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0 — Holt Physics |
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Digital video disks (DVDs), using interference to read 796—797
Diode 574
Diopters 822—823 837
Dip angle 627
Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice 985 985f
Direct current circuits, complex, Kirchhoff's rules and 601—605 601f 603f 604f
Direct current generators 674—675 675f
Dispersion of light, into spectrum 738—739 738f 739f
Dispersion, prisms and 736—738 737f 746
Diverging lenses 769 770 774—776 775f
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), double-helix structure of 884 884f
Domains, magnetic 648—649 648f 649f
Donor atom 927
Doping, in semiconductors 927
Doppler effect, for electromagnetic waves 718
Drift speed 570—571 586
Earth, deflection of lightning strike by 633
Earth, magnetic field of 626—628
Eightfold way 992—983 983f
Einstein, Albert 843f 849f
Einstein, Albert on light quanta 727
Einstein, Albert on photoelectric effect 879
Einstein, Albert, mass-energy equivalence equation of 861
Einstein, Albert, special theory of relativity of 844 849—858 851f 852f 854f 855f 856f 868
Einstein, Albert, theory of gravitation of 867—868
EKGs (electrocardiograms) 583—584 584f
Electric charge(s), conservation of 499
Electric charge(s), negative versus positive 498 498f
Electric charge(s), properties of 497—499 523
Electric current 568—573 see
Electric Dipole 510 511f
Electric field lines 510—512 510f 511f 523
Electric field lines, conductors and 514
Electric field(s) 505—509 523
Electric field(s) in atom smashers 537—538
Electric field(s) of charged thin spherical shell 520—521 520f
Electric field(s) of nonconducting plane sheet of charge 521—522
Electric field(s), atmospheric, measuring 512
Electric flux 517—519 517f 523
Electric force(s) on proton 507
Electric force(s), electric fields and 506
Electric force(s), gravitational force and 502
Electric force(s), properties of 500
Electric motors 636—637 636f 637f
Electric potential 531—542 561
Electric potential difference 534 561
Electric potential energy, change in 532
Electric potential energy, work and 531—535
Electric potential, created by point charge 538—541 539f
Electric potential, finding 540—541 540f
Electric potential, problem-solving strategy for 540
Electrical activity of heart 583—586 583f 584f
Electrical charges, quantized 499
Electrical energy, power and 580-583
Electrical potential energy 538—541 561
Electrical resistivity 587
Electrical safety 611—612
Electrical signals, conduction of, by neurons 612—614
Electrical storms, driver safety during 515
Electrified airplane wing, motional emf and 669
Electrocardiograms (EKGs) 583—584 584f
Electromagnet 646
Electromagnetic force 984 1002
Electromagnetic induction 555
Electromagnetic induction, Faraday's law of 663—667 683
Electromagnetic pump, medical uses of 633 633f
Electromagnetic radiation, light and 887
Electromagnetic waves 693 708 719—720
Electromagnetic waves, Doppler effect for 718
Electromagnetic waves, intensity of 712
Electromagnetic waves, production of, by antenna 709—710 710f
Electromagnetic waves, properties of 710—715
Electromagnetic waves, spectrum of 715—717 720
Electron clouds 916—917 917f
Electron microscope 889—890 890f
Electron volt 542 561
Electron(s) 498
Electron(s) in copper wire, drift speed of 571
Electron(s), antiparticle of 945
Electron(s), binding, nucleons and 944
Electron(s), charge and mass of 5011
Electron(s), locating, position-momentum uncertainty principle in 893
Electron(s), mass number of 951
Electron(s), number of, in filled subshells and shells 918t
Electron(s), relativistic momentum of 858 868
Electron(s), wavelength of 889
Electron-lepton number, law of conservation of 990
Electronic configuration, for elements 918—919 919t
Electrostatic air cleaner 544
