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SI unit(s) for emf 592
SI unit(s) for inductance 678
SI unit(s) for magnetic field 629
SI unit(s) for magnetic flux 661
SI unit(s) for radioactivity 946
SI unit(s) for resistance 574
SI unit(s) for resistivity 587
Sign conventions for mirrors 759—760 760t
Simultaneity, relativity of time and 850—851 851f
Singularity 868
Sir Brewster, David 808
Sir Thomson, Joseph John 904f
Sir Thomson, Joseph John, model of, of atom 904 904f
Slit, limiting angle for 832—833 838
Smoke detectors, radioactive materials in 953 953f
Snell's law, of refraction 733 745
Sodium, photoelectric effect for 879—880
Solar cells, nonreflective coatings for 794—795 794f
Solar energy 713—714
Solenoid, Ampere's law applied to 648
Solenoid, inductance of 679—680
Solenoid, magnetic field of 646—648 646f
Solids, energy bands in 924—927 925f 926f 927f
Somatic damage 959
Sommerfeld, Arnold 912
Sound waves, diffraction of 800
South pole of magnet 624
South pole, Earth's geographic 626
Space catapult, motional emf and 668 668f
Space travel, length contraction and 856—858 856f
Space travel, special theory of relativity and 855—856 855f
Spacetime, curvature of 867
Spectral lines 737
Spectrometer, diffraction grating 802 802f
Spectrometer, mass 638—639
Spectrometer, prism 736—737 738f
Spectrum(a) 736 736f
Spectrum(a), absorption 905—906 905f
Spectrum(a), atomic 905—906 905f
Spectrum(a), dispersion of light into 738—739 738f 739f
Spectrum(a), electromagnetic 715—717 720
Spectrum(a), emission 905 905f
Specular reflection 728—729 728f
Speed(s) of light, ether wind theory of 846 846f 847f
Speed(s) of light, Michelson — Morley experiment 846—849 847f 849f
Speed(s), drift 570—571 586
Spherical aberration 758 758f 778 778f 779
Spin magnetic quantum number 912 915—916 932
Spontaneous decay 949
Spontaneous emission 922 922f 932
Standard model 998
Stars, colors of 875
Step-down transformer 706
Step-up transformer 706
Stimulated absorption process 921 921f 932
Stopping potential 878
Storms, electrical, driver safety during 515
Strange particles 991—992
Strangeness 991—992 1002
Strassman, Fritz 973
Strong force 984 1002
Stud finders, capacitors in 558
Submarine periscopes, internal reflection in 743
subshells 912 912t
Subshells, number of electrons in 918t
Sun, fusion in 980—981 980f
Superconductors 579—580 580f
Superconductors, critical temperatures for 579t
Superposition principle 503
Superposition principle in calculating electric field 506
Superposition principle, electric potential for two or more charges and 539
Symmetry breaking 998
Tachycardia, definition of 585
Tape recorders, Lens's law and 672—673 672f
Telecommunications, fiber optics in 745
Telescope 829—831 829f 830f 831f 838
Telescope, resolution of 834
Television signal interference 790
Temperature coefficients of resistivity 578 587
Temperature coefficients of resistivity for various materials 5761.
