 960—962 961f 962f
Catapult, space, motional emf and 668 668f
| Characteristic x-rays 920—921 920f 932
Charge carriers 569
Charge carriers in conductor 570 570f
Charge carriers in current 570—571 570f 586
Charge, conservation of, junction rule and 601 615
Charging by conduction 499 499f
Charging by induction 500 500f
Charm 994—995 1002
chromatic aberration 778—779 778f
Chromodynamics, quantum 996 1002
Ciliary muscle, in accommodation 821
Circuit breakers 598
Circuit breakers in household circuits 610 610f
Circuit diagram 572—573 572f
Circuit elements, symbols for 548 548f
Circuit(s) in resonance, capacitance of 705
Circuit(s), alternating current 693—707 see
Circuit(s), current measurements in 572—573
Circuit(s), direct current 592—623
Circuit(s), direct current, complex, Kirchhoff's rules and 601—605 601f 603f 604f
Circuit(s), household 609—610 610f
Circuit(s), integrated, in semiconductor devices 930—931 931f
Circuit(s), RC 605—609 606f 607f 615
Circuit(s), resonance frequency of 709
Circuit(s), RL 680—682 683—684
Circuit(s), RLC series 699—702 719
Circuit(s), RLC series, resonance in 704—705 704f
Circuit(s), symbols for 548 548f
Circuit(s), voltage measurements in 572—573
Circular aperture, limiting angle for 833 838
Cloud charger, as track detector 965
Coherent light sources, interference and 786—787
Collector of pnp transistor 929 930f
Colliders 998
Color charge 9996
Color force 996 1002
Color force, between quarks 996—997 1002
Compact disks (CDs), tracking information on, diffraction grating in 803 803f
Compact disks (CDs), using interference to read 796—797 796f
Compound microscope 827—829 827f 837—838
Compton effect 885—887 885f 896
Compton shift 885 896
Compton wavelength 885 886
Compton, Arthur Holly 885f
Computed axial tomography (CAT scans) 960—962 961f 962f
Computer keyboard, capacitor in 546 547f
Concave mirrors 757—759 757f 758f 759f 761f
Concave mirrors, images formed by 762—763
Conduction band 925 926f
Conduction of electrical signals by neurons 612—614
Conduction, charging by 499 499f
Conductor(s) 499—500 523
Conductor(s) in electrostatic equilibrium 512—515 523
Conductor(s), charge carriers in 570 570f
Conductor(s), charged, potentials and 541—542
Conductor(s), definition of 499
Conductor(s), energy bands of 925 926f
Conductor(s), field lines and 514
Conductor(s), isolated, properties of 512—513
Conductor(s), parallel, magnetic force between 643—644 643f
Conductor(s), super 579—580 580f
Conductor(s), super, critical temperatures for 579t
cones 820—821
Conservation laws 989—991
Conservation of charge, junction rule and 601 615
Conservation of energy, Lenz's law and 671
Conservation of energy, loop rule and 602 615
Constructive interference 788—789 788f 811
Constructive interference in thin films 792
Converging lenses 769 770
Converging lenses, images formed by 773—774 774f
Convex mirrors 759—765 759f 760f 761f 762f
Convex mirrors, images formed by 764
Cornea 820 821f
Cosmic connection 999—1001
Coulomb 499 501
Coulomb constant 501 523
Coulomb's law 500—505 523
Coulomb, Charles 500—505 501f
Coulomb, definition of 643
Critical angle 742 746
Critical temperature 579
Critical temperature for superconductors 579t
Crystalline lens 820 821 821f
Crystals, diffraction of X-rays by 883—885 883f 884f 895—896
Crystals, liquid 810—811 810f
Curie 946
Curie, Marie 945 945f
Curie, Pierre 945
Current 568—573 586
Current for resistors in series 593
Current in lightbulb 569
Current in superconductors 579
Current loop(s) in electric motors 636—637 636f
Current loop(s), magnetic field of 644—645 644f
Current loop(s), torque on 634—636 634f 635f 650
Current, direction of 569 569f
Current, drift speed and 570—571 586
Current, induced, magnetic induction and 663
Current, measurement of, in circuits 572—573 572f
Current, microscopic view of 570—572 586
Current, notations for 695t
Current, rms 694—696 718
Cutoff frequency of light 878
Cutoff wavelength 879
Cyclotron equation 637 638—639
Dark fringes 788—789 788f 811
Dark fringes in single-slit diffraction 799
Dating, carbon 952—955
Dating, radioactive 953—954
Daughter nucleus 949
Davisson — Germer experiment 888-889
Davisson, C.J. 888
De Broglie waves, hydrogen atom and 912—913 913f
De Broglie's wavelength 888 896
de Broglie, Louis 887f
Decay constant, of radioactive material 945—946 966
Decay rate 945 966
Decay, alpha 949—950 949f
Decay, beta 950—952 951f
Decay, exponential 946 946f
Decay, gamma 952
Decay, neutron 990
Decay, processes of 948—955 949f 951f 953f 955f
Decay, spontaneous 949
Defibrillator(s), capacitor in 555—556
Defibrillator(s), implanted cardioverter 585—586 585f 586t
Dendrites 612 613f
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), double-helix structure of 884 884f
Depolarization wave 583 584f
Depth of field, of camera 820
Destructive interference 788f 789 811
Destructive interference in single-slit diffraction 799
Destructive interference in thin films 792—793
Deuterium-deuterium reaction 982
Deuteron, binding energy of 943-944
Deviation, angle of 736
dielectric constant 556 557t 561
Dielectric strength 557 557t
Dielectrics, atomic description of 559—560 560f
Dielectrics, capacitors with 556—560 557f 558f 560f 561
Diffraction 727 797—804
Diffraction grating 800—804 801f 802f 803f 811—812
Diffraction grating in CD tracking 803 803f
Diffraction grating, prism vs. 802
Diffraction grating, resolving power of 835—836 838
Diffraction of X-rays by crystals 883—885 883f 884f 895—896
Diffraction pattern, Fraunhofer 798 798f
Diffraction, single-slit 798—800 811
Diffuse reflection 728 728f
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