Electrostatic equilibrium, conductors in 512—515 523
Electrostatic precipitator 543—544 543f
Electroweak force 984 1002
Electroweak theory 997—999 998f
Elements, electronic configuration for 918—919 919t
Emf, back, motors and 676—677 676f
Emf, induced 660—663 661f
Emf, induced, alternating current generator and 675—676
Emf, induced, magnetic flux and 661—663 661f 662f
Emf, induced, magnetic induction and 663
Emf, motional 667—670 667f 668f 683
Emf, self-induced 677—680 677f 678f 684
Emf, sources of 592—593 614
Emission Spectrum 905 905f
Emission, spontaneous 922 922f 932
Emission, stimulated 922 922f 932
Emitter, of pnp transistor 929 930f
Endothermic reactions 958 966
Energy bands in solids 924—927 925f 926f 927f
Energy of hydrogen atom 907
Energy of photon 887
Energy of x-ray, estimating 920
Energy, binding of deutron 943—945
Energy, binding of nucleus 943—944 944f 965
Energy, conservation of, junction rule and 601 615
Energy, conservation of, Lenz's law and 671
Energy, electrical potential 538—541 561
Energy, electrical, power and 580—583
Energy, half-life and 949
Energy, ionization 908
Energy, kinetic 860 869
Energy, kinetic, conversion of mass to, in uranium fission 864—865
Energy, mass and, equivalence of 861
Energy, potential see "Potential energy"
Energy, relativistic momentum and 862—865
Energy, rest 861 869
Energy, solar 713—714
Energy, stored in charged capacitor 554—556 554f 561
Energy, stored in magnetic field 682—683
Energy, threshold 958 966
Energy, total 861 869
Equation, lens maker's 771
Equation, mass-energy equivalence 861
Equation, mirror 758—759 779
Equation, photoelectric effect 879
Equation, thin-lens 79 770—771 779
Equilibrium, electrostatic, conductors in 512—515 523
Equipotential surfaces 542—543 561
Equipotentials 542—543 543f
Equivalence, principle of 866
Equivalent capacitance 553—554
Equivalent resistance of parallel combination of resistors 596f 597 615
Equivalent resistance of series combination of resistors 594 600—601 615
Ether, luminiferous 846
Event horizon 868
Excited states, of atoms 921—922 921f 922f 932
Exclusion principle 912 917—919 932
Exclusion principle, quark model and 996
Exothermic reactions 958 966
Exponential decay 946 946f
Eye(s) 820—825 821f 822f 823f
| Eye(s), cat's, resolution in 833
Eye(s), conditions of 821—823
Eye(s), evolution of, sun and 717
f-number, of camera lens 820 837
Far point 821
Faraday, Michael 505 661f
Faraday, Michael, experiment of, on current production by changing magnetic field 661 661f
Faraday, Michael, ice-pail experiment of 514 514f
Faraday, Michael, law of induction of 663—667 683
Faraday, Michael, law of induction of, applications of 665—666 665f 666f 667f
Faraday, Michael, law of induction of, motional emf and 667—670 667f 668f 683
Farads 545
Farsightedness 821—822 822f 823—824 837
Femtometer 941
Fermi 941
Fermi, Enrico 951 952f
Ferromagnetic materials 649
Feynman diagram 987 987f
Feynman, Richard P. 987 987f
Fiber optics 744—745
Fibrillation 584
Field forces, Coulomb force as 502
Field(s), electric 505—509 506f 523
Field(s), magnetic 628—631 649
Field(s), magnetic, Earth's 626—628
Field(s), magnetic, Earth's, deflection of lightning strike by 633
Field(s), magnetic, Lenz's law and 671
Films, soap, interference in 794
Films, thin, interference in 792—796 792f 793f 794f 795f 811
Films, wedge-shaped, interference in 795—796 795f
Fingerprints, magnetic field patterns and 626
Fireball, primordial, observation of radiation from 1000—1001
Fission fragments 974
Fission, conversion of mass to kinetic energy in 864—865
Fission, nuclear 973—976 974f 1002
Fission, uranium 973—975
Focal length for concave mirror 759 759f
Focal length for lens 769 769f
Focal point for concave mirror 758—759 759f
Focal point for lens 769 770f
Force(s) in nature, fundamental 984—985 1002
Force(s), electric on proton 507