Temperature variation of resistance 577—579
Temperature, critical 579
Temperature, critical for superconductors 579t
Tesla 629 649
Tesla, Nikola 701f
Thermal radiation 874—876
Thermal radiation, colors of stars and 875
Thermal radiation, from human body 875—876
Thermometer, resistance, platinum 578—579
Thermonuclear fusion reactions 981
Thin films, interference in 792—796 792f 793f 794f 795f 811
Thin lenses 769—777 769f 770f 771f 772f 774f 775f 776f
Thin lenses, combinations of 776—777 776f
Thin lenses, ray diagrams for 771—776 772f 774f 775f 776f
Thin lenses, sign conventions for 7711
Thin-lens equation 770—771 779
Thomson, G.P. 888
Three Mile Island 979
Threshold energy 958 966
| Threshold voltage 881
time constant 605 615
Time constant for RL circuit 680 681—682 684
Time dilation 851—855 852f 854f 868
Time, proper 852
Time, relativity of, simultaneity and 850—851 851f
Ting, Samuel 995
Tokamak 982—983 983f
Tomography, computed axial 960—962 961f 962f
Tomography, positron emission 986
Torque, on current loop 634—636 634f 635f 650
Total energy 861 869
Tracing, radioactive 960
Track detectors 964—965 965f
Transformer, AC 705—707 705f 707f
Transistor, junction, in semiconductor devices 929—930 930f
Transmission axis 805 805f
Transmission electron microscope 889—890 890f
Twin paradox 855—856 855f
Uhlenbeck, George 912 915
Ultraviolet catastrophe 876
Ultraviolet light 716f 717
Uncertainty principle 891—893 892f 896
Unified mass unit, definition of 940
Uranium fission 973—975
Uranium fission, conversion of mass to kinetic energy in 864—865
Valence band 925 926 926f
Valence band, holes for 927 927f
Van de Graaff, Robert J., generator of 516—517 516f
van der Meer, Simon 998
Velocity, relativistic addition of 859—860 859f 868—869
Virtual image 754 779
Virtual photon 987 987f
Visible light 716f 717
Volt 592
Volt, electron 542
Voltage(s), induced 660—692
Voltage(s), measurement of, in circuits 572—573
Voltage(s), notations for 695t
Voltage(s), open-circuit 593
Voltage(s), potential difference as 549
Voltage(s), rms 695 718
Voltage(s), threshold 881
von Laue, Max 881 883
Wave front 728 728f
Wave front in Huygens' construction 739—740 740f
Wave function 890—891 896
Wave optics 786—818
Wave properties, of particles 887—888
Wave theory, of light 726—727
Wave(s), de Broglie, hydrogen atom and 912—913 913f
Wave(s), electromagnetic 693 708 719
Wave(s), electromagnetic, Doppler effect for 718
Wave(s), electromagnetic, intensity of 712
Wave(s), electromagnetic, production of, by antenna 709—710 710f
Wave(s), electromagnetic, properties of 710—715
Wave(s), electromagnetic, spectrum of 715—717 720
Wave(s), infrared 716—717 716f 717f
Wave(s), light, linearly polarized 805 805f
Wave(s), light, polarization of 804—811
Wave(s), light, unpolarized 805 805f
Wave(s), plane 710—711
Wave(s), radio 716 716f 717f
Wave(s), sound, diffraction of 800
Wavelength of light source, measuring 790—791
Wavelength, Compton 885 886
Wavelength, cutoff 879
Wavelength, de Broglie's 888 896
Wavelength, de Broglie's of baseball 889
Wavelength, de Broglie's of electron 889
Wavelets 740
Weak force 984 1002
Weber 661
Weber per square meter 629
Weinberg, Steven 997—998
Wheeler, John 867
Wien's displacement law 875 895
Wilson, Robert W. 1000 1000f
Windshield wipers, timed, as RC circuits 606
Wire chamber, as track detector 965
Wire, levitating 644
Wire, long, straight, Ampere's law and 641—642 642f 650
Wire, long, straight, magnetic field of 640—643 640f 641f 642f 650
Wire, magnetic force on, origin of 632 632f
Work function, of metal 879 879t 895
Work, electric potential energy and 531—535
X-rays 716f 717 717f 805—896 880—885 881f 882f 883f 884f
X-rays in study of work of master painters 882
X-rays, characteristic 920—921 920f 932
X-rays, diffraction of, by crystals 883—885 883f 884f 895—896
X-rays, energy of, estimating 920
X-rays, scattering of 886—887
Xerography 544 545f
Yerkes Observatory 830
Young, Thomas 727
Young, Thomas, double-slit interference experiment of 787—791 787f 788f 789f 811
Yukawa, Hideki 986—987 986f
Zeeman effect 912
Zonules, in accommodation 821
Zweig, George 993
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