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Frohlich H. — Theory of Dielectrics: Dielectric Constant and Dielectric Loss
Frohlich H. — Theory of Dielectrics: Dielectric Constant and Dielectric Loss

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Название: Theory of Dielectrics: Dielectric Constant and Dielectric Loss

Автор: Frohlich H.


Now in its sixth printing (first in paperback), this book remains an excellent reference for anyone who works in applied physics, engineering, or chemistry. It gives a systematic account of the theory of dielectric properties, and the reader is assumed to have only an acquaintance with calculus, complemented by an elementary knowledge of atomic and molecular physics, statistical mechanics, and electrostatics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 1st edition

Год издания: 1949

Количество страниц: 180

Добавлена в каталог: 16.08.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$\alpha$-Bromo Naphthalene      128—4
Absorption      70 ff. 90
Absorption, coefficient      98 ff. 117 173
Alkali halides      158
Ammonia      118-19
Anisotropy of polarization      112
Argon      111
Atomic polarization      106 ff
atoms      104 ff
benzene      108
Benzophenone solution      120—1
Benzyl alcohol resin      135
Calcium oxide      158
Camphor      123 124
Carbon dioxide      106 107 108 115
Carbon dioxide, monoxide      105
Carbon dioxide, tetrachloride      108 116 117
Cavity field      25 34 39
Cetyl palmitate, solution in paraffin wax      138
Chlorinated diphenyl      135
Chlorine      105
Chloroform      116 123 124
Clausius — Mossotti formula      26 28 35 110 169
Copper halide      158
Debye equations      70 ff. 78 120
Decay function      6 ff.
Di-isopropyl ketone      134
diamond      108 109 110
Dichlor methane      116
dielectric constant      1 ff. passim
Dielectric constant (static)      2 15
Dielectric constant (static) general statistical theory      36 ff.
Dielectric constant (static) of dilute solutions of polar molecules in nonpolar substances      30 ff. 118
Dielectric constant (static) of gases      28 ff. 115
Dielectric constant (static) of ionio crystals      149 ff.
Dielectric constant (static) of mixtures      47 ff.
Dielectric constant (static) of polar liquids      49 ff. 130
Dielectric constant (static) of solids      53 ff. 130
Dielectric constant (static) spherical molecules      31 ff.
Dielectric constant (static) tomperature - dependence of      12-13 28 46 48-61 115-17 186
Dielectric constant (static), (complex)      6 62
Dielectric constant (static), frequency dependence of      8 62 73 115 118
Dielectric constant (static), temperature-dependence of      76 ff.
Dielectric constant, relation between real and imaginary parts      8 162.
Dilute solutions of polar molecules in benzene      120
Dilute solutions of polar molecules in non-polar liquids      30 ff. 89 118
Dilute solutions of polar molecules in paraffin      120.
Dilute solutions of polar molecules in solids      118 ff. 126
Diohloral propane      138
Dipolar gases      28 ff. 115
Dipolar gases, interaction      21 ff. 33 38 51
Dipolar gases, liquids      49 ff. 83 130
Dipolar gases, solids      53 ff. 79 130
Dipole      19 passim.
Dipole, molecular      26 105
Distribution, of relaxation times      91 ff.
Doss angle      14 73 101 121
electric dipole moment      4 15 105 166
Electric dipole moment, displacement      3.
Energy, loss in periodic electric field      5 ff. 13 161.
Energy, static electric field      9 ff. 160.
entropy      9 ff.
Ethelyne cyanide (solid)      133.
Forces between dipoles      21 ff. 33 36 48
Free energy      9 ff. 40
Frequency dependence of dielectric constant      see Dielectrio constant (complex).
Gases      28 ff. 110 115
Halides      158.
harmonic oscillator      16 63.
Helium      111.
Heptane      123
Hindered rotation      52
Hydrogen chloride      105
Hydrogen chloride, peroxide      105
Hydrogen chloride, sulphide (solid)      132
Hydroxyl radical      107
Inert gases      108 111
Internal field (Lorentz)      22 ff. 163
Internal field (Onsager)      25 ff. 163
Kate of unimolecular reactions      81
Ketonea      107 126 142
Kirkwood’s formula      49 ff. 137
Krypton      111.
Longchain molecules      113 ff. 125
Magnesium oxide      158.
methane      116 117
Methyl benzoate      123
Methyl benzoate, chloride      116
Models for complex dieleotrio constant      63 ff.
Models for crystalline solids      54 ff.
Models for Debye equations      78 ff.
Models for static dielectric constant      16 ff.
Molecules      105 ff. passim.
Neon      111
Nitrogen      111
Non-polar Molecules      26 105
Oaesium halide      158
Onsager’s formula      33 ff. 49 53 130 171
Optical constants      14 162
Optical constants, polarization      105 ff. 149
Oraer-disorder transitions in dipolar crystals      53 ff. 132 146
Oxygen      108 111
Paraffin      108 113 125
Penta-methyl chlor-benzene      138
Peotane      114
Phenolic resin      135
polar molecules      26 ff. 105
Polarizability      28 105
Polarization      2 64.
Polarization waves      149 ff.
Power loss of dielectrics in periodic field      13 73 92 98
Reaction field      25 31 34 41 165
Refractive index      28 163
Relaxation time      73 ff. 88 91 121 128
Resonance absorption      98 ff. 173
Rubber-sulphur compounds      135
Rubidium halide      158.
Self-energy      144 145 155 169
Sodium ohloride      109 157
Strontium oxide      158
Superposition principle      6
Tallium chloride      158
Temperature-dependence of dieleotrio constant      (see Dielectric constant)
Tertiary butyl chloride      138
Titanium oxide      109
viscosity      84 ff. 89 123
Water      107 137
Xenon      111
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