Force(s), electric, electric fields and 506
Force(s), electric, gravitational force and 502
Force(s), field, Coulomb force as 502
Force(s), gravitational, electric force and 502
Franklin, Benjamin 498f
Franklin, Benjamin, electricity and 498
Fraunhofer diffraction pattern 798 798f
Fresnel bright spot 798
Fringe shift 837
Fringes, interference 787f 788—789 788f 811
Fringes, interference in single-slit diffraction 799 799f
Fringes, interference, diffraction and 798
Fringes, interference, Newton's rings as 793—794 793f
Frisch, Otto 973
Full-wave rectifier 929 929f
Fuses 598
Fuses in household circuits 610
Fusion, nuclear 980—984 1002
Fusion, nuclear in sun 980—981 980f
Galilean relativity 844—845 845f
Gamma decay 952
Gamma rays 716f 717 952 966
Gamow, George 1000f
Gas(es), identification of, using spectrometer 737
Gas(es), noble 918
Gas(es), radon, activity of 948
Gauss 629 649
Gauss's law 519—523 523
Gauss, Karl Friedrich 517
Geiger counter 963—964 963f
Geiger, Hans 904 939
Gell-Mann, Murray 993 983f
Generator(s) 673—677 683
Generator(s), alternating current 673—674 673f 674f 683
Generator(s), alternating current, induced emf in 675—676
Generator(s), direct current 674—675 675f
Generator(s), Van de Graaff 516—517 516f
Genetic damage 959
Geometric optics, ray approximation in 728 728f
Germer, L.H. 888
Glaser, D. 965
Glashow, Sheldon 997—998
Glass, angle of refraction for 733—734
Gluons 985 9851
Gluons in force between quarks 996
Goeppert-Mayer, Maria 942f
Goudsmit, Samuel 912 915
Grand unification theory 999
Gravitational force 984—985 1002
Gravitational force, electric force and 502
Gravitational potential energy, electric potential energy and 533
Gravitational property, of mass 865—866 866f
Gravitons 985 985t
Grimaldi, Francesco 727
Ground state 908
Ground-fault interrupters (GFIs) 612
Ground-fault interrupters (GFIs), Faraday's law and 665—666 665f 666f
Grounding 500
Guitar, electric, sound production by, Faraday's law and 666 666f
Hadrons 988 988t 1002
Hadrons, quark composition of 994t
Hahn, Otto 973
Hale telescope 830 830f
Half-life of radioactive substance 946—948 966
Half-life, energy and 949
Half-wave rectifier 929
Halogens 919
Heart, electrical activity of 583—586 583f 584f
Heisenberg, Werner 891—892 891f
Helium, discovery of 906
Helium, electronic arrangement in 918
Helium, singly ionized 911
Henry 678
Henry, Joseph 678f
Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf 708f
Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf on Maxwell's predictions 708—709
Higgs boson 998
Holes, for valence band 927 927f
Holography 924 924f
Hubble telescope 831
Huygens's principle 739—742 740f 741f 746
Huygens's principle, applied to reflection and refraction 740—742 741f
Huygens, Christian 726 727f
Hydrogen atom, de Broglie waves and 912—913 913f
Hydrogen atom, quantum mechanics and 913—915 914t
Hydrogen, Balmer series for 909—910 909f
Hydrogen, Bohr theory of 906—912
Hydrogen, Bohr theory of, electronic arrangement in 917—918
Hydrogen, Bohr theory of, modification of 910—912 912f 931
Hyperopia 821—822 822f 823—824 837
Image distance 754 779
Image point, in concave mirror 757 757f 758
Image(s), formed by concave mirrors 762—763
Image(s), formed by converging lens 773—774 774f
Image(s), formed by convex mirrors 764
Image(s), formed by refraction 765—768 779
Image(s), just resolved 832 832f 838
Image(s), real 754 779
Image(s), virtual 754 779
Impedance, of RLC circuit 700 701t 719
Implanted cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) 585—586 585f 586t
Incoherent light sources, interference and 787
Index of refraction 732 732t 736f 745
Induced EMF 660—663 661f
Induced emf, alternating current generator and 675-676
Induced emf, magnetic flux and 661—663 661f 662f
Induced emf, magnetic induction and 663
Induced voltages 660—692
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