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Поиск книг, содержащих: polar molecules
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology. An introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience | | Stansfield W.D. — Schaums outline of genetics | 272 | Wiese J., Shems E. — Weird Science: 40 Strange-Acting, Bizarre-Looking, and Barely Believable Activities for Kids | 11 | Browne M.E. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of physics for engineering and science | 278 | Harrison W.A. — Elementary electronic structure | 30 | Debye P. — Polar Molecules | 22, 23, 37 | Zajac A. — Optics | 68 | Langmuir I. — Phenomena, Atoms and Molecules | 221, 222, 260, 262 | Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics | 729 | Debye P. (ed.) — The Structure of Molecules. Transl W Deans | 98, 104 | Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology: an introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience | 81 | Frohlich H. — Theory of Dielectrics: Dielectric Constant and Dielectric Loss | 26 ff., 105 ff. passim. | Mott N.F., Sneddon I.N. — Wave Mechanics and Its Applications | 80 | Sommerfeld A., Ramberg Edward G. (translator) — Electrodynamics. Lectures on theoretical physics, Vol. III | 73 | Prigogine I. (ed.), Rice S.A. (ed.) — Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume XXXVI | 513 | Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman — University physics with modern physics | 833, 1435 | Atkins P.W., Friedman R.S. — Molecular Quantum Mechanics | 395 | Milonni P.W. — The quantum vacuum: introduction to quantum electrodynamics | 99 | Attwood S.S. — Electric and Magnetic Fields | 104